Importing an XML File
An XML file containing an XML or XER representation of an ASN.1 message can be imported into ASN1VE using the Import XML... option.
1. Click the File option from the File
Operations toolbar.
2. Select the Import XML... option
3. The Choose XML File to Import file dialog box will be displayed:
This will allow an existing XML file to be selected for import. A file can be selected by double-clicking the filename or selecting the file and clicking Open. The operation may be canceled by clicking the Cancel button.
4. If an existing message or project is active, the user will be prompted to use existing project information:
If Yes is selected, existing project information (encoding rules, assigned schema, and PDU type) will be used to convert the XML data into a binary message.
If No is selected, the Assign All Items Wizard is launched:
This allows the selection of the ASN.1 standard version, encoding rules, ASN.1 schema file(s), and include directories for schema imports.
5. When these selections are made, the Finish button is enabled. If this button is pressed, ASN1VE will import the XML file and apply the selected parameters to create a binary message.
Note that there is not an additional window displayed as part of this wizard for selecting the PDU type. That is because it is assumed the PDU type will be identified by the outer element tag of the XML message being imported.