We have issued end-of-year patch releases for our three main ASN.1-related products: ASN1C, ASN1VE, and ASN2TXT.

ASN1C v6.8.4 was primarily a bug fix release. It also included fixes to advanced syntax used in the new SAE J2735 DSRC message set standard. The full change list is at http://www.obj-sys.com/support/change-log-asn1c-6.8.php.

ASN1VE 2.4.5 has also been updated to parse messages conforming to this standard. Also fixed were several errors related to inserting and deleting elements in container types. Change list is at http://www.obj-sys.com/support/change-log-asn1ve.php.

Finally, the first ASN2TXT patch release (2.4.3) in a year and a half was completed. We had been building up changes and issuing pre-releases during that time, but had never gotten around to doing a formal release until now.

We are planning to issue new major release of all of these products in early 2016.

