Interface Asn1NamedEventHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
Asn1ElementTracker, Asn1NamedEventDispatcher, Asn1TraceHandler

public interface Asn1NamedEventHandler

This interface defines the methods that must be implemented to define a SAX-like event handler. These methods are invoked from within the generated Java decode logic when significant events occur during the parsing of an ASN.1 message.

Method Summary
 void characters(java.lang.String svalue, short typeCode)
          The characters callback method is invoked when content (primitive data) is encountered.
 void endElement(java.lang.String name, int index)
          The endElement callback method is invoked when the end of an element within a constructed type (SEQUENCE, SET, SEQUENCE OF, SET OF, or CHOICE) is detected.
 void startElement(java.lang.String name, int index)
          The startElement callback method is invoked when the start of an element within a constructed type (SEQUENCE, SET, SEQUENCE OF, SET OF, or CHOICE) is encountered.

Method Detail


void startElement(java.lang.String name,
                  int index)
The startElement callback method is invoked when the start of an element within a constructed type (SEQUENCE, SET, SEQUENCE OF, SET OF, or CHOICE) is encountered.

name - Name of the parsed element.
index - Index of element in array. Only used for SEQUENCE OF or SET OF elements. Set to -1 for all others.


void endElement(java.lang.String name,
                int index)
The endElement callback method is invoked when the end of an element within a constructed type (SEQUENCE, SET, SEQUENCE OF, SET OF, or CHOICE) is detected.

name - Name of the parsed element.
index - Index of element in array. Only used for SEQUENCE OF or SET OF elements. Set to -1 for all others.


void characters(java.lang.String svalue,
                short typeCode)
The characters callback method is invoked when content (primitive data) is encountered. A stringified representation of the parsed value is returned.

svalue - Stringified representation of the parsed value. The representation will be in ASN.1 value format.
typeCode - Identifier specifying the type of the parsed data variable. The enumerated list of values that might appear here is provided in the the Asn1Type class (see the documentation on this class for a full list of the names).