The following diagram shows the directory tree structure that comprises the standalone:
nasapi | +- build.xml +- custsrc +- doc | +- html +- objsys_nas.jar +- README.txt +- specs +- src +- test_ts24301_msgs +- test_ts24501_msgs xmlpull
The package can be installed in any directory on the target system.
build.xml: Ant build file for re-building the objsys_nas JAR file. (Unlimited source kits only)
custsrc: Contains custom code that is incorporated with the generated code. (Unlimited source kits only)
doc: Contains documentation. The PDF file is the user guide.
The html subfolder contains the user guide in HTML format.
objsys_nas.jar: JAR file containing NAS and necessary run-time class files for using the standalone kit.
specs: Contains the specification files from which code was created. As noted, these specification are often approximations of messages that 3GPP has not defined using ASN.1. You may find the specifications helpful for correlating the Java classes to the message and IE structures defined in the 3GPP specifications.
src: Contains Java NAS source files as well as run-time class files necessary for re-building the objsys_nas.jar file. (Unlimited source kits only)
test_ts24301_msgs: Contains tests for the 24.301 messages.
test_ts24501_msgs: Contains tests for the 24.501 messages.
xmlpull: Directory containing helper JAR for decoding XML and XER messages.