Binary String Types
The type of structure used depends on whether or not a length facet is applied to the type. If a length facet is not used, or the length is a very large value (> 32K), a built-in type containing a pointer to a dynamic memory buffer is used to hold the binary data. The definition of this type in osSysTypes.h is as follows:
typedef struct OSDynOctStr { OSUINT32 numocts; const OSOCTET* data; } OSDynOctStr;class OSDynOctStrClass : public OSRTBaseType { protected: OSUINT32 numocts; const OSOCTET* data; public: ... } ;This class provides methods for getting and setting the data values as well as initialization through constructors and other utility methods.
If a length facet is used that restricts the size of the binary string to a value less than 32K, a custom type is generated that contains a static array to hold the data. The general form of this type is as follows:
typedef struct TypeName { OSUINT32 numocts; OSOCTET data[length]; } TypeName;In this case, TypeName would be the name of the type defined in the XSD specification and length would be the value of the length facet.
class TypeName : public OSRTBaseType { OSUINT32 numocts; OSOCTET data[length]; ... } ;
<xsd:simpleType name="TypeName"> <restriction base="xsd:hexBinary"/> </xsd:simpleType> typedef OSDynOctStr TypeName; class TypeName : public OSDynOctStrClass { ... } ;
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