Objective Systems is pleased to announce the release of version 7.7 of our flagship product ASN1C.

ASN1C is a code generation tool targeted at developers who produce products based on Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) and XML standards. It is capable of generating code in six different programming languages: C, C++, Java, C#, and Python, and Go.

The following is a summary of some of the new features:

Go BER/DER Code Generation
Support has been added for generating code in Go to support the Basic and Distinguished Encoding Rules (BER and DER). For BER, this includes support for 3GPP TS 32.297 headers for CDR processing.
Support for .NET v5 and .NET v6
The ASN1C SDK and C# run-time kits now contain asn1rt DLLs that target .NET v5 and .NET v6. The DLL that targets .Net v4 is still included.
Elimination of the Windows 32-bit SDK
There is no longer an SDK for Windows 32-bit. Instead, there is a single Windows SDK that contains both 32 and 64 bit run-time libraries. The compiler and ASN1C GUI are built for use on Windows 64-bit systems and will not work on 32-bit.
Improvements to the ASN1C GUI
The 'File->Open Folder..' and 'Edit->Find in Files/Replace in Files' commands were added to the ASN1C GUI. The former allows opening a folder containing ASN.1 and configuration files all of which will be opened in the editor. The 'Find/Replace in Files' commands allows multiple files to be searched at a time.
64-bit mingw libraries
The ASN1C 64-bit Windows SDK now includes run-time libraries built with 64-bit mingw.
Addition of the -dynamic command-line option
The -dynamic command-line option has been added which has the same effect as adding <storage>dynamic</storage> at the global level in a configuration file. It will cause dynamic memory to be used for all binary and character string types whether the type has a size constraint or not. It will also cause dynamic arrays to be used for repeating types. In addition, this will also now cause a dynamic array to be used for the set of subidentifiers in an OBJECT IDENTIFIER or RELATIVE-OID structure.
ASN1C command in generated code
Generated code will now contain a comment with the asn1c command that was used to do the generation.
New default version of Visual Studio for Windows SDKs
The default version of Visual Studio for Windows SDKs is now Visual Studio 2019. The libraries in the c and cpp (or c_64 and cpp_64) hierarchies are now built with Visual Studio 2019. The default format for Visual Studio project files that ASN1C generates is now Visual Studio 2019.

For more information on the new release see:


A free evaluation version of the software can be downloaded from:


The release is available as free upgrade to users with active support.



