ASN1C C/C++ Common Runtime  ASN1C v7.4.x
Macros | Typedefs | Functions
TCP/IP or UDP socket utility functions


#define OSIPADDR_LOCAL   ((OSIPADDR)0x7f000001UL) /* */


typedef unsigned long OSIPADDR


int rtxSocketAccept (OSRTSOCKET socket, OSRTSOCKET *pNewSocket, OSIPADDR *destAddr, int *destPort)
int rtxSocketAddrToStr (OSIPADDR ipAddr, char *pbuf, size_t bufsize)
int rtxSocketBind (OSRTSOCKET socket, OSIPADDR addr, int port)
int rtxSocketClose (OSRTSOCKET socket)
int rtxSocketConnect (OSRTSOCKET socket, const char *host, int port)
int rtxSocketConnectTimed (OSRTSOCKET socket, const char *host, int port, int nsecs)
int rtxSocketCreate (OSRTSOCKET *psocket)
int rtxSocketCreateUDP (OSRTSOCKET *psocket)
int rtxSocketGetHost (const char *host, struct in_addr *inaddr)
int rtxSocketsInit (OSVOIDARG)
int rtxSocketListen (OSRTSOCKET socket, int maxConnection)
int rtxSocketParseURL (char *url, char **protocol, char **address, int *port)
int rtxSocketRecv (OSRTSOCKET socket, OSOCTET *pbuf, size_t bufsize)
int rtxSocketRecvTimed (OSRTSOCKET socket, OSOCTET *pbuf, size_t bufsize, OSUINT32 secs)
int rtxSocketSelect (int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout)
int rtxSocketSend (OSRTSOCKET socket, const OSOCTET *pdata, size_t size)
int rtxSocketSetBlocking (OSRTSOCKET socket, OSBOOL value)
int rtxSocketStrToAddr (const char *pIPAddrStr, OSIPADDR *pIPAddr)

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation


typedef unsigned long OSIPADDR

The IP address represented as unsigned long value. The most significant 8 bits in this unsigned long value represent the first number of the IP address. The least significant 8 bits represent the last number of the IP address.

Function Documentation

◆ rtxSocketAccept()

int rtxSocketAccept ( OSRTSOCKET  socket,
OSIPADDR destAddr,
int *  destPort 

This function permits an incoming connection attempt on a socket. It extracts the first connection on the queue of pending connections on socket. It then creates a new socket and returns a handle to the new socket. The newly created socket is the socket that will handle the actual connection and has the same properties as original socket. See description of 'accept' socket function for further details.

socketThe socket handle created by call to rtxSocketCreate function.
pNewSocketThe pointer to variable to receive the new socket handle.
destAddrOptional pointer to a buffer that receives the IP address of the connecting entity. It may be NULL.
destPortOptional pointer to a buffer that receives the port of the connecting entity. It may be NULL.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketAddrToStr()

int rtxSocketAddrToStr ( OSIPADDR  ipAddr,
char *  pbuf,
size_t  bufsize 

This function converts an IP address to its string representation.

ipAddrThe IP address to be converted.
pbufPointer to the buffer to receive a string with the IP address.
bufsizeSize of the buffer.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketBind()

int rtxSocketBind ( OSRTSOCKET  socket,
int  port 

This function associates a local address with a socket. It is used on an unconnected socket before subsequent calls to the rtxSocketConnect or rtxSocketListen functions. See description of 'bind' socket function for further details.

socketThe socket handle created by call to rtxSocketCreate function.
addrThe local IP address to assign to the socket.
portThe local port number to assign to the socket.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketClose()

int rtxSocketClose ( OSRTSOCKET  socket)

This function closes an existing socket.

socketThe socket handle created by call to rtxSocketCreate or rtxSocketAccept function.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketConnect()

int rtxSocketConnect ( OSRTSOCKET  socket,
const char *  host,
int  port 

This function establishes a connection to a specified socket. It is used to create a connection to the specified destination. When the socket call completes successfully, the socket is ready to send and receive data. See description of 'connect' socket function for further details.

socketThe socket handle created by call to rtxSocketCreate function.
hostThe null-terminated string with the IP address in the following format: "NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN", where NNN is a number in the range (0..255).
portThe destination port to connect.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketConnectTimed()

int rtxSocketConnectTimed ( OSRTSOCKET  socket,
const char *  host,
int  port,
int  nsecs 

This function establishes a connection to a specified socket. It is similar to the rtxSocketConnect function except that it will only wait the given number of seconds to establish a connection before giving up.

socketThe socket handle created by call to rtxSocketCreate function.
hostThe null-terminated string with the IP address in the following format: "NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN", where NNN is a number in the range (0..255).
portThe destination port to connect.
nsecsNumber of seconds to wait before failing.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketCreate()

int rtxSocketCreate ( OSRTSOCKET psocket)

This function creates a TCP socket.

psocketThe pointer to the socket handle variable to receive the handle of new socket.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketGetHost()

int rtxSocketGetHost ( const char *  host,
struct in_addr *  inaddr 

This function resolves the given host name to an IP address. The resulting address is stored in the given socket address structure.

hostHost name to resolve
inaddrSocket address structure to receive resolved IP address
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketListen()

int rtxSocketListen ( OSRTSOCKET  socket,
int  maxConnection 

This function places a socket a state where it is listening for an incoming connection. To accept connections, a socket is first created with the rtxSocketCreate function and bound to a local address with the rtxSocketBind function, a maxConnection for incoming connections is specified with rtxSocketListen, and then the connections are accepted with the rtxSocketAccept function. See description of 'listen' socket function for further details.

socketThe socket handle created by call to rtxSocketCreate function.
maxConnectionMaximum length of the queue of pending connections.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketParseURL()

int rtxSocketParseURL ( char *  url,
char **  protocol,
char **  address,
int *  port 

This function parses a simple URL of the form <protocol>://<address>:<port> into its individual components. It is assumed that the buffer the URL is provided in is modifiable. Null-terminators are inserted in the buffer to delimit the individual components. If the user needs to use the URL in unparsed form for any other purpose, they will need to make a copy of it before calling this function.

urlURL to be parsed. Buffer will be altered.
protocolProtocol string parsed from the URL.
addressIP address or domain name parsed from URL.
portOptional port number. Zero if no port provided.
Zero if parse successful or negative error code.

◆ rtxSocketRecv()

int rtxSocketRecv ( OSRTSOCKET  socket,
OSOCTET *  pbuf,
size_t  bufsize 

This function receives data from a connected socket. It is used to read incoming data on sockets. The socket must be connected before calling this function. See description of 'recv' socket function for further details.

socketThe socket handle created by call to rtxSocketCreate or rtxSocketAccept function.
pbufPointer to the buffer for the incoming data.
bufsizeLength of the buffer.
If no error occurs, returns the number of bytes received. Otherwise, the negative value is error code.

◆ rtxSocketRecvTimed()

int rtxSocketRecvTimed ( OSRTSOCKET  socket,
OSOCTET *  pbuf,
size_t  bufsize,
OSUINT32  secs 

This function receives data from a connected socket on a timed basis. It is used to read incoming data on sockets. The socket must be connected before calling this function. If no data is available within the given timeout period, an error is returned. See description of 'recv' socket function for further details.

socketThe socket handle created by call to rtxSocketCreate or rtxSocketAccept function.
pbufPointer to the buffer for the incoming data.
bufsizeLength of the buffer. secs Amount of time to wait, in seconds, for data to be received.
If no error occurs, returns the number of bytes received. Otherwise, the negative value is error code.

◆ rtxSocketSelect()

int rtxSocketSelect ( int  nfds,
fd_set *  readfds,
fd_set *  writefds,
fd_set *  exceptfds,
struct timeval *  timeout 

This function is used for synchronous monitoring of multiple sockets. For more information refer to documentation of the "select" system call.

nfdsThe highest numbered descriptor to be monitored plus one.
readfdsThe descriptors listed in readfds will be watched for whether read would block on them.
writefdsThe descriptors listed in writefds will be watched for whether write would block on them.
exceptfdsThe descriptors listed in exceptfds will be watched for exceptions.
timeoutUpper bound on amout of time elapsed before select returns.
Completion status of operation: 0 = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketSend()

int rtxSocketSend ( OSRTSOCKET  socket,
const OSOCTET *  pdata,
size_t  size 

This function sends data on a connected socket. It is used to write outgoing data on a connected socket. See description of 'send' socket function for further details.

socketThe socket handle created by call to rtxSocketCreate or rtxSocketAccept function.
pdataBuffer containing the data to be transmitted.
sizeLength of the data in pdata.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketSetBlocking()

int rtxSocketSetBlocking ( OSRTSOCKET  socket,
OSBOOL  value 

This function turns blocking mode for a socket on or off.

socketThe socket handle created by call to rtxSocketCreate or rtxSocketAccept function.
valueBoolean value. True = turn blocking mode on.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketsInit()

int rtxSocketsInit ( OSVOIDARG  )

This function initiates use of sockets by an application. This function must be called first before use sockets.

Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.

◆ rtxSocketStrToAddr()

int rtxSocketStrToAddr ( const char *  pIPAddrStr,

This function converts the string with IP address to a double word representation. The converted address may be used with the rtxSocketBind function.

pIPAddrStrThe null-terminated string with the IP address in the following format: "NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN", where NNN is a number in the range (0..255).
pIPAddrPointer to the converted IP address.
Completion status of operation: 0 (0) = success, negative return value is error.