ASN1C C/C++ Common Runtime  ASN1C v7.2.x
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
Linked List Utility Functions


struct  _OSRTSListNode
struct  _OSRTSList


typedef struct _OSRTSListNode OSRTSListNode
typedef struct _OSRTSList OSRTSList


void rtxSListInit (OSRTSList *pList)
void rtxSListInitEx (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTSList *pList)
void rtxSListFree (OSRTSList *pList)
void rtxSListFreeAll (OSRTSList *pList)
OSRTSListrtxSListCreateEx (OSCTXT *pctxt)
OSRTSListNodertxSListAppend (OSRTSList *pList, void *pData)
OSBOOL rtxSListFind (OSRTSList *pList, void *pData)
void rtxSListRemove (OSRTSList *pList, void *pData)

Detailed Description

Singly linked list structures have only a single link pointer and can therefore only be traversed in a single direction (forward). The node structures consume less memory than those of a doubly linked list.

Another difference between the singly linked list implementation and doubly linked lists is that the singly linked list uses conventional memory allocation functions (C malloc and free) for less storage instead of the rtxMem functions. Therefore, it is not a requirement to have an initialized context structure to work with these lists. However, performance may suffer if the lists become large due to the use of non-optimized memory management.

Function Documentation

◆ rtxSListAppend()

OSRTSListNode* rtxSListAppend ( OSRTSList pList,
void *  pData 

This function appends an item to a linked list structure. The data item is passed into the function as a void parameter that can point to an object of any type.

pListA pointer to a linked list onto which the data item is to be appended.
pDataA pointer to a data item to be appended to the list.
A pointer to the allocated linked list structure.

◆ rtxSListCreate()

OSRTSList* rtxSListCreate ( OSVOIDARG  )

This function creates a new linked list structure. It allocates memory for the structure and calls rtxSListInit to initialize the structure.

A pointer to the allocated linked list structure.

◆ rtxSListCreateEx()

OSRTSList* rtxSListCreateEx ( OSCTXT pctxt)

The rtxSListAppend function appends an item to linked list structure. The data is passed into the function as a void that can point to an object of any type.

pctxtA pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
A pointer to the allocated linked list structure.

◆ rtxSListFind()

OSBOOL rtxSListFind ( OSRTSList pList,
void *  pData 

This function finds an item in the linked list structure. The data item is passed into the function as a void pointer that can point to an object of any type. If the appropriate node is found in the list this function returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.

pListA pointer to a linked list onto which the data item is to be appended.
pDataA pointer to a data item to be appended to the list.
TRUE, if the node is found, otherwise FALSE.

◆ rtxSListFree()

void rtxSListFree ( OSRTSList pList)

This function removes all nodes from the linked list structure and releases memory that was allocated for storing node structures (OSRTSListNode). The data will not be freed.

pListA pointer to a linked list onto which the data item is to be appended.

◆ rtxSListFreeAll()

void rtxSListFreeAll ( OSRTSList pList)

This function removes all nodes from the linked list structure and releases memory that was allocated for storing node structures (OSRTSListNode). It also frees the data structures which are assumed to have been allocated using the rtxMemAlloc function.

pListA pointer to a linked list onto which the data item is to be appended.

◆ rtxSListInit()

void rtxSListInit ( OSRTSList pList)

This function initializes a singly linked list structure. It sets the number of elements to zero and sets all internal pointer values to NULL.

pListA pointer to a linked list structure to be initialized.

◆ rtxSListInitEx()

void rtxSListInitEx ( OSCTXT pctxt,
OSRTSList pList 

This function is similar to rtxSListInit but it also sets the pctxt (pointer to a context structure member of OSRTSList structure). This context will be used for further memory allocations; otherwise the standard malloc is used.

pctxtA pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage area for the function to store all working variables that must be maintained between function calls.
pListA pointer to a linked list structure to be initialized.

◆ rtxSListRemove()

void rtxSListRemove ( OSRTSList pList,
void *  pData 

This function finds an item in the linked list structure and removes it from the list. The data item is passed into the function as a void pointer that can point to an object of any type.

pListA pointer to a linked list onto which the data item is to be appended.
pDataA pointer to a data item to be appended to the list.