C++ Code Generated for Project-level Factory Decode/Validation Function

If -genFactory option is specified and C++ code generation is selected, a Factory class definition is generated. The class contains a constructor for initialization of member variables. Method declarations will also be generated instead of C function prototypes for decoding, validating and printing.

A sample section from sample CSTA C++ header file is as follows:

   class EXTERN CSTA_Factory {
    * The mpContext member variable holds a reference-counted C runtime
    * variable. This context is used in calls to all C run-time functions.
    * context pointed at by this smart-pointer object is shared with the
    * message buffer object contained within this class.
   OSRTCtxtPtr mpContext;

    * The mpMsgBuf member variable is a pointer to a derived message buffer
    * stream class that will manage the message being decoded.
   OSRTMessageBufferIF* mpMsgBuf;

   CSTA_Factory () : mpContext (new OSRTContext()), mpMsgBuf (0) {}
   CSTA_Factory (OSRTMessageBufferIF& msgbuf) : mpMsgBuf(&msgbuf) {
      mpContext = msgbuf.getContext();
   ~CSTA_Factory () {}

    * The getCtxtPtr method returns the underlying C runtime context. This
    * context can be used in calls to C runtime functions.
   inline OSCTXT* getCtxtPtr () {
      return (!mpContext.isNull ()) ? mpContext->getPtr() : 0;

   // element tags
   enum {
      T_cause = 1,
      T_consultOptions = 2,
      T_servicesPermitted = 3,
   } ;
   #define Num_Global_Elem_CSTA_Project 19

   OSUINT16 t;
   union {
      /* t = 1 */
      cause_CC *cause;
      /* t = 2 */
      consultOptions_CC *consultOptions;
      /* t = 3 */
      servicesPermitted_CC *servicesPermitted;
   } u;

    * Decode factory function.  This function
    * decodes complete XML document when the message type
    * is unknown.
   int decode ();

    * Validate factory function.  This function
    * validates complete XML document when the message type
    * is unknown.
   int validate ();

   void print (const char* name);

    * This method tests to see if the cause
    * element is selected.
    * @return TRUE if selected; FALSE otherwise.
   inline OSBOOL is_cause () {
      return (t == T_cause);

    * This method tests to see if the consultOptions
    * element is selected.
    * @return TRUE if selected; FALSE otherwise.
   inline OSBOOL is_consultOptions () {
      return (t == T_consultOptions);

    * This method tests to see if the servicesPermitted
    * element is selected.
    * @return TRUE if selected; FALSE otherwise.
   inline OSBOOL is_servicesPermitted () {
      return (t == T_servicesPermitted);
} ;