Objective Systems has recently updated our licensing to allow users to install our products under a floating licensing scheme.  Floating licenses can be a little more complicated to install than our standard licenses, so we wanted to provide some additional installation help.

If you select a floating license, you will be provided with two licensed products, not just one:  a floating license server, and the client product (ASN1VE, ASN1C, XBinder). The server is licensed with our traditional license file,  osyslic.txt.  The client application, however, is licensed using a new license file, osysfloatlic.txt.  Users will receive the osyslic.txt file for licensing the server from us, but we do not distribute osysfloatlic.txt files at purchase time.  Users must create this file themselves.  See Creating the osysfloatlic.txt file below for additional details.

Installing the Server

Server installation procedures differ depending on the operating system used.  We have provided fairly explicit instructions regarding the installation of the server both in the installation kits and in the ASN1C Installation Guide.  The license file (osyslic.txt) should be installed in the bin subdirectory in the server installation.

On Windows, the server may run as a stand-alone application, but it is intended to be run as a Windows service.  When run as a service, the file licServer.conf is used to properly configure the server.  The contents of this file are exactly the same as the osysfloatlic.txt file described below.

On UNIX systems, the server should be run as a long-running process.  It is not daemonized, but users should be able to install a script in the appropriate run-level directories (typically /etc/rc3.d)  to run the server when the system starts.

The server will run on port 9321.

Creating the osysfloatlic.txt file

The osysfloatlic.txt file consists of a single line:
url: http://<server ip address>

The server's IP address (not the host name) must be included in this file so that the client application knows what server to consult to get permission to run.  The following diagram illustrates the communication between the server and the client:




License Management