CSupportClass.ArraySupport | This class manages array operations. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.Base64 | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.Diag | This class is used for printing diagnostic messages for debugging the run-time components. It allows messages to be easily switched on and off. |
▼CICloneable | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBByteArray | XBByteArray is a lightweight wrapper around a byte array. It is intended to help with the reuse an array by combining an array ("the buffer") with a size field |
▼CStream | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.Base64.EncoderOutputStream | A Base64.EncoderOutputStream will write character data to a java.io.Writer , given in the constructor, while encoding the bytes you write to Base64 notation |
▼CStreamWriter | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.Base64.DecoderWriter | A Base64.DecoderWriter will write binary data to a java.io.OutputStream , given in the constructor, while decoding the Base64 characters you write |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBXmlEncoder | Provides methods for encoding to XML (text) |
CSupportClass | Contains conversion support elements such as classes, interfaces and static methods. |
▼CSystemException | |
▼Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBException | This class defines a generic XBinder exception for use as a base class for exceptions common to all encode/decode operations |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBArrayException | |
▼Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBValidationException | All exceptions related to XML schema validation are subclasses of this class |
▼Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBConsVioException | XBConsVioException is thrown when a constraint is violated. This supports any general message. See subclasses for standard messages. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBEnumException | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBFractionDigitsVioException | XBFractionDigitsVioException is thrown when the fractionDigits constraint is violated. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBLengthVioException | XBLengthVioException is thrown when a length constraint is violated. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBTotalDigitsVioException | XBTotalDigitsVioException is thrown when the totalDigits constraint is violated. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBValueVioException | XBValueVioException is thrown when a value range constraint is violated. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBInvalidLengthException | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBNumberFormatException | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBOccurrencesException | This exception is thrown when the number of occurrences of an attribute, element, group, or wildcard is not valid. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBPatternViolation | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBSetDuplicateException | Thrown when an element/wildcard repeats in a set group. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBUnexpectedElementException | Exception thrown when an unexpected element is encountered |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBArrays | Utility class with array helpers |
▼Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBAttributeBase | Common base class for XBAttribute and XBAttributeQName |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBAttribute | Models an attribute. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBAttributeQName | Models an attribute with an xsd:QName for its value. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBComplexType | XBComplexType is a base for all generated complex type codecs |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBConstants | Define constants used throughout the XBinder runtime |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBContext | Context for encoding/decoding |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBDocumentCodec | XBDocumentCodec is the interface that describes a document encoder-decoder. Classes representing global elements implement this interface, and this interface lets us define a generic testing application that can run any such encoder-decoder |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBDoubleFormat | XBDoubleFormat is used for formatting double/float values into decimal strings |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBDuration | This class implements some of the functionality of the Java javax.xml.datatype.Duration class. Only the functionality needed by the XBinder C# runtime is implemented. Normalization of all fields is done with the exception of days to months or days to years. For example, an instance specifying 1 minute and 65 seconds will be normalized to 2 minutes and 5 seconds. But an instance specifying 1 month and any number of days higher than 27 will not be normalized, since the result of the normalization would depend on the starting point in time of the duration, which we don't know. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBDurationHelper | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBHexBinary | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBNamespaceResolver | Interface that provides a service for resolving a namespace to a prefix |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBNillableElem< T > | A wrapper class used to represent nillable elements. The value of the nillable element's type is held in elemValue. The isNilled flag indicates whether the element has been nilled or not. For a nilled element of complex type, whether a given filed in elemValue is used or not depends on whether it represents an atttribute (it will be used) or an element (it will not be used). |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBPatternValidator | Provides pattern validation for text |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBPrintable | Interface that allows generic test program to print values. |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBSimpleType | Helper class for dealing with XML simple types |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBStack< E > | Provide a LIFO stack implementation. Internally, this is based on an ArrayList |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBStack< ElementInfo > | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBUtil | This class contains some general purpose static utility functions |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBXmlNamespace | This class models the mapping of an XML namespace prefix to a URI |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBXmlNamespaceContext | Represents a mapping between namespaces and prefixes. A prefix may map only to a single namespace. A namespace may be bound to multiple prefixes |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBXmlNamespaceContextImpl | Represents a mapping between namespaces and prefixes. A prefix may map only to a single namespace. A namespace may be bound to multiple prefixes |
▼CXmlQualifiedName | |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XBQualifiedName | Helper class surrounding qualified names |
Ccom.objsys.xbinder.runtime.XMLStreamHelper | Helper methods. A number of these may be moved into a stream class, when I get to the point of reorganizing the stream interfaces |