ASN1C C/C++ Common Runtime  ASN1C v7.2.x
Print Functions


void rtxPrintBoolean (const char *name, OSBOOL value)
void rtxPrintDate (const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
void rtxPrintTime (const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
void rtxPrintDateTime (const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
void rtxPrintGYear (const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
void rtxPrintGYearMonth (const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
void rtxPrintGMonth (const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
void rtxPrintGMonthDay (const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
void rtxPrintGDay (const char *name, const OSNumDateTime *pvalue)
void rtxPrintInteger (const char *name, OSINT32 value)
void rtxPrintInt64 (const char *name, OSINT64 value)
void rtxPrintUnsigned (const char *name, OSUINT32 value)
void rtxPrintUInt64 (const char *name, OSUINT64 value)
void rtxPrintHexStr (const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
void rtxPrintHexStrPlain (const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
void rtxPrintHexStrNoAscii (const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
void rtxPrintHexBinary (const char *name, OSSIZE numocts, const OSOCTET *data)
void rtxPrintCharStr (const char *name, const char *cstring)
void rtxPrintUTF8CharStr (const char *name, const OSUTF8CHAR *cstring)
void rtxPrintUnicodeCharStr (const char *name, const OSUNICHAR *str, int nchars)
void rtxPrintUnicodeCharStr64 (const char *name, const OSUNICHAR *str, OSSIZE nchars)
void rtxPrintReal (const char *name, OSREAL value)
void rtxPrintNull (const char *name)
void rtxPrintNVP (const char *name, const OSUTF8NVP *value)
int rtxPrintFile (const char *filename)
void rtxPrintIndent (OSVOIDARG)
void rtxPrintIncrIndent (OSVOIDARG)
void rtxPrintDecrIndent (OSVOIDARG)
void rtxPrintCloseBrace (OSVOIDARG)
void rtxPrintOpenBrace (const char *)

Detailed Description

These functions simply print the output in a "name=value" format. The value format is obtained by calling one of the ToString functions with the given value.

Function Documentation

◆ rtxPrintBoolean()

void rtxPrintBoolean ( const char *  name,
OSBOOL  value 

Prints a boolean value to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
valueBoolean value to print.

◆ rtxPrintCharStr()

void rtxPrintCharStr ( const char *  name,
const char *  cstring 

Prints an ASCII character string value to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
cstringA pointer to the character string to be printed.

Referenced by OSRTFastString::print(), OSRTUTF8String::print(), and OSRTString::print().

◆ rtxPrintCloseBrace()

void rtxPrintCloseBrace ( OSVOIDARG  )

This function closes a braced region by decreasing the indent level, printing indent spaces, and printing the closing brace.

◆ rtxPrintDate()

void rtxPrintDate ( const char *  name,
const OSNumDateTime *  pvalue 

Prints a date value to stdout.

nameName of the variable to print.
pvaluePointer to a structure that holds numeric DateTime value to print.

◆ rtxPrintDateTime()

void rtxPrintDateTime ( const char *  name,
const OSNumDateTime *  pvalue 

Prints a dateTime value to stdout.

nameName of the variable to print.
pvaluePointer to a structure that holds numeric DateTime value to print.

◆ rtxPrintDecrIndent()

void rtxPrintDecrIndent ( OSVOIDARG  )

This function decrements the current indentation level.

◆ rtxPrintFile()

int rtxPrintFile ( const char *  filename)

This function prints the contents of a text file to stdout.

filenameThe name of the text file to print.
Status of operation, 0 if success.

◆ rtxPrintHexBinary()

void rtxPrintHexBinary ( const char *  name,
OSSIZE  numocts,
const OSOCTET *  data 

Prints an octet string value in hex binary format to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
numoctsThe number of octets to be printed.
dataA pointer to the data to be printed.

◆ rtxPrintHexStr()

void rtxPrintHexStr ( const char *  name,
OSSIZE  numocts,
const OSOCTET *  data 

This function prints the value of a binary string in hex format to standard output. If the string is 32 bytes or less, it is printed on a single line with a '0x' prefix. If longer, a formatted hex dump showing both hex and ascii codes is done.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
numoctsThe number of octets to be printed.
dataA pointer to the data to be printed.

◆ rtxPrintHexStrNoAscii()

void rtxPrintHexStrNoAscii ( const char *  name,
OSSIZE  numocts,
const OSOCTET *  data 

This function prints the value of a binary string in hex format to standard output. In contrast to rtxPrintHexStr, it never contains an ASCII dump.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
numoctsThe number of octets to be printed.
dataA pointer to the data to be printed.

◆ rtxPrintHexStrPlain()

void rtxPrintHexStrPlain ( const char *  name,
OSSIZE  numocts,
const OSOCTET *  data 

This function prints the value of a binary string in hex format to standard output. In contrast to rtxPrintHexStr, it is always printed on a single line with a '0x' prefix.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
numoctsThe number of octets to be printed.
dataA pointer to the data to be printed.

◆ rtxPrintIncrIndent()

void rtxPrintIncrIndent ( OSVOIDARG  )

This function increments the current indentation level.

◆ rtxPrintIndent()

void rtxPrintIndent ( OSVOIDARG  )

This function prints indentation spaces to stdout.

◆ rtxPrintInt64()

void rtxPrintInt64 ( const char *  name,
OSINT64  value 

Prints a 64-bit integer value to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
value64-bit integer value to print.

◆ rtxPrintInteger()

void rtxPrintInteger ( const char *  name,
OSINT32  value 

Prints an integer value to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
valueInteger value to print.

◆ rtxPrintNull()

void rtxPrintNull ( const char *  name)

Prints a NULL value to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.

◆ rtxPrintNVP()

void rtxPrintNVP ( const char *  name,
const OSUTF8NVP *  value 

Prints a name-value pair to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
valueA pointer to name-value pair structure to print.

◆ rtxPrintOpenBrace()

void rtxPrintOpenBrace ( const char *  )

This function opens a braced region by printing indent spaces, printing the name and opening brace, and increasing the indent level.

◆ rtxPrintReal()

void rtxPrintReal ( const char *  name,
OSREAL  value 

Prints a REAL (float, double, decimal) value to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
valueREAL value to print.

◆ rtxPrintTime()

void rtxPrintTime ( const char *  name,
const OSNumDateTime *  pvalue 

Prints a time value to stdout.

nameName of the variable to print.
pvaluePointer to a structure that holds numeric DateTime value to print.

◆ rtxPrintUInt64()

void rtxPrintUInt64 ( const char *  name,
OSUINT64  value 

Prints an unsigned 64-bit integer value to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
valueUnsigned 64-bit integer value to print.

◆ rtxPrintUnicodeCharStr()

void rtxPrintUnicodeCharStr ( const char *  name,
const OSUNICHAR *  str,
int  nchars 

This function prints a Unicode string to standard output. Characters in the string that are within the normal Ascii range are printed as single characters. Characters outside the Ascii range are printed as 4-byte hex codes (0xnnnn).

nameThe name of the variable to print.
strPointer to unicode sring to be printed. String is an array of C unsigned short data variables.
ncharsNumber of characters in the string. If value is negative, string is assumed to be null-terminated (i.e. ends with a 0x0000 character).

◆ rtxPrintUnsigned()

void rtxPrintUnsigned ( const char *  name,
OSUINT32  value 

Prints an unsigned integer value to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
valueUnsigned integer value to print.

◆ rtxPrintUTF8CharStr()

void rtxPrintUTF8CharStr ( const char *  name,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  cstring 

Prints a UTF-8 encoded character string value to stdout.

nameThe name of the variable to print.
cstringA pointer to the character string to be printed.