License Server Version 12.4
This document is intended to describe the installation of a floating license server.
The license server setup
To install the license server, you need to
- Install license server binaries (rlm and obj-sys.set)
You should have downloaded one of the server kits :
- rlmsvrlnx.tar.gz - Linux 32-bit
- rlmsvrlnx64.tar.gz - Linux 64-bit
- rlmsvrmac.tar.gz - Mac OSX
This file should have been unzipped and untarred in a common base directory.
There should be a single top-level directory called RLMServer.
The server kit contains the server rlm and obj-sys.set, rlm utilit rlmutil and this README.html file.
- Install license file (you should have been provided with a license file with extension "lic", for example asn1ve.lic)
- Start license server (if you are using floating licenses).
See the description of the rlm startup options below.
- Set up environment (RLM_LICENSE) for users to find the license server
when running the application.
The license server consists of two processes
- The generic server, called rlm
- An ISV (Independent Software Vendor) server, named obj-sys
The rlm server is provided by Reprise Software, and is completely generic.
The obj-sys server is configured to contain license key validation that is
The rlm server is delivered with an embedded Web Server to perform normal
administration tasks. The web server is started automatically on port 5054
when rlm is started. To use the web server, simply point your browser to:
http://ServerHostName:5054 and select the operation you would like to perform.
You will be prompted for any required information.
rlm startup options
The rlm command is:
% rlm [-c license_file] [-dlog [+]logfile]
[-nows] [-ws port] [-x [rlmdown|rlmremove]]
The -c license_file option specifies which license file to use.
This option overrides the setting of the RLM_LICENSE environment variable.
The license_file parameter can be a directory containing license files,
all of which will be processed.
The -dlog logfile specifies the pathname for the server debug
log. If logfile is preceded by the '+' character, the logfile will be
appended, otherwise it is overwritten. (Note: all ISV servers will write
their output to the same logfile specified in the -dlog option.)
The -nows and -ws port options control the operation of
the embedded Web Server. The -nows option instructs the rlm
server to not start the embedded web server. The -ws port option
instructs the rlm server to use port as the port number for
the web server.
The -x [rlmdown | rlmremove] option controls whether the
rlmdown and/or rlmremove commands will be processed by the server.
Specifying only -x will disable both commands. Specifying either
command name after the -x will disable just that command.
These options can appear in any order on the command line.
Note that if the rlm server cannot bind the web server port
(5054 by default), it will exit.
Starting the rlm server at system boot time on Unix systems
On most Unix systems, system services are started at boot time, usually via
startup scripts located in /etc/rc.. For example, on Solaris,
the startup script might be placed in /etc/rc2.d/S98rlm. On Linux systems,
the script could be located in /etc/init.d/rlm, with a link to
/etc/rc5.d/S98rlm. Note that you must install this startup script as root.
The startup script should su to a different user so that the rlm servers
are not running as root.
The following is an example of a script which would start rlm at boot time
on Unix systems. Modify the first 5 variables for the target system.
#! /bin/sh
# rlm Start/Stop rlm
# NOTE: Configure these 5 variables for your system
# Set rlmuser to the user under which rlm will run
# Set rlmdir to the directory where the rlm binaries are found
# Set licfile to the path to the license file
# Set debuglog to the path to the debug log
start() {
echo $debuglog
su - $rlmuser -c "$rlmdir/rlm -c $licfile -dlog $debuglog &"
stop() {
su - $rlmuser -c "echo 'y' | $rlmdir/rlmutil rlmdown RLM"
case "$1" in
sleep 2
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
exit 0
Additional Information
For more information about the license server, refer to the
RLM End-User Manual
on the Reprise Software Website.
Report problems you encounter by sending E-mail to