
The osSysTypes.h header file contains all of the simple type definitions for character string data, integers, floating point types, binary types, etc. The following common type definitions are included:

     typedef void                  OSVoid;
     typedef void*                 OSVoidPtr;
     typedef unsigned char         OSBOOL;
     typedef signed char           OSINT8;
     typedef unsigned char         OSUINT8;
     typedef short                 OSINT16;
     typedef unsigned short        OSUINT16;
     typedef int                   OSINT32;
     typedef unsigned int          OSUINT32;
     typedef OSUINT8               OSOCTET;
     typedef OSUINT8               OSUTF8CHAR; /* UTF-8 character */
     typedef OSUINT16              OSUNICHAR; /* Unicode character */
     typedef OSUINT32              OS32BITCHAR;
     typedef double                OSREAL;

     /* binary string type */

     typedef struct OSDynOctStr {
        OSUINT32 numocts;
        const OSOCTET* data;
     } OSDynOctStr;

     /* XML string */

     typedef struct OSXMLSTRING {
        OSBOOL cdata; /* encode as a CDATA section */
        const OSUTF8CHAR* value;