Binary String Types

XSD defines the following types that are mapped to a C binary type structure:
The type of structure used depends on whether or not a length facet is applied to the type. If a length facet is not used, or the length is a very large value (> 32K), a built-in type containing a pointer to a dynamic memory buffer is used to hold the binary data. The definition of this type in osSysTypes.h is as follows:

	typedef struct OSDynOctStr {
	   OSUINT32     numocts;
	   const OSOCTET* data;
	} OSDynOctStr;

The numocts member holds the length of the binary string and the data member holds the actual data.
For C++, a built-in class definition is used that extends this structure:

	class OSDynOctStrClass : public OSRTBaseType {
		OSUINT32 numocts;
		const OSOCTET* data;
	} ;

This class provides methods for getting and setting the data values as well as initialization through constructors and other utility methods.
If a length facet is used that restricts the size of the binary string to a value less than 32K, a custom type is generated that contains a static array to hold the data. The general form of this type is as follows:

      typedef struct TypeName {
         OSUINT32     numocts;
         OSOCTET      data[length];
      } TypeName;

In this case, TypeName would be the name of the type defined in the XSD specification and length would be the value of the length facet.
In the case of C++, a class is generated:

      class TypeName : public OSRTBaseType {
         OSUINT32     numocts;
         OSOCTET      data[length];
      } ;

The general mappings for each case are as follows:

Dynamic Case (no length facet):
XSD type:
<xsd:simpleType name="TypeName">
   <restriction base="xsd:hexBinary"/>
Generated C code:
typedef OSDynOctStr TypeName;

Generated C++ code:
class TypeName : public OSDynOctStrClass
} ;

Static Case (length restricted to 32K or less):
XSD type:
<xsd:simpleType name="TypeName">
   <xsd:restriction base="xsd:hexBinary">
      <xsd:length value="length"/>
Generated C code:
typedef struct TypeName {
   OSUINT32		 numocts;
   OSOCTET		data[length];
} TypeName;

Generated C++ code:
class TypeName : public OSRTBaseType {
   OSUINT32		 numocts;
   OSOCTET		data[length];
} ;

Note: in the static case, the maxLength facet will cause the same code to be generated with maxLength used for the size of the array.

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