Working with generated EXTENDED-XER code

Working with the code generated for EXTENDED-XER is the same as for XER, except that you must be sure to have set the OSASN1XER context flag. The generated PDU encoders and decoders should automatically set OSASN1XER for you, but if you are not using these methods, you should be sure to set the OSASN1XER flag yourself, using rtxCtxtSetFlag.

For encoding and decoding, you will work with the "XML" (as opposed to the "XER") runtime. This is actually true for BASIC-XER also, unless you are using the deprecated, old style XER.

Finally, there is a sample reader and writer program in c/sample_xer/employee-exer and cpp/sample_xer/employee-exer, should you need to see an example.