Uses of Class

Uses of Asn1EndOfBufferException in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime

Methods in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime that throw Asn1EndOfBufferException
 void Asn1DecodeBuffer.capture(int nbytes)
          This method captures bytes from the input stream to a separate object for later analysis.
 boolean Asn1PerDecodeBuffer.decodeBit()
          This method decodes a single bit value.
 boolean Asn1PerDecodeBuffer.decodeBit(java.lang.String ident)
          This method decodes a single bit value.
 void Asn1PerDecodeBuffer.moveBitCursor(long offset)
          This method moves the bit cursor to the given offset.
          The read method reads a single byte from the current input stream and returns it to the caller.
 void[] buffer)
          This version of the read method reads the number of bytes equal to the length of the given input buffer.
 void[] buffer, int offset, int nbytes)
          This version of the read method reads the given number of bytes from the current input stream and writes them to the specified byte array at the given offset.
 int Asn1DecodeBuffer.read2Bytes()
          Read the next two bytes from the current input stream into an int, and return that int.
 int Asn1DecodeBuffer.read4Bytes()
          Read the next four bytes from the current input stream into an int, and return that int.