ASN1C C/C++ Common Runtime  ASN1C v7.3.x
Character String Conversion Functions


int rtValidateStr (ASN1TAG tag, const char *pdata)
int rtValidateChars (ASN1TAG tag, const char *pdata, size_t nchars)
const char * rtBMPToCString (ASN1BMPString *pBMPString, char *cstring, OSSIZE cstrsize)
const char * rtBMPToNewCString (ASN1BMPString *pBMPString)
const char * rtBMPToNewCStringEx (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1BMPString *pBMPString)
ASN1BMPStringrtCToBMPString (OSCTXT *pctxt, const char *cstring, ASN1BMPString *pBMPString, Asn116BitCharSet *pCharSet)
OSBOOL rtIsIn16BitCharSet (OSUNICHAR ch, Asn116BitCharSet *pCharSet)
const char * rtUCSToCString (ASN1UniversalString *pUCSString, char *cstring, OSSIZE cstrsize)
const char * rtUCSToNewCString (ASN1UniversalString *pUCSString)
const char * rtUCSToNewCStringEx (OSCTXT *pctxt, ASN1UniversalString *pUCSString)
ASN1UniversalStringrtCToUCSString (OSCTXT *pctxt, const char *cstring, ASN1UniversalString *pUCSString, Asn132BitCharSet *pCharSet)
OSBOOL rtIsIn32BitCharSet (OS32BITCHAR ch, Asn132BitCharSet *pCharSet)
wchar_t * rtUCSToWCSString (ASN1UniversalString *pUCSString, wchar_t *wcstring, OSUINT32 wcstrsize)
ASN1UniversalStringrtWCSToUCSString (OSCTXT *pctxt, wchar_t *wcstring, ASN1UniversalString *pUCSString, Asn132BitCharSet *pCharSet)
int rtUnivStrToUTF8 (OSCTXT *pctxt, const ASN1UniversalString *pUnivStr, OSOCTET *outbuf, size_t outbufsiz)
int rtUTF8StrToASN1DynBitStr (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSUTF8CHAR *utf8str, ASN1DynBitStr *pvalue)
int rtUTF8StrnToASN1DynBitStr (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSUTF8CHAR *utf8str, size_t nbytes, ASN1DynBitStr *pvalue)

Detailed Description

Common utility functions are provided to convert between standard null-terminated C strings and different ASN.1 string types.

Function Documentation

◆ rtBMPToCString()

const char* rtBMPToCString ( ASN1BMPString pBMPString,
char *  cstring,
OSSIZE  cstrsize 

This function converts a BMP string into a null-terminated C string. Any characters that are not 8-bit characters are discarded.

pBMPStringA pointer to a BMP string structure to be converted.
cstringA pointer to a buffer to receive the converted string.
cstrsizeThe size of the buffer to receive the converted string.
A pointer to the returned string structure. This is the cstring argument parameter value.

◆ rtBMPToNewCString()

const char* rtBMPToNewCString ( ASN1BMPString pBMPString)

This function converts a BMP string into a null-terminated C string. Any characters that are not 8-bit characters are discarded. This function allocates dynamic memory to hold the converted string using the standard C run-time malloc function. The user is responsible for freeing this memory.

pBMPStringA pointer to a BMP string structure to be converted.
A pointer to the returned string structure. This is the cstring argument parameter value.

◆ rtBMPToNewCStringEx()

const char* rtBMPToNewCStringEx ( OSCTXT pctxt,
ASN1BMPString pBMPString 

This function converts a BMP string into a null-terminated C string. Any characters that are not 8-bit characters are discarded. In contrast to rtBMPToNewCString, this function allocates dynamic memory to hold the converted string using the rtMemAlloc function. The rtMemFreePtr should be called to release the allocated memory or the rtmemFree function should be called to release all memory allocated using the specified context block.

pctxtA pointer to a context structure.
pBMPStringA pointer to a BMP string structure to be converted.
A pointer to the returned string structure. This is the cstring argument parameter value.

◆ rtCToBMPString()

ASN1BMPString* rtCToBMPString ( OSCTXT pctxt,
const char *  cstring,
ASN1BMPString pBMPString,
Asn116BitCharSet pCharSet 

This function converts a null-terminated C string into a 16-bit BMP string structure.

pctxtA pointer to a context string.
cstringA pointer to a null-terminated C string to be converted into a BMP string.
pBMPStringA pointer to a BMP string structure to receive the converted string.
pCharSetA pointer to a character set structure describing the character set currently associated with the BMP character string type.
A pointer to BMP string structure. This is the pBMPString argument parameter value.

◆ rtCToUCSString()

ASN1UniversalString* rtCToUCSString ( OSCTXT pctxt,
const char *  cstring,
ASN1UniversalString pUCSString,
Asn132BitCharSet pCharSet 

This function converts a null-terminated C string into a 32-bit UCS-4 (Universal Character Set, 4 byes) string structure.

pctxtA pointer to a context structure.
cstringA pointer to a null-terminated C string to be converted into a Universal string.
pUCSStringA pointer to a Universal string structure to receive the converted string
pCharSetA pointer to a character structure describing the character set currently associated with the Universal character string type.
A pointer to a Universal string structure. This is the pUCSString argument parameter value.

◆ rtIsIn16BitCharSet()

OSBOOL rtIsIn16BitCharSet ( OSUNICHAR  ch,
Asn116BitCharSet pCharSet 

This function tests whether the given character is in the given 16-bit character set.

chA 16-bit character.
pCharSetA pointer-to Asn116BitCharSet that contains the set of valid character.
TRUE if the character is in the set, FALSE otherwise.

◆ rtIsIn32BitCharSet()

OSBOOL rtIsIn32BitCharSet ( OS32BITCHAR  ch,
Asn132BitCharSet pCharSet 

This function tests whether the given character is in the given 32-bit character set.

chA 32-bit character.
pCharSetA pointer-to Asn132BitCharSet that contains the set of valid character.
TRUE if the character is in the set, FALSE otherwise.

◆ rtUCSToCString()

const char* rtUCSToCString ( ASN1UniversalString pUCSString,
char *  cstring,
OSSIZE  cstrsize 

This function converts a Universal 32-bit string into a null-terminated C string. Any characters that are not 8-bit characters are discarded.

pUCSStringA pointer to a Universal string structure to be converted.
cstringA pointer to a buffer to receive a converted string.
cstrsizeThe size of the buffer to receive the converted string.
The pointer to the returned string. This is the cstring argument parameter value.

◆ rtUCSToNewCString()

const char* rtUCSToNewCString ( ASN1UniversalString pUCSString)

This function converts a Universal 32-bit string into a null-terminated C string. Any characters that are not 8-bit characters are discarded. This function allocates dynamic memory to hold the converted string using the standard C run-time malloc function. The user is responsible for freeing this memory.

pUCSStringA pointer to a Universal 32-bit string structure to be converted.
A pointer to allocated null-terminated string. The user is responsible for freeing this memory.

◆ rtUCSToNewCStringEx()

const char* rtUCSToNewCStringEx ( OSCTXT pctxt,
ASN1UniversalString pUCSString 

This function converts a Universal 32-bit string into a null-terminated C string. Any characters that are not 8-bit characters are discarded. In contrast to rtUSCToNewCString this function allocates dynamic memory to hold the converted string using the rtMemAlloc function. The rtMemFreePtr should be called to release the allocated memory or the rtMemFree function should be called to release all memory allocated using the specified context block.

pctxtA pointer to a context block.
pUCSStringA pointer to a Universal 32-bit string structure to be converted.
A pointer to allocated null-terminated string. The user is responsible for freeing this memory.

◆ rtUCSToWCSString()

wchar_t* rtUCSToWCSString ( ASN1UniversalString pUCSString,
wchar_t *  wcstring,
OSUINT32  wcstrsize 

This function converts a 32-bits encoded string to a wide character string.

pUCSStringA pointer to a Universal string structure.
wcstringThe pointer to the buffer to receive the converted string.
wcstrsizeThe number of wide characters (wchar_t) the outbuffer can hold.
A character count or error status. This will be negative if the conversion fails. If the result is positive, the number of characters was written to scstrsize.

◆ rtUnivStrToUTF8()

int rtUnivStrToUTF8 ( OSCTXT pctxt,
const ASN1UniversalString pUnivStr,
OSOCTET *  outbuf,
size_t  outbufsiz 

This function converts an ASN.1 Universal String type (32-bit characters) to UTF-8.

pctxtA pointer to a context structure.
pUnivStrPointer to universal string to be converted.
outbufOutput buffer to receive UTF-8 characters.
outbufsizOutput buffer size in bytes.
Zero if conversion was successful, a negative status code if failed.

◆ rtUTF8StrnToASN1DynBitStr()

int rtUTF8StrnToASN1DynBitStr ( OSCTXT pctxt,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  utf8str,
size_t  nbytes,
ASN1DynBitStr pvalue 

This function converts the given part of UTF-8 string to a bit string value. The string consists of a series of '1' and '0' characters. This is the dynamic version in which memory is allocated for the returned binary string variable. Bits are stored from MSB to LSB order.

pctxtPointer to context block structure.
utf8strUTF-8 string to convert. Not necessary to be null-terminated.
nbytesSize in bytes of utf8Str.
pvaluePointer to a variable to receive the decoded boolean value.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.

◆ rtUTF8StrToASN1DynBitStr()

int rtUTF8StrToASN1DynBitStr ( OSCTXT pctxt,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  utf8str,
ASN1DynBitStr pvalue 

This function converts the given null-terminated UTF-8 string to a bit string value. The string consists of a series of '1' and '0' characters. This is the dynamic version in which memory is allocated for the returned binary string variable. Bits are stored from MSB to LSB order.

pctxtPointer to context block structure.
utf8strNull-terminated UTF-8 string to convert
pvaluePointer to a variable to receive the decoded boolean value.
Completion status of operation:
  • 0 = success,
  • negative return value is error.

◆ rtValidateChars()

int rtValidateChars ( ASN1TAG  tag,
const char *  pdata,
size_t  nchars 

This function ensures that a given string does not contain invalid characters.

tagThe ASN.1 Tag that identifies the string.
pdataA pointer to the character string to be examined.
ncharsThe number of characters in pdata.
This function returns 0 if the string validates or the tag is not associated with a string; it otherwise returns the integer value of the character that invalidates the string.

◆ rtValidateStr()

int rtValidateStr ( ASN1TAG  tag,
const char *  pdata 

This function ensures that a given string does not contain invalid characters.

tagThe ASN.1 Tag that identifies the string.
pdataA pointer to the character string to be examined.
This function returns 0 if the string validates or the tag is not associated with a string; it otherwise returns the integer value of the character that invalidates the string.

◆ rtWCSToUCSString()

ASN1UniversalString* rtWCSToUCSString ( OSCTXT pctxt,
wchar_t *  wcstring,
ASN1UniversalString pUCSString,
Asn132BitCharSet pCharSet 

This function converts a wide-character string to a Universal 32-bits encoded string.

pctxtA pointer to a context structure.
wcstringThe pointer to the wide-character (Unicode) string to convert
pUCSStringThe pointer to the Universal String structure to receive the converted string.
pCharSetThe pointer to the character set structure describing the character set currently associated with the Universal character string type.
If the conversion of the WCS to the UTF-8 was successful, the number of bytes in the converted string is returned. If the encoding fails, a negative status value is returned.