This is the complete list of members for uaXMLed4, including all inherited members.
AcceptCall(ConnectionID callToAccept) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
AnswerCall(ConnectionID callToAnswer) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
AnswerCall(ConnectionID callToAnswer, string deviceToLift) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
Bye() | uaXMLed4 | virtual |
ClearConnection(ConnectionID connectionToClear) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
ClearDoNotDisturb(string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
ClearForwarding(string fromDevice, ForwardingType fwdType) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
ClearMessageWaiting(string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
ConferenceCall(ConnectionID heldCall, ConnectionID activeCall) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
ConsultationCall(ConnectionID existingCall, string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
ConsultationCall(ConnectionID existingCall, string targetDevice, ConsultOptions options) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
EncodeAcceptCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID callToAccept) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeAnswerCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID callToAnswer) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeAnswerCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID callToAnswer, string deviceToLift) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeClearConnection(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID connectionToClear) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeConferenceCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID heldCall, ConnectionID activeCall) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeConsultationCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID existingCall, string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeConsultationCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID existingCall, string targetDevice, ConsultOptions options) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeGetAgentState(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeGetDND(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeGetLogicalDevInfo(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeGetPhysicalDevInfo(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeGetSFDevices(CSTAResponseInfo response, ReqDeviceCategory category) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeHoldCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID callToHold) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeInvokeID(string initialMessage) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
EncodeMakeCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, string callingDevice, string calledDevice, bool autoOriginate) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeMonitorStart(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeMonitorStart(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID targetCall) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeMonitorStop(CSTAResponseInfo response, string xref) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeRequestSystemStatus(CSTAResponseInfo response) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeRetrieveCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID callToRetrieve) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSendData(CSTAResponseInfo response, IOCrossRefID xref, string strText) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSendStoredCDR(CSTAResponseInfo response, string cdrCrossRefID) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSetAgentState(CSTAResponseInfo response, string agentDevice, ReqAgentState agentState, string agentID) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSetDisplay(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice, string text) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSetDND(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice, bool dndOn) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSetMsgWaiting(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice, bool indicatorOn) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSetOrClearFwdRequest(CSTAResponseInfo response, string fromDevice, bool fwdOn, ForwardingType fwdType, string toDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSetRingerStatus(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice, string targetRinger, RingMode rm, long ringPattern) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSingleStepTransfer(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID callToTransfer, string transferToDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSnapshotCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID callToSnapshot) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeSnapshotDevice(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeStartCDRTrans(CSTAResponseInfo response, CDRTransferMode transferMode) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeStartDataPath(CSTAResponseInfo response, string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeStartSession(CSTAResponseInfo response, string applicationID) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeStopCDRTrans(CSTAResponseInfo response, string cdrCrossRefID) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeStopDataPath(CSTAResponseInfo response, IOCrossRefID xref) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeStopSession(CSTAResponseInfo response) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
EncodeTransferCall(CSTAResponseInfo response, ConnectionID initiatedCall, ConnectionID originalCall) | GenericXMLed4 | protectedvirtual |
GenericXMLed4(string pbxSystem, int port) | GenericXMLed4 | |
GenericXMLed4(PBXSession sessionObject) | GenericXMLed4 | |
GetAgentState(string agentDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
GetDoNotDisturb(string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
GetLogicalDevInfo(string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
GetPhysicalDevInfo(string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
GetSFDevices(ReqDeviceCategory deviceCategory) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
GetSFDevices() | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
HoldCall(ConnectionID callToHold) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
Invite(uaSIPInvite inviteObject) | uaXMLed4 | virtual |
MakeCall(string callingDevice, string calledDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
MakeCall(string callingDevice, string calledDevice, bool autoOriginate) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
MonitorStart(string deviceToMonitor) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
MonitorStart(ConnectionID callToMonitor) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
MonitorStop(string crossRefID) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
MonitorStopAtDevice(string monitoredDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
RequestSystemStatus() | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
RetrieveCall(ConnectionID callToRetrieve) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
RingDevice(string targetDevice, string targetRinger, long ringPattern) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SendData(IOCrossRefID xref, string text) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SendStoredCDR(string cdrCrossRefID) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SessionObject | GenericXMLed4 | |
SetAgentState(string agentDevice, ReqAgentState agentState, string agentID) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SetAgentState(string agentDevice, ReqAgentState agentState) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SetDisplay(string targetDevice, string text) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SetDoNotDisturb(string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SetForwarding(string fromDevice, ForwardingType fwdType, string toDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SetMessageWaiting(string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SingleStepTransfer(ConnectionID callToTransfer, string transferToDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SnapshotCall(ConnectionID callToSnapshot) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
SnapshotDevice(string deviceToSnapshot) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
StartCDRTransmission(CDRTransferMode transferMode) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
StartDataPath(string targetDevice) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
StartSession(string applicationID) | uaXMLed4 | virtual |
StartSession() | uaXMLed4 | virtual |
StopCDRTransmission(string cdrCrossRefID) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
StopDataPath(IOCrossRefID xref) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
StopRing(string targetDevice, string targetRinger, long ringPattern) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
StopSession() | uaXMLed4 | virtual |
ThreadContext | GenericXMLed4 | |
TransferCall(ConnectionID initiatedCall, ConnectionID originalCall) | GenericXMLed4 | virtual |
uaXMLed4(string ua, int port) | uaXMLed4 | |
uaXMLed4(PBXSession sessionObject) | uaXMLed4 |