XBinder  Version 2.8.x
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2003-2022 Objective Systems, Inc.
3  *
4  * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied
5  * only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the
6  * inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other
7  * copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
8  * other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby
9  * transferred.
10  *
11  * The information in this software is subject to change without notice
12  * and should not be construed as a commitment by Objective Systems, Inc.
13  *
15  *
16  * This software is an unpublished work subject to a confidentiality agreement
17  * and is protected by copyright and trade secret law. Unauthorized copying,
18  * redistribution or other use of this work is prohibited.
19  *
20  * The above notice of copyright on this source code product does not indicate
21  * any actual or intended publication of such source code.
22  *
23  *****************************************************************************/
27 #ifndef _RTXPRINT_H_
28 #define _RTXPRINT_H_
30 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include "rtxsrc/rtxContext.h"
33 #define OSRTINDENTSPACES 3 /* number of spaces for indent */
35 #ifdef __cplusplus
36 extern "C" {
37 #endif
39 /* Run-time print utility functions */
55 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintBoolean (const char* name, OSBOOL value);
64 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintDate
65  (const char* name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue);
74 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintTime
75  (const char* name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue);
84 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintDateTime
85  (const char* name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue);
87 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintGYear
88  (const char* name, const OSNumDateTime* pvalue);
90 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintGYearMonth
91  (const char* name, const OSNumDateTime* pvalue);
93 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintGMonth
94  (const char* name, const OSNumDateTime* pvalue);
96 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintGMonthDay
97  (const char* name, const OSNumDateTime* pvalue);
99 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintGDay
100  (const char* name, const OSNumDateTime* pvalue);
108 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintInteger (const char* name, OSINT32 value);
116 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintInt64 (const char* name, OSINT64 value);
126 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintIpv4Addr(const char* name,
127  OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET* data);
137 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintIpv6Addr(const char* name,
138  OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET* data);
148 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintTBCDStr(const char* name,
149  OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET* data);
159 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintText(const char* name,
160  OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET* data);
168 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintUnsigned (const char* name, OSUINT32 value);
176 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintUInt64 (const char* name, OSUINT64 value);
188 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintHexStr
189 (const char* name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET* data);
200 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintHexStrPlain
201 (const char* name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET* data);
212 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintHexStrNoAscii
213 (const char* name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET* data);
222 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintHexBinary
223 (const char* name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET* data);
231 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintCharStr (const char* name, const char* cstring);
239 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintUTF8CharStr
240 (const char* name, const OSUTF8CHAR* cstring);
255 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintUnicodeCharStr
256 (const char* name, const OSUNICHAR* str, int nchars);
258 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintUnicodeCharStr64
259 (const char* name, const OSUNICHAR* str, OSSIZE nchars);
267 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintReal (const char* name, OSREAL value);
274 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintNull (const char* name);
282 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintNVP (const char* name, const OSUTF8NVP* value);
292 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintArrayNVP
293 (const char* name, OSSIZE subscript, const OSUTF8NVP* value);
301 EXTERNRT int rtxPrintFile (const char* filename);
303 #ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
308 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintIndent (OSVOIDARG);
313 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintIncrIndent (OSVOIDARG);
318 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintDecrIndent (OSVOIDARG);
324 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintCloseBrace (OSVOIDARG);
330 EXTERNRT void rtxPrintOpenBrace (const char*);
332 #endif
344 EXTERNRT const char* rtxGetArrayElemName
345 (char* buffer, OSSIZE bufsize, const char* name, OSSIZE subscript);
350 #ifdef __cplusplus
351 }
352 #endif
354 #include "rtxsrc/rtxHexDump.h"
356 #endif
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintNVP(const char *name, const OSUTF8NVP *value)
Prints a name-value pair to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintBoolean(const char *name, OSBOOL value)
Prints a boolean value to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintCloseBrace(OSVOIDARG)
This function closes a braced region by decreasing the indent level, printing indent spaces...
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintText(const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
This function prints the value of a binary string in ASCII text format to standard output...
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintUTF8CharStr(const char *name, const OSUTF8CHAR *cstring)
Prints a UTF-8 encoded character string value to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintCharStr(const char *name, const char *cstring)
Prints an ASCII character string value to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintDateTime(const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
Prints a dateTime value to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintDecrIndent(OSVOIDARG)
This function decrements the current indentation level.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintInt64(const char *name, OSINT64 value)
Prints a 64-bit integer value to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintUnicodeCharStr(const char *name, const OSUNICHAR *str, int nchars)
This function prints a Unicode string to standard output.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintIncrIndent(OSVOIDARG)
This function increments the current indentation level.
Common run-time context definitions.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintOpenBrace(const char *)
This function opens a braced region by printing indent spaces, printing the name and opening brace...
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintIndent(OSVOIDARG)
This function prints indentation spaces to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintHexStr(const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
This function prints the value of a binary string in hex format to standard output.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintReal(const char *name, OSREAL value)
Prints a REAL (float, double, decimal) value to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintHexStrNoAscii(const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
This function prints the value of a binary string in hex format to standard output.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintIpv6Addr(const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
This function prints the value of a binary string in IPv6 address format to standard output...
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintUInt64(const char *name, OSUINT64 value)
Prints an unsigned 64-bit integer value to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintIpv4Addr(const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
This function prints the value of a binary string in IPv4 address format to standard output...
EXTERNRT int rtxPrintFile(const char *filename)
This function prints the contents of a text file to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintInteger(const char *name, OSINT32 value)
Prints an integer value to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintHexBinary(const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
Prints an octet string value in hex binary format to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintUnsigned(const char *name, OSUINT32 value)
Prints an unsigned integer value to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintNull(const char *name)
Prints a NULL value to stdout.
EXTERNRT const char * rtxGetArrayElemName(char *buffer, OSSIZE bufsize, const char *name, OSSIZE subscript)
This function returns an array element name in the form of &#39;name[subscript]&#39; in the given character a...
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintTBCDStr(const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
This function prints the value of a binary string in TBCD format to standard output.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintHexStrPlain(const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
This function prints the value of a binary string in hex format to standard output.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintArrayNVP(const char *name, OSSIZE subscript, const OSUTF8NVP *value)
Prints a name-value pair to stdout.
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintDate(const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
Prints a date value to stdout.
Numeric date/time structure.
Definition: osSysTypes.h:140
EXTERNRT void rtxPrintTime(const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
Prints a time value to stdout.