You may refer to the AndroidRSS sample as an example of using XBinder with Android. The sample is located in the <XBINDER_HOME>\java\sample\AndroidRSS folder. To use this project, do the following:
execute the following command in the AndroidRSS folder:
android update project --path .
This will create file The build will fail without this.
Run xb.bat to compile the schema and generate code.
Define a classpath variable in Eclipse called XBINDER_HOME to point to your XBinder installation (e.g. c:\xbinder) (Window > Preferences > Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables)
Import the project into Eclipse.
You can now build the project and deploy it to an emulator device using the Android Development Tools (ADT) Eclipse plug-in (available from the Android site). The AndroidRSS sample will download the XML RSS feed for CBS' Top News stories. It uses the XBinder generated classes to decode this XML, and then displays the titles and descriptions of the items from the feed.