Uses of Class

Uses of Asn1BerDecodeBuffer in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime

Subclasses of Asn1BerDecodeBuffer in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime
 class Asn1BerInputStream
          This class handles the input stream for the decoding of ASN.1 messages as specified in the Basic Encoding Rules (BER) as documented in the ITU-T X.690 standard.
 class Asn1CerInputStream
          This class handles the input stream for the decoding of ASN.1 messages as specified in the Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) as documented in the ITU-T X.690 standard.
 class Asn1DerDecodeBuffer
          This class handles the decoding of ASN.1 messages as specified in the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) as documented in the ITU-T X.690 standard.
 class Asn1DerInputStream
          This class handles the input stream for the decoding of ASN.1 messages as specified in the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) as documented in the ITU-T X.690 standard.

Fields in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime declared as Asn1BerDecodeBuffer
protected  Asn1BerDecodeBuffer Asn1BerDecodeContext.mDecodeBuffer
          This variable holds a reference to the BER decode buffer object that is being used to decode the entire message component.

Methods in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime with parameters of type Asn1BerDecodeBuffer
 void Asn1Type.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer)
          This method is used to decode a message that is encoded in BER or DER format.
static java.lang.String Asn1UTF8String.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag explicitTag, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 UTF-8 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 Asn1Type Asn1BerDecoder.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          Decode value from given buffer.
 void Asn1BitString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 bit string value using the BER or DER encoding rules.
 void Asn1BMPString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 BMP string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1Boolean.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 boolean value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1ChoiceExt.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an extension field using the Basic Encoding Rules (BER).
 void Asn1Date.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 DATE string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1DateTime.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 DATE-TIME string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1Duration.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 DURATION string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1GeneralizedTime.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1GeneralString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1GraphicString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1IA5String.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 IA5 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1Integer.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 integer value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1Null.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 null value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1NumericString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1ObjectDescriptor.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1ObjectIdentifier.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 object identifier value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1OctetString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 octet string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1OID_IRI.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 OID-IRI string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1OpenExt.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 open type extension value using the Basic Encoding Rules (BER).
 void Asn1OpenType.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 open type value.
 void Asn1PrintableString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1Real.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 REAL value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1Real10.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 real10 value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1RelativeOID.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 relative object identifier value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1T61String.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1TimeOfDay.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 TIME-OF-DAY string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1Type.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method is used to decode a message that is encoded in BER or DER format.
 void Asn1TypeIF.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method declaration is the signature of the standard Basic Encoding Rules (BER) or Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) decode method.
 void Asn1UniversalString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 universal string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1UTCTime.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1UTF8String.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 UTF-8 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1VideotexString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1VisibleString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 Visible string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1X694OrderElement.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an X.694 order element value including the tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1BigInteger.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 integer value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
 void Asn1_ABSTRACT_SYNTAX_property.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1CHARACTER_STRING.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1CHARACTER_STRING_identification.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1CHARACTER_STRING_identification_context_negotiation.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1CHARACTER_STRING_identification_syntaxes.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1EmbeddedPDV.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1EmbeddedPDV_identification.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1EmbeddedPDV_identification_context_negotiation.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1EmbeddedPDV_identification_syntaxes.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1External.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1External_encoding.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1Xer__ABSTRACT_SYNTAX_property_default_Type.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XerCHARACTER_STRING.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XerCHARACTER_STRING_identification.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XerCHARACTER_STRING_identification_context_negotiation.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XerCHARACTER_STRING_identification_syntaxes.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XerEmbeddedPDV.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XerEmbeddedPDV_identification.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XerEmbeddedPDV_identification_context_negotiation.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XerEmbeddedPDV_identification_syntaxes.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XerExternal.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XerExternal_encoding.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1Xml__ABSTRACT_SYNTAX_property_default_Type.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XmlCHARACTER_STRING.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XmlCHARACTER_STRING_identification.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XmlCHARACTER_STRING_identification_context_negotiation.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XmlCHARACTER_STRING_identification_syntaxes.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XmlEmbeddedPDV.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XmlEmbeddedPDV_identification.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XmlEmbeddedPDV_identification_context_negotiation.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XmlEmbeddedPDV_identification_syntaxes.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XmlExternal.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
 void Asn1XmlExternal_encoding.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
protected  void Asn1CharString.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 character string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
protected  void Asn1Time.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, boolean explicit, int implicitLength, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method decodes an ASN.1 character string value including the UNIVERSAL tag value and length if explicit tagging is specified.
static Asn1Type Asn1Type.decode(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, java.lang.Object decoder, boolean explicit, int implicitLength)
          Decode a value from the given buffer, using the given decoder.
 void Asn1OpenExt.decodeComponent(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer)
          This method decodes a single component of a BER open type extension by decoding an open type value and appending it to the list of open type objects.
 void Asn1OpenExt.decodeEventComponent(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer)
          This method decodes a single component of a BER open type extension by decoding an open type value and appending it to the list of open type objects, this function also triggers event handler code, with element name "..."
protected static int Asn1Type.matchTag(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag tag)
          This method will compare the next parsed tag with the given tag value.
protected static int Asn1Type.matchTag(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, short tagClass, short tagForm, int tagIDCode)
          This method will compare the next parsed tag with the given tag value.

Constructors in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime with parameters of type Asn1BerDecodeBuffer
Asn1BerDecodeContext(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer decodeBuffer, int elemLength)
          The constructor initializes all internal working varaibles.
Asn1InvalidChoiceOptionException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag tag)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing the tag of the invalid element..
Asn1MissingRequiredException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing the error.
Asn1MissingRequiredException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, java.lang.String elemName)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing the error, including the name of the required element that is missing and the location in the buffer where it failed.
Asn1NotInSetException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag tag)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing the tag of the duplicate element.
Asn1SetDuplicateException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag tag)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing the tag of the duplicate element..
Asn1TagMatchFailedException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag expectedTag)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing only the expected tag value.
Asn1TagMatchFailedException(Asn1BerDecodeBuffer buffer, Asn1Tag expectedTag, Asn1Tag parsedTag)
          This constructor creates an exception object with a textual message describing the expected and parsed tag values..