| Asn1BerInputStream (System.IO.Stream istream) |
virtual int | Available () |
virtual void | Close () |
override void | Mark () |
virtual bool | MarkSupported () |
override void | Reset () |
override long | Skip (long nbytes) |
| Asn1BerDecodeBuffer (byte[] msgdata) |
| Asn1BerDecodeBuffer (System.IO.Stream istream) |
int | DecodeEnumValue (bool explicitTagging, int implicitLength) |
int | DecodeEnumValue (Asn1Tag tag, bool explicitTagging, int implicitLength) |
virtual int | DecodeLength () |
virtual byte [] | DecodeOpenType () |
virtual byte [] | DecodeOpenType (bool saveData) |
virtual void | DecodeTag (Asn1Tag tag) |
virtual int | DecodeTagAndLength (Asn1Tag tag) |
System.Exception | HandleException (Asn1Exception e) |
virtual bool | MatchTag (short tagClass, short tagForm, int tagIDCode, Asn1Tag parsedTag, IntHolder parsedLen) |
virtual bool | MatchTag (Asn1Tag tag, Asn1Tag parsedTag, IntHolder parsedLen) |
virtual bool | MatchTag (Asn1Tag tag) |
virtual void | Parse (Asn1TaggedEventHandler handler) |
virtual void | PeekTag (Asn1Tag parsedTag) |
virtual Asn1Tag | PeekTag () |
override int | ReadByte () |
void | SetExceptionHandler (Asn1BerExceptionHandler handler) |
void | SkipTLV () |
void | ThrowIfUnhandled (Asn1Exception e) |
virtual void | AddCaptureBuffer (System.IO.MemoryStream buffer) |
virtual void | Capture (int nbytes) |
virtual long | DecodeIntValue (int length, bool signExtend) |
int [] | DecodeOIDContents (int llen) |
BigInteger [] | DecodeOIDContentsBig (int llen) |
int [] | DecodeRelOIDContents (int llen) |
BigInteger [] | DecodeRelOIDContentsBig (int llen) |
override System.IO.Stream | GetInputStream () |
virtual void | HexDump () |
virtual void | MarkPos (ref BufferPos bufferPos) |
virtual int | Read () |
virtual void | Read (byte[] buffer, int offset, int nbytes) |
virtual void | Read (byte[] buffer) |
int | Read2Bytes () |
int | Read4Bytes () |
virtual void | RemoveCaptureBuffer (System.IO.MemoryStream buffer) |
virtual void | ResetPos (ref BufferPos bufferPos) |
virtual void | SetInputStream (byte[] msgdata, int offset, int length) |
void | SkipOIDContents (int llen) |
int [] | SkipRelOIDContents (int llen) |
virtual void | AddNamedEventHandler (Asn1NamedEventHandler handler) |
virtual void | InvokeCharacters (System.String svalue) |
virtual void | InvokeEndElement (System.String name, int index) |
virtual void | InvokeStartElement (System.String name, int index) |
void | SetKey (byte[] rtkey) |
void | SetPermanentKey (byte[] rtkey) |
This class handles the input stream for the decoding of ASN.1 messages as specified in the Basic Encoding Rules (BER) as documented in the ITU-T X.690 standard.