We are pleased to announce the release of new major versions of our ASN1VE and ASN2TXT products for 2022.

ASN1VE (ASN.1 Viewer / Editor) is a graphical user interface (GUI) tool for analyzing and editing ASN.1 encoded data. In the new 3.2 release, we have added the following capabilities:

  1. Added capability to import hex dump files.
  2. Added auto-indent capability to ASN.1 editor.
  3. Added the capability to create configuration files including a new configuration file editor with code-completion and auto-indent capabilities.
  4. Modified Find dialog to use a floating window instead of a fixed window in the lower left pane.
  5. Added size constraint checks on BER decoded string values.

ASN2TXT (ASN.1 to text translator) is a command-line tool for translating ASN.1 encoded data to and from various textual formats (XML, JSON, CSV). The following new capabilities have been added:

  1. A new "-stdin" option that reads text data from STDIN rather than a message file. Also allows for binary data to be written to STDOUT.
  2. A new "-strict-charval" option that causes ASN2TXT to validate ASN.1 character string types.
  3. ASN2TXT project (.atproj) files are now created as XML readable files rather than binary files. Older binary project files will be converted to XML upon saving as well.

Other new features for the two products are documented in the Release Notes and Change Log. See the Product Support Page at obj-sys.com/support.php



