This section addresses customization of the encoding format of
numeric values (XSD double,
decimal, or float types). It is sometimes necessary to
have numbers formatted in a certain way. For example, a decimal value
of 12 may need to be formatted as "+0012.00". It is possible using
these qualifiers to specify the exact required format of such values.
This can be done at any scope - global, schema or node. To customize
the format of all decimal, double or float values at the global or
schema level, use the <decimalFormat>
configuration elements
respectively. For the node scope, use
<decimalFormat | doubleFormat | floatFormat | numericFormat [totalDigits=”xs:byte”] [fractionDigits=”xs:byte”] [fractionMinDigits=”xs:byte”] [integerMaxDigits=”xs:byte”] [integerMinDigits=”xs:byte”] [expSymbol=”xs:token”] [expMinValue=”xs:short”] [expMaxValue=”xs:short”] [expDigits=”xs:byte”] [signPresent=”xs:boolean”] [pointPresent=”xs:boolean”] [expSignPresent=”xs:boolean”] [expPresent=”xs:boolean”] >
The application of these attributes varies according to the XSD type. The formatting of float/double values and the formatting of decimal values are discussed in detail in the next two sections.
The application of this configuration information to C# and Java differs from C and C++.