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Tagged Types
ASN.1's built-in structured types are shown in the following Table. The universal class number (tag) and a typical use of each type are also included.
Structured Types | Tag | Typical Use |
16 | Models an ordered collection of variables of different type |
16 | Models an ordered collection of variables of the same type |
17 | Model an unordered collection of variables of different types |
17 | Model an unordered collection of variables of the same type |
* | Specify a collection of distinct types from which to choose one type |
* | Select a component type from a specified CHOICE type |
* | Enable an application to specify the typeNote: |
Table: Structured types in ASN.1, their universal tags,
and uses. * indicates more than one tag. For a full list of Universal Tags, see
the Universal Tags page.
Type SEQUENCE is an ordered list of zero or more component types. The type notation requires braces around the list and permits a local identifier preceding the list to act as the name of the sequence type. The identifier increases readability. There are two ways to specify that a component type is optional in the ordered list: using OPTIONAL after the component type and using DEFAULT followed by a value after the component type. When DEFAULT is used, the specified value is assumed whenever the type is absent from the list. Any of the component types can be an embedded sequence, in which case COMPOSED OF precedes the embedded sequence. The value notation for each sequence type is the list of component values within braces. For readability, it is recommended that the component identifier precedes each ordered list of values. For example,
{ airline "American", flight "1106", seats { 320, 107, 213 }, airport { origin "BWI", destination "LAX" }, crewsize 10 } or { "American", "1106", { 320, 107, 213 }, { "BWI", "LAX" }, 10 }
represent the same instance of the sequence type
AirlineFlight ::= SEQUENCE { airline IA5String, flight NumericString, seats SEQUENCE { maximum INTEGER, occupied INTEGER, vacant INTEGER }, airport SEQUENCE { origin IA5String, stop1 [0] IA5String OPTIONAL, stop2 [1] IA5String OPTIONAL, destination IA5String }, crewsize ENUMERATED { six (6), eight (8), ten (10) }, cancel BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE }.
This instance of AirlineFlight indicates that American Airlines flight 1106 flies non-stop from Baltimore-Washington Airport to Los Angeles. The airplane requires a crew of 10 people, has 320 seats, of which 107 are filled and 213 are empty. The flight is not canceled. Two components, Stop1 and Stop2 of the sequence type airport are tagged with the context-specific tags [0] and [1] (See Tagged Types Section) to avoid ambiguity due to consecutive optional components not having distinct types. Without the tags, the definition of airport would be invalid in ASN.1.
Type SEQUENCE OF is similar to SEQUENCE, except that all values in the ordered list must be of the same type. For example, the seats type in the above example could be SEQUENCE OF INTEGER instead of SEQUENCE.
Type SET takes values that are unordered lists of component types. The type and value notations for SET are similar to SEQUENCE, except that the type of each component must be distinct from all others and the values can be in any order. For example,
{"Maggie", 4, TRUE} {TRUE, "Maggie", 4} {4, TRUE,"Maggie"}
are three representations of the same instance of
Person ::= SET { name IA5String, age INTEGER, female BOOLEAN }.
In the type SEQUENCE example above, using SET instead of SEQUENCE for the seats type would be invalid in ASN.1 because at least two of the components (all of them in this case) are of the same type. In particular, if the type were SET, then 180, 0, 180 and 180, 180, 0 would be the same value and the receiving system could not determine whether all seats were filled or empty.
Type SET OF takes values that are unordered lists of a single type. The SEQUENCE type example above would be valid if the seats type were SET OF INTEGER instead of SEQUENCE, but would be ambiguous in some instances, such as in the example of the preceding paragraph.
Type CHOICE takes one value from a specified list of distinct types. The alternative types are contained in braces and may be preceded by local identifiers. The value notation is that for the type chosen. For example, each of the three values,
(1) nothing TRUE, (2) car "Lincoln", (3) cash 25000
is a valid instance of
Prize ::= CHOICE { car IA5String, cash INTEGER, nothing BOOLEAN }.
Type SELECTION enables the user to choose a component type from a specified CHOICE type. The less than symbol ``<" must precede the name of the CHOICE type. For example, the component cash of CHOICE type Prize can appear in a specified SEQUENCE type
Winner ::= SEQUENCE { lastName VisibleString, ssn VisibleString, cash < Prize }
with value notation
{ lastName `AUSTING', ssn `222334444', cash 5000 }
Type ANY, without further specification, is incomplete. It must be supplemented by any valid ASN.1 type defined in another module. ANY can be used, for example, in a user data field definition within a PDU. The application then specifies the type. The value notation for the type notation ANY is the specified type followed by its value. For example,
{ author "Shakespeare", reference IA5String "ISBN0669123757" }
{ author "Shakespeare", reference INTEGER 1988 }
are two possible values of
TextBook ::= SEQUENCE { author IA5String, reference ANY }
The ASN.1 standard allows an alternative, ANY DEFINED BY, within type SEQUENCE or SET only. The type notation is ANY DEFINED BY followed by an identifier, a non-optional component of the SEQUENCE whose type is either INTEGER or OBJECT IDENTIFIER. The identifier acts as a pointer to where the type is defined. For example, the definition
TextBook = SEQUENCE { author IA5String, CitationType INTEGER, reference ANY DEFINED BY CitationType },
requires a list of CitationTypes defined elsewhere that specifies the ASN.1 type for each permitted value of INTEGER. In particular, if the list defined 0, 1, and 2 as IA5String, INTEGER, and PrintableString, respectively, then textbook could have values such as:
{ author "Shakespeare", CitationType 0, reference IA5String "ISBN0669123757" } or { author "Shakespeare", CitationType 1, reference INTEGER 1988 } or { author "Shakespeare", CitationType 2, reference PrintableString "D.C. Heath" }
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This site was developed from: Computer Networks and Open Systems An Application Development Perspective by Lillian N. Cassel Richard H. Austing Jones & Bartlett Publisher ISBN 0-7637-1122-5 |
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