Configuration File Example

The following is an example of a configuration file for a framework consisting of two schemas:

<bindings version="1.0">

      <!-- Names for this schema prefixed with SALES_ -->  

      <!-- Any element named myGlobalElem is given a prefix and forced
           to an unsigned 16-bit integer representation.
      <nodeBindings node="//xsd:element[@name='myGlobalElem']">

   <schemaBindings schemaLocation="product.xsd">

      <nodeBindings node="//xsd:element[@name='Product']">

      <!-- Any type or element named itemRecord is given a prefix -->
      <nodeBindings name="itemRecord">

      <!-- Force all elements p, q, r defined anywhere under type ProductType
           to be represented as System.Decimal/java.math.BigInteger 
      <nodeBindings node="//xsd:complexType[@name='ProductType']">
         <nodeBindings node=".//xsd:element[@name='p']">
         <nodeBindings node=".//xsd:element[@name='q']">
         <nodeBindings node=".//xsd:element[@name='g']">