Generated C++ Decode Method Format and Calling Parameters

Generated decode functions are invoked through the class interface by calling the base class Decode method as follows:

   status = <object>.Decode();

In this definition, <object> is an instance of the control class (i.e., ASN1C_<prodName>) generated for the given production.

You must pass an ASN1AVNDecodeBuffer object to the control class constructor for <object>; this provides the message content to be decoded.

The function result variable status returns the status of the decode operation. The return status will be zero if decoding is successful or a negative value if an error occurs. Error status codes are defined in rtsrc/asn1ErrCodes.h and rtxsrc/rtxErrCodes.h and are listed in Appendix A of the C/C++ Common Functions Reference Manual.

Procedure for Using the C++ Control Class Decode Method

A program fragment that could be used to decode an employee record is as follows:

   #include employee.h             // include file generated by ASN1C

   main ()
      int       status;
      const char*  filename = "message.txt";
      /* Create buffer on input.  Here, we use the convenience constructor
         that takes a file name. */
      ASN1AVNDecodeBuffer decodeBuffer (filename);
      /* Setup objects to use for decoding. Note that we pass the decodeBuffer
         to the ASN1C_PersonnelRecord constructor. */
      ASN1T_PersonnelRecord data;
      ASN1C_PersonnelRecord personnelRecordPDU (decodeBuffer, data);
      /* Decode */
      stat = personnelRecordPDU.Decode ();
      if (stat == 0) {
         printf ("Decode of data was successful\n");
         printf ("Decoded record:\n");
         personnelRecordPDU.Print ("PersonnelRecord");      
      else {
         /* Error */
         decodeBuffer.printErrorInfo ();

It is not necessary to free memory when using the C++ interface. This is because the control class hides all of the details of managing the context and releasing dynamic memory. The memory is automatically released when both the message buffer object (ASN1AVNDecodeBuffer) and the control class object (ASN1C_<ProdName>) are deleted or go out of scope. Reference counting of a context variable shared by both interfaces is used to accomplish this.

To decode from a buffer, use this constructor: ASN1AVNDecodeBuffer (const OSOCTET* pMsgBuf, size_t msgBufLen)

To decode from a stream, use this constructor: ASN1AVNDecodeBuffer(OSRTInputStream& istream) and pass a stream object in. The main stream classes are:

  • OSRTFileInputStream

  • OSRTMemoryInputStream

  • OSRTSocketInputStream

Here is an example using a file stream for decoding:

   #include "Employee.h"  /* Generated header */
   #include "rtxsrc\OSRTFileInputStream.h"
   int main (int argc, char** argv)
      const char*  filename = "message.txt";
      /* Setup the decode buffer. */
      OSRTFileInputStream istream(filename);
      ASN1AVNDecodeBuffer decodeBuffer (istream);
      /* Create objects to decode into. */
      ASN1T_PersonnelRecord data;
      ASN1C_PersonnelRecord personnelRecordPDU (decodeBuffer, data);
      /* Decode */
      stat = personnelRecordPDU.Decode();
      if (0 != stat) {
         decodeBuffer.printErrorInfo ();
      return stat;
      /* Do whatever with "data". */

It is not necessary to close the stream object; it will be closed when it goes out of scope.

Decoding Multiple Records using C++ Decoder

If the input contains multiple records, you will need a loop that determines whether to decode another record or not. An example is provided in cpp/sample_avn/employee_loop.

In the sample, observe the following points:

  • rtxTxtSkipWhitespace is used to skip whitespace that might appear between records.

  • rtxCheckInputBuffer is used to check whether more input is present beyond that whitespace.

  • memReset is used to allow memory allocated by the current decode operation to be reused for the next decode operation (doing this is optional).