Uses of Class

Uses of Asn1ValueParseException in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime

Methods in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime that throw Asn1ValueParseException
static byte[] Asn1Value.parseString(java.lang.String value)
          This overloaded version of the parseString method sets the numbits holder value to null.
static byte[] Asn1Value.parseString(java.lang.String value, IntHolder numbits)
          This static method parses the given ASN.1 value text (either a binary or hex data string) and returns the value in a binary byte array.
static byte[] Asn1Util.stringToBCD(java.lang.String str)
          Translates an ASCII string to a BCD string.
static byte[] Asn1Util.stringToTBCD(java.lang.String str)
          Translates an ASCII String to a TBCD String.

Constructors in com.objsys.asn1j.runtime that throw Asn1ValueParseException
Asn1_ABSTRACT_SYNTAX_property(java.lang.String value_)
          This constructor parses the given ASN.1 value text (either a binary or hex data string) and assigns the values to the internal bit string.
Asn1Base64BinaryString(java.lang.String value_)
          This constructor parses the given ASN.1 value text (either a binary or hex data string) and assigns the values to the internal bit string.
Asn1BitString(java.lang.String value_)
          This constructor parses the given ASN.1 value text (either a binary or hex data string) and assigns the values to the internal bit string.
Asn1OctetString(java.lang.String value_)
          This constructor parses the given ASN.1 value text (either a binary or hex data string) and assigns the values to the internal bit string.
Asn1Xer__ABSTRACT_SYNTAX_property_default_Type(java.lang.String value_)
          This constructor parses the given ASN.1 value text (either a binary or hex data string) and assigns the values to the internal bit string.
Asn1Xml__ABSTRACT_SYNTAX_property_default_Type(java.lang.String value_)
          This constructor parses the given ASN.1 value text (either a binary or hex data string) and assigns the values to the internal bit string.