ASN1VE v2.2 contains a new feature that allows XML data to be imported.  This can prove especially useful for a number of applications including new message creation and bulk editing of existing data.  In the latter case, all one would need to do is save an existing message in XML format, work on it outside of ASN1VE using an XML or plain text editor, and then import the result back in.  This might be much faster and easier then editing each field individually from within ASN1VE.

One thing one will notice when using this feature is that when XML is imported into BER-encoded binary form, the data is encoded in indefinite length format.  Although valid, some ASN.1 processors may not be able to handle indefinite length format.  It is also not a valid DER encoding if done this way.  There is a way around this issue, however, which is to use the new Encode option.  This allows the contents of the message to be re-encoded into BER definite length format which should be acceptable for use as a DER encoding as well.

Direct import of XML into PER format is not supported at this time, although it is on the road map for a future release.  However, the same workaround for converting from BER indefinite length to BER can also be used for PER.  The 'Encode' command allows BER-encoded data to be encoded in PER (aligned PER) or UPER (unaligned PER) as well.

Relevant links in the documentation are as follows:

