C++ Code Generated for XSD Types

For C++, a class definition is generated for each XSD type. This class is derived from either the OSRTBaseType run-time class or from a descendent of this class. The class may contain a constructor for initialization of member variables and a destructor to free dynamic memory held by the class. Method declarations will also be generated instead of C function prototypes for encoding, decoding, printing, and generation of test data. For some types, additional helper methods may also be declared (for example, enumerated type definitions contain a toString method declaration).
A sample section from a C++ header file corresponding to the XSD Name type defined above is as follows:

/*                                                            */
/*  Name                                                      */
/*                                                            */

class EXTERN Name : public OSXSDComplexType {
   OSXMLStringClass givenName;
   OSXMLStringClass initial;
   OSXMLStringClass familyName;

   Name ();
   Name (const Name&);

   virtual int encodeXML (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf, 
      const OSUTF8CHAR* elemName, const OSUTF8CHAR* nsPrefix);

   virtual int decodeXML (OSCTXT* pctxt);

   static int validateXML (OSCTXT* pctxt);

   virtual void print (const char* name);

   OSRTBaseType* clone () const {
      return new Name (*this);

   Name& operator= (const Name&);

} ;

If you compare this to what was generated for C above, you will notice that all of the items are now encapsulated within a class definition. This includes the element declarations as well as the functions which are now methods in the class.

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