Module osyspyrt.ts32297

Support for 3GPP TS 32.297.


class TS32297CDRFileHeader

This class models a 3GPP TS 32.297 CDR file header.


file_length : int
The overall length in bytes of the CDR file including this header. This value is ignored when encoding the header. Instead, the length is calculated and set when encoding is complete.
header_length : int
The length in bytes of this header. This value is ignored when encoding the header. Instead, the length is calculated and set when encoding is complete.
high_rel_vers_id : TS32297RelVersId
High release/version identifier
low_rel_vers_id : TS32297RelVersId
Low release/version identifier
open_timestamp : TS32297Timestamp
Time when the file was opened.
last_append_timestamp : TS32297Timestamp
Time when the last CDR was appended to the file in UTC format.
cdr_count : int
Count of CDR's in the file.
file_sequence_number : int
File sequence number.
file_closure_reason : int or string
See class TS32297FileClosureReason
ip_address : bytearray
20 byte representation of ipv4 or ipv6 address
lost_cdr_indicator : byte
Lost CDR indicator set as follows: MSB bit "0", all other bits "0": no CDRs have been lost; MSB bit "0", all other bits set to a value corresponding to decimal 1 to decimal 126: CGF has identified that a number of CDRs corresponding to the value of the lower 7 bits were lost, while it is unknown whether more CDRs were lost; MSB bit "0", all other bits set to "1": CGF has identified that 127 or more CDRs were lost, while it is unknown whether more CDRs were lost; MSB bit "1", all other bits "0": CDRs have been lost but CGF cannot determine the number of lost CDRs; MSB bit "1", all other bits set to a value corresponding to decimal 1 to decimal 126: CGF has calculated the number of lost CDRs as indicated in the value of the lower 7 bits; MSB bit "1", all other bits set to "1": CGF has calculated the number of lost CDRs to be 127 or more.
cdr_routing_filter : bytearray
This parameter indicates the filter that determined the routing of CDRs into this file. Its encoding is vendor specific. It is encoded as a variable length byte field with a 2 byte length prefix.
private_extension : bytearray
This optional field contains a vendor specific private extension to the CDR file header, if any. Its content, if present, is vendor specific. It is encoded as a variable length byte field with a 2 byte length prefix.


def check_header_length(self, decbuf)

This method checks the length of the header to see if more data is present to be decoded.


moredata : boolean
True means more data remaining to be decoded.


Asn1LengthError if current decoded byte count exceeds header length.
def decode(self, decbuf)
def decode_len2_value(self, decbuf)
def encode(self, encbuf, enclen=0)
def encode_len2_value(self, value, encbuf)
class TS32297CDRHeader

This class models a 3GPP TS 32.297 CDR header. This header precedes every record in a CDR file.


cdr_length : int
Length in bytes of the encoded CDR record.
rel_vers_id : TS32297RelVersId
Release/version identifier
data_record_format : TS32297DataFormat
Encoding rules used to encode CDR record. Valid values are 1 = BER, 2 = UPER, 3 = PER, 4 = XER
ts_number : int
3GPP technical specification number.


def decode(self, decbuf)
def encode(self, encbuf)
class TS32297DataFormat (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var BER
var PER
var UPER
var XER
class TS32297FileClosureReason

3GPP TS 32.297 file closure reason.

Value passed to encode method or returned from decode method is either a string if it is within the define values or an integer if outside this set.

Normal closure reasons (Binary values 0 to 127): 0 = Normal closure (Undefined normal closure reason). 1 = File size limit reached (OAM&P configured). 2 = File open-time limit reached (OAM&P configured). 3 = Maximum number of CDRs in file reached (OAM&P configured). 4 = File closed by manual intervention. 5 = CDR release, version or encoding change. 6 to 127 are reserved for future use.

Abnormal closure reasons (Binary values 128 to 255): 128 = Abnormal file closure (Undefined error closure reason). 129 = File system error. 130 = File system storage exhausted. 131 = File integrity error. 132 to 255 are reserved for future use.

Static methods

def decode(decbuf)
def encode(value, encbuf)
class TS32297IpAddress (address_str=None)

3GPP TS 32.297 IP address in IPv6 format.


value : list of int
List of 6 integer components of ipv6 address


def decode(self, decbuf)
def encode(self, encbuf)
def parse(self, address_str)
class TS32297RelVersId (rel_id=None, vers_id=None)

3GPP TS 32.297 release/version identifier.


rel_id : int
Release identifier.
vers_id : int
Version identifier.


def decode(self, decbuf)
def encode(self, encbuf)
class TS32297Timestamp (month=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None, zhour=None, zminute=None, zdiff_plus=None)

3GPP TS 32.297 timestamp.


month : int
Local time month
day : int
Local time day of month
hour : int
Local time hour of day
minute : int
Local time minute of hour
zhour : int
Hour deviation from UTC.
zminute : int
Minute deviation from UTC.
zdiff_plus : boolean
Indicates if zhour/zminute Deviation is positive or negative.


def decode(self, decbuf)
def encode(self, encbuf)
def parse(self, dtstr)
def validate_hour_minute(self, hour, minute)
def validate_month_day(self, month, day)