Class Asn1PerOutputStreamTraceHandler

  extended by com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1PerTraceHandler
      extended by com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1PerOutputStreamTraceHandler

public class Asn1PerOutputStreamTraceHandler
extends Asn1PerTraceHandler

This is a utility class for handling the collection and printing of PER bit field trace information for PER output stream. An object of the class is present in the Asn1PerOutputStream classes. It is accessed using the 'getTraceHandler' method from within objects of these classes.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1PerTraceHandler
Constructor Summary
Asn1PerOutputStreamTraceHandler(Asn1PerOutputStream out)
Method Summary
 void enable()
          This method is used to turn PER bit tracing on
 void print( out, java.lang.String varName)
          This method prints the trace to the given output stream in a default format.
 void reset()
          This method does nothing here.
 void resetTrace()
          This method resets the trace bit field list.
Methods inherited from class com.objsys.asn1j.runtime.Asn1PerTraceHandler
addElemName, getBitFieldList, newBitField, removeLastElemName, setBitCount, setBitOffset
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Asn1PerOutputStreamTraceHandler(Asn1PerOutputStream out)
Method Detail


public void enable()
This method is used to turn PER bit tracing on

Specified by:
enable in class Asn1PerTraceHandler


public void print( out,
                  java.lang.String varName)
This method prints the trace to the given output stream in a default format.

Specified by:
print in class Asn1PerTraceHandler
out - Print stream to which output is to be written.
varName - Name of the object variable being printed.


public void reset()
This method does nothing here.

Specified by:
reset in class Asn1PerTraceHandler


public void resetTrace()
This method resets the trace bit field list.