ASN1VE Change Log
ASN1VE 3.5.1 - March 19, 2025
- Fixed an issue where creation of a new message from a schema failed if the schema specified a value for an OCTET STRING using ASN.1 value notation; e.g., 'ABCD'H. (A1V-309)
- Fixed an issue where an element of type OCTET STRING was displayed using ASN.1 value notation instead of just the hex bytes. (A1V-309)
- Fixed an encoding issue when importing an XML file that contained TBCD strings. (A1V-293)
- Fixed a bug where ASN1VE was not properly accounting for size constraints when handling bit strings with named bits during conversion from XML to BER. (A1V-293)
- Some unnecessary libraries have been removed from the distributions.
- Fixed a bug that could cause license check failures on Windows if the license contained MAC addresses (LIC-20).
- Fixed a bug where the PER decoder would report an error on an unknown extension element (A1V-297).
- Fixed a bug where named integers would sometimes be displayed as the integer value instead of the name (A1V-290).
ASN1VE 3.5.0 - July 12, 2024
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- An option was added to switch to Dark Mode. This was added under the Edit -> Configure... pulldown under the Editor tab.
- The capability to directly edit data in the XML and JSON display windows was added.
- The capability was added to search the built-in ASN.1 specifications directory to resolve missing imported files.
The following defects have been fixed in this release:
- Fixed a bug in which the 'Assign -> ASN.1 schema files' pulldown menu item became disabled after used to assign schemas one time.
- Fixed a bug in which the 'Project -> Save Project' pulldown menu item was not enabled at times after an existing project was edited.
- Fixed a bug in which BIT STRING values were not appearing in the XML and Text views.
- Fixed a bug in which OBJECT IDENTIFIER values would not appear in XML, Text, and JSON views when a new message was created.
ASN1VE 3.4.1 - August 30, 2023
- Fixed a bug in which ASN1VE did not report an error on an incorrect BER encoding for an OCTET STRING (A1V-195).
- Fixed a bug that prevented adding an extension group to a PER message (A1V-194).
- Added a missing DLL for the Windows version that caused the display to have an older look (A1V-194).
- Added the capability to the decoder to set an output directory when using XML batch processing (A2T-175).
ASN1VE 3.4.0 - May 2, 2023
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- The capability was added to decode TS 32.297 CDR messages based on the data format value present in the CDR header. (A1V-186)
- Fixed defects in decoding OER messages containing table constraints.
- Fixed a bug in which macOS might not allow ASN1VE to be installed.
- Split off a separate product named TAP3VE designed specifically for analyzing TAP3 and NRTRDE messages.
- Fixed an error caused by an ENUMERATED definition using a defined value.
- General stability and performance enhancements and bug fixes.
ASN1VE 3.3.1 - November 21, 2022
- Fixed a bug in which updating a UTCTime or GeneralizedTime field caused an "invalid date/time" error. (A1V-149)
- Fixed a bug in which the Windows versions might produce an error due to a missing DLL. (A1V-166)
ASN1VE 3.3.0 - July 27, 2022
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- The primary capability that was added was migration to a more recent version of the underlying GUI toolkit which provided support for macOS Monterey.
- Fixed a bug in the display of ASN.1 base 10 decimal values.
- General stability and performance enhancements and bug fixes.
ASN1VE 3.2.1 - March 25, 2022
- Fixed display of JSON data for a BIT or OCTET STRING containing a contents constraint (i.e. CONTAINING TYPE) to be compliant with ASN.1 2021. (A1V-113)
- Added capability to edit BIT or OCTET STRING hex content of containing type as an alternative to editing fields within the contained type. (A1V-106)
ASN1VE 3.2.0 - January 17, 2022
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- Added capability to import hex dump files.
- Added auto-indent capability to ASN.1 editor.
- Modified Find dialog to use a floating window instead of a fixed window in the lower left pane.
- Added size constraint checks on BER decoded string values.
- iFloat license checking now uses https protocol instead of http.
The following defects have been fixed in this release:
- Modified decoding of a BER/DER/CER open type with type constraint to use the type in the constraint.
- Fixed PER decoding to log an error when an error in the length of an extension addition is detected (A1V-62).
- Fixed iFloat license checking so a proxy is used if one is specified (LIC-5).
ASN1VE 3.1.1 - June 4, 2021
- Fixed a crash that would occur when creating a new file with custom headers.
- Fixed a bug in XML text display in which a mismatch between root start and end element would occur if maximum records to decode configuration option was enabled.
- Fixed a bug in which no license expiration information would appear in the title bar for an RLM time-limited license.
- Fixed an application crash that resulted from extraneous data present following the CDR data in a TS 32.297 file (A1V-40).
- Fixed enabling/disabling the Delete and Insert Before/After popup menu items for elements within a SEQUENCE OF/SET OF construct with extensible size constraint.
- Fixed a bug in CER encoding zero-length OCTET STRING values.
- Fixed a bug in ifloat license checking in which the application would go into a tight loop if a failure occurred caused by an intermittent network connection.
ASN1VE 3.1.0 - January 20, 2021
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- Support for importing and exporting data in ASN.1 Value Notation textual format.
The following defects have been fixed in this release:
- Fixed a bug in PER length decoding in which an extended length would not be decoded or encoded correctly if the length extension contained a range less that 64K. (A1C-31)
- Fixed PER decoding of IRI and RELATIVE IRI types.
- Fixed BER decoding of BIT STRING and OCTET STRING with contents constraint.
- Fixed "value too large" errors in which min/max range values were only getting 32-bit values instead of 64-bit values.
- Fixed an ASN1VE crash that would occur at times after a child node was added to a constructed type.
- Fixed defect in the BER encoding of BMP and Universal strings.
- Fixed defect in BER decoding of SEQUENCE with extension elements.
- Fixed a defect in processing a TS 32.297 file header with no CDR records.
ASN1VE 3.0.2 - August 31, 2020
- Fixed a bug in saving to BER/DER/CER in which a field of UTF8String type would be encoded with an extraneous tag (ASNVE-2634).
- Fixed a bug in saving to BER/DER/CER in which an implicitly tagged SEQUENCE OF or SET OF did not have its components encoded with the requisite tag (ASNVE-2467).
ASN1VE 3.0.1 - April 15, 2020
- Fixed a crash that would occur at times when a second data file was opened and existing project information was used. This was most noticeable when working with TAP3 files using the built-in schemas, but could occur using other schemas as well.
- Fixed an error in which File Save action was set to disabled when a message refresh was done.
- Fixed errors in calculating offsets after an element containing a contents constraint (i.e. CONTAINING construct) was edited.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if import a JSON message to BER/DER/CER if the message contained extension element groups>
- Enabled import of JSON to DER
- Fixed an error in PDU tag matching that would occur if the message contained extension element groups. (BB75)
- Modified to not clear project after the popup box indicating schema compilation errors existed was dismissed. This allows user to fix the schema errors in the editor.
- Fixed an error in the Encode function which would occur if multiple records were being displayed. Encoding from BER to PER or OER would show the wrong results.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if a schema file was opened for edit when a project was loaded that already contained one or more schema files.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if the total number of decoded records was equal to the "Maximum repeating records to decode at once" configuration setting and "More.." clicked on. (BB71)
- Fixed a crash that would occur if the Ctrl-A key was pressed in the hex view window in an attempt to select all data.
ASN1VE 3.0.0 - January 22, 2020
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- Added verification and encoding support for canonical encoding rules including DER, CER, and COER. The new capability checks for canonical rule violations within the encoded data. New messages can be created in these formats and existing messages transformed to ensure canonical form.
- The capability to import JSON or XML messages into Octet Encoding Rules (OER) format has been added.
- The capability to copy and paste tree nodes in element view has been added.
- Improved performance in loading and searching for data in large TAP3 and other CDR files.
- Changed the Windows installation procedure to first deinstall an existing version before trying to install a newer version.
- Modified floating license processing so that if application is idle for a certain period of time, license slot is released.
ASN1VE 2.8.5 - December 18, 2019
- Fixed a bug in which attempting to change a field in a 3GPP TS 32.297 header that did not contain a private extension would cause a crash.
ASN1VE 2.8.4 - October 17, 2019
- Fixed a bug in which export of a PER/UPER message that used table constraints to JSON, XML, or text would fail. Reason for failure was actual type for open type could not be determined (ASNVE-2585).
- Fixed a bug in which elements within an extension element group in a BER message could not be decoded properly (ASNVE-2578).
- Fixed a bug in BER trial parsing in which the tag match operation on constructed universal tags was sometimes returning an errant result. This caused messages which should have been identified as matching a given PDU type to return a false result.
- Fixed a bug in unaligned PER decoding of a UTF-8 string with a size constraint. The decoder was applying the constraint when it should not have because it is not PER-visible.
- Fixed a bug in which a second RLM license checkout would be done when doing an export operation (ASNVE-2565).
- Fixed a bug in which if a large set of schema files were selected in a file selection window, not all of them would end up getting added to the project in some cases (ASNVE-2563).
ASN1VE 2.8.3 - July 17, 2019
- Fixed a bug in OER message editing in which the tag value for CHOICE constructs would not be encoded properly at times leading to an invalid message. (ASNVE-2562)
- Fixed several issues in error handling when importing JSON messages where no error was being reported at times when import failed.
- Fixed bugs in deleting messages from CDR files with TS 32.297 headers. If all records were deleted, the remaining file header would not have correct information and would fail upon save and reload.
- Fixed an issue in the XML tab view where some XML element names would have spaces in them (ASNVE-2547).
- Fixed a packaging problem that caused Mac kits to be larger than necessary.
- Fixed a bug in exporting data with BIT STRING's to JSON format in which an error would be falsely reported.
- Added logic to attempt to infer the type of JSON data on import if actual type for an open type was unknown. For example, the JSON null keyword could be used to infer a NULL type.
- Fixed a regression in which performance of loading large TAP3 files was degraded in comparison with proevious version of tool.
- Fixed a bug in the XML display of built-in type names that had spaces such as OCTET STRING or OBJECT IDENTIFIER in which the spaces were not replaced with underscores. (ASNVE-2547)
- Improved performance of searching for an element at the current level. Previously, a search was being done at levels beneath the current level which could have been skipped. (ASNVE-2537)
- Fixed a bug in import of information object sets in which if key value was defined in a different module than the module in which the object set was defined, the value would be declared to be undefined. (ASNVE-2540)
- Added a warning if user attempt to initiate XML, Text, or JSON display for large files. This can cause the application to slow to a halt or crash. If file contains multiple records, user is given the option to only display the currently selected record instead of all records. (ASNVE-2435)
- Fixed a bug in which BIT STRING data would not be displayed properly in the XML and JSON tabs if the option to display in hex form was selected.
ASN1VE (Windows only) - April 26, 2019
- Fixed an issue in which characters would be cut off or not displayed at all in certain views (hex, bit, popup dialogs). This only occurred on some high resolution devices (ASNVE-2531, ASNVE-2416).
ASN1VE 2.8.2 - April 19, 2019
- Fixed issues with JSON tab display. This included issues related to the types: REAL, SEQUENCE OF INTEGER, NULL, SEQUENCE (when no components are present). ASNVE-2508, ASNVE-2510.
- Fixed a parsing error in the C/C++ JSON number string parsing function. It failed to successfully parse floating point number strings with exponential notation.
- Fixed an issue that caused a few Qt debug files to be present in the Mac version.
- Fixed an issue that would cause an export operation to fail if the license was an RLM .lic file. (ASNVE-2512).
- Fixed an issue in which if an edit was done on a CHOICE construct within a PER-encoded message in which element positions were changed by canonical sort, the resulting message would be invalid (ASNVE-2513).
- Fixed an issue in which if an optional element was marked as present by right-clicking and selecting Enable, the present status would be lost when the message was saved and reloaded.
- Fixed a bug in which if the first optional element in a SEQUENCE or SET was enabled and edited, the edited value would be lost.
- Fixed a bug in which if a schema file was part of the current loaded project and that schema file was opened using the File -> Open Schema command, it would show up in the editor as an empty file.
- Fixed a crash that would occur at times if two schema files were open in the editor for editing and the newest one was closed by clicking the x control on the tab.
ASN1VE 2.8.1 - March 15, 2019
- Fixed export and import of JSON-encoded data for messages that contain open types with type or table constraints.
- Fixed errors in doing search using regular expressions. (ASNVE-2456)
- Fixed errant display of OID values in XML and JSON when in tag view. (ASNVE-2464)
- Added OER encoding rules option to Edit Project dialog. (ASNVE-2457)
- Fixed error in updated version check which would report wrong result at times. (ASNVE-2470)
- Fixed display of extension group elements in XML and JSON tabs. (ASNVE-2459)
- Fixed problem activating an RLM license (.lic) file on Windows. (SALES-4663)
- Fixed error in opening message or project files using drag-and-drop or file type filter pulldown. (ASNVE-2478)
- Fixed error exporting to JSON or XML on the Mac. (ASNVE-2507)
ASN1VE 2.8.0 - February 5, 2019
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- Added support for the JSON Encoding Rules (JER). A JSON tab has been added which show the current loaded message in JSON format. Also, the capability to export data to a file in JSON format and import a JSON file into ASN1VE in BER, PER, or UPER binary format has been added.
- The capability to export and import CDR files with standard 3GPP TS 32.297 headers to and from XML and JSON format has been added.
- Added the capability to display and edit the contents of OCTET or BIT STRING types with contents constraints (CONTAINING constructs) using the inner contained type.
- Added "Level" to the tag search dialog to make it possible to search for tags at a given level instead of at any level.
- Improved PDU tag matching for BER/DER messages with UNIVERSAL tags (common in ASN.1 used in security specifications). This makes it easier to find the PDU type of a message if it is not known.
- Changed the Windows and Mac installation procedures to install the executable files in the Program Files area and sample programs in the User area. On Windows, sample programs are now copied to the user's Documents directory under the ASN1VE folder.
ASN1VE 2.7.3 - October 24, 2018
- Fixed errors in exporting and importing CDR records with 3GPP TS 32.297 headers to and from XML format (ASNVE-2405).
ASN1VE 2.7.2 - August 7, 2018
- Fixed an error that would occur in some situations when a license file with file type .lic was activated (SALES-3955).
- Fixed incorrect parsing error occurring on ASN.1 syntax that used "TAG" as the name for a type assignment (ASNVE-2355).
- Fixed a bug in 3GPP TS 32.297 header processing in which the length of the CDR header was not being calculated properly if the header contained a release extension.
ASN1VE 2.7.1 - May 14, 2018
- Fixed a bug in which the 'License checking in progress' dialog box would be displayed multiple times.
- Fixed a bug in which an optional element deleted using the 'Delete' option on the context menu would not be permanently deleted and would show up again after the edited message was saved and reloaded (ASNVE-2333).
- Fixed a crash that would occur if an ASN.1 schema file was opened in the editor at the same time a message was loaded. The logic was changed so a schema file could only be opened in read-only mode and validation disabled if a message was loaded (ASNVE-2313).
- Fixed bug in which number of bits displayed in BIT STRING editor for BER and OER is wrong (ASNVE-2277).
ASN1VE 2.7.0 - March 29, 2018
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- Added support for the Octet Encoding Rules (OER). This allows new new messages to be created using OER and existing messages to be viewed and edited.
- Created a new ASN1VE professional package that includes a command-line utility (ASN1DECODER) for translating binary files to XML, JSON, and Brace Text format. This is in addition to the ASN1VE GUI.
- Added the capability to select Object Identifier values from a list for table-constrained items rather than having to enter them manually. This capability had previously existed for integer keys only.
- Added a separate menu item for opening ASN.1 schema files (Open Schemas..) to keep the logic separate from opening message files.
- Changed Tag view to be a separate tab instead of a menu item. This improves performance when switching between tag and message view as the displays to not have to be reconstructed unless something changes.
- Added capability to right-click a type in schema view to create a new message of that type.
- Added capability to expand single record in multiple record sets by right-clicking on the record and selecting the 'Expand' menu item.
- Improved support for Named Numbers to allow values to be entered in either numeric or textual identifier format.
- Fixed a bug in which displays would be garbled in unlicensed mode.
- Updated the license dialog to make it easier to install floating license files. This can now be done through the GUI instead of manually having to copy to a certain location. Sopport for HTTP proxies has also been added.
- Fixed iFloat license handling to not cause an HTTP 411 length required error for some HTTP implementations (e.g. Squid proxy server).
ASN1VE 2.6.2 - January 8, 2018
- Fixed a crash that would occur when encoding a PER message containing a BIT STRING value with named bits and an extensible size constraint. The crash would occur if the size constraint value was outside of the root value range. (ASNVE-2284)
- Fixed an issue with the Help display in which the initial screen that was displayed indicated an invalid URL error. (ASNVE-2278)
- Fixed a bug in which BER messages encoded with indefinite length encoding were showing errors when displayed in tag view. (ASNVE-2245) Fixed a crash that would occur when parsing X.509 certificates and related message types caused by a type of information object that was not properly handled.
- Added support for use of proxies for license key activation and checking.
ASN1VE 2.6.1 - April 12, 2017
- Fixed an infinite loop that could occur when decoding CDR records without schema information and which contained indefinite length encoded records.
- Fixed a bug in which drag-and-drop of files with known extensions .ber, .per, and .uper were not resulting in the files being decoded properly.
- Fixed infinite loop that could occur on decode of a PER NULL data item caused by bit cursor not being advanced.
- Fixed a bug in which ASN.1 value resolution errors were not being reported.
- Fixed a bug in new message creation when the schema being used contained compilation errors. The errors would be shown in the log view, but when Cancel was pressed to terminate the wizard, the view was cleared. The wizard is now automatically terminated and the error display is retained.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if an attempt was made to create a new message using existing project information.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if a header length field containing a value that was larger than the size of the buffer being parsed was encountered. (ASNVE-2188)
- Fixed an issue in license checking in which a license with an invalid version number would work when first activated but then fail on subsequent restarts of the application. The invalid version error is now detected on activation as well as on application start up.
ASN1VE 2.6.0 - January 24, 2017
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- Added capability to select multiple elements in tree view for deletion or searching.
- Added capability to more accurately show the location of errors in encoded data. An error message can be clicked with the Log Viewer to jump to the location of the error in hex view. This will also cause the tree view to be adjusted to sync to that location.
- Added automatic detection of block-size and padding bytes in CDR files with blocked format. Previously, a user would have to manually enter this information.
ASN1VE 2.5.3 - December 15, 2016
- Fixed a bug in which the wrong PDU type was being selected for a decoded BER message. (ASNVE-2161)
- Fixed a bug in which a compilation error was being raised in a specification that was known to be valid. It was caused by a failure to resolve integer value references. (ASNVE-2161)
- Fixed a bug in which wrong index name was being used to locate info object in table constraint. This caused errors in resolving the type that should have been used for open type values which caused the field to be displayed as an opaque open type instead of in expanded form.
ASN1VE 2.5.2 - September 14, 2016
- Fixed a number of issues with importing XML data to PER or UPER format (ASNVE-2040).
- Fixed the "unknown publisher" warnings that appeared when installing ASN1VE on Windows (ASNVE-2065).
- Fixed bug in exporting PER-encoded data to XML in which OID content was not written in dotted number format.
- Fixed a bug in which the header size of TS 32.297 headers was not being calculated correctly in some cases leading to failed decoding of CDR records (ASNVE-2034).
- Fixed bugs in import of XML messages to UPER format in which size constraints and character strings were not being handled correctly (ASNVE-2035)
- Fixed a bug where timestamps were incorrect in the CDR File Header display for 3GPP TS 32.297 data files (ASNVE-1994).
ASN1VE 2.5.1 - March 24, 2016
- Fixed several issues with creating a new messages with custom headers.
- Fixed bugs in decoding CDR's with fixed block size and padding bytes.
- Added progress indicator dialogs to decode operations on large files.
ASN1VE 2.5.0 - February 22, 2016
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- Added capability to create and edit non-ASN.1 headers. Structured message files such as Call Detail Record (CDR) files often contain headers that prefix ASN.1-encoded data blocks. Previous versions of ASN1VE had the capability to skip these non-ASN.1 blocks when viewing the files, but it was not possible to examine the contents in any way. This new release adds the capabilites to define fixed-sized fields of a few simple types (integer, character string, binary data) within these headers.
- Configuration file editing. It is now possible to edit XML configuration files from directly within the editor. This can be done by right-clicking the file in projetc view and choosing the Edit option.
- Built-in support for 3GPP TS 32.297 headers. This is a standard header format now used in many LTE-related and other CDR formats.
- Improved project creation and editing. Project information can now be edited directly within the project frame or by using the new 'Project -> Edit Project..' command.
The following bugs have also been fixed:
Fixed following issues in importing XML data to PER:
- Fixed error in handling SEQUENCE OF CHOICE items when encoding was OSys-XER. Type element wrapper was not accounted for.
- Fixed error encoding constrained integer values with large value ranges.
- Fixed error in encoding bit strings with named bits.
- Fixed a bug in the PER encoding of a BIT STRING with named bits. Trailing zero bits were not trimmed as required by the standard (ASNVE-1956).
- Fixed a bug in editing PER messages in which if an item within a nested extension was changed, the resulting message was not encoded correctly. (ASNVE-1938).
- Fixed bug in encoding enumerated values in BER format.
- Fixed bugs in importing TBCD-encoded strings from XML.
ASN1VE 2.4.5 - November 24, 2015
- Fixed a bug that would not allow inserting or deleting elements in certain types of lists. On example was the list of relative distinguished name (rdnSequence) in PKIX or X.509 certificates (ASNVE-1897).
- Fixed a bug in which the hex display was not right if a protocolIE field was deleted from an S1AP message. The highlight would show up after the end of the message (ASNVE-1896).
- Fixed resolve errors for several entity types (values, information objects, information object sets) that would occur if they were referenced using external module references rather than import statements (ASNVE-1874).
- Fixed a crash that would occur randomly when parsing a BER-encoded data file (ASNVE-1890).
- Fixed a crash that would occur when parsing a malformed OID value (ASNVE-1881).
- Fixed A bug in the Encode function which was not properly encoding all items in BER definite or indefinite length format (ASNVE-1880).
- Fixed a bug in which BER decoding of an unknown element within a container would sometimes exceed the bounds of the container as shown on the hex display (ASNVE-1864).
- Fixed a bug in whichh the 'More Data..' control would not work properly on inner SEQUENCE OF elements if the limit was reached which would at times lead to a crash. This was observed when viewing a TAP3 message in the Call Detail Record list (ASNVE-1860).
- Fixed an issue with PER-encoding of certain length determinants. This was previously fixed in 2.3.4, but reappeared as a regression in version 2.4.0 (ASNVE-1403).
ASN1VE 2.4.4 - September 10, 2015
- Fixed a bug in decoding 3GPP TS 32.297 headers in which the embedded header length was not taken into consideration when determining where the header ended.
- Fixed a bug in which the application would go into an infinite loop and crash at times when Header Type was set to Fixed-Length and fixed and repeating header sizes were both set to zero.
- Fixed a bug in which padding bytes weren't being interpreted properly in generic (i.e. no schema assigned) view of BER-encoded data files (ASNVE-1832).
- Fixed a bug that created an improper dependency on MSVCR100D.dll on Windows 32-bit platforms (ASNVE-1823).
ASN1VE 2.4.3 - Released 1 July 2015
- Fixed a bug that prevented the file-opening wizard from progressing to the second page (ASNVE-1790).
- Fixed a bug in tree view display of BER indefinite-length messages in no-schema mode (ASNVE-1780).
- Fixed a bug in XML formatting of REAL values which caused some values to be multiplied by 10 (SUP-9312).
ASN1VE 2.4.2 - Released 31 March 2015
- Fixed a bug in which built-in schema file names were not stored in proper format in projects thus causing the schemas to not be able to be reloaded when project opened.
- Added capability to paste base64 text-encoded data into the Hex View.
- Added a new feature for obfuscating data in messages. This can be used to replace real data elements with randomly generated data.
ASN1VE 2.4.1 - Released 11 December 2014
- Fixed processing of compilation syntax errors so that errors are always shown in the errors log and lines are wrapped for improved readability.
- Fixed syntax errors in the 3GPP-CDR and PKIX/CRMF built-in ASN.1 schemas.
- Added new versions (2.1 and 3.0) of SUPL built-in schemas.
- Fixed a bug in deleting elements in a repeating collection when using the context-sensitivie menu in the tree view by right-clicking on the item.
ASN1VE 2.4.0 - Released 20 November 2014
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- Added capability to create and edit ASN.1 schema files. The files can be validated within the editor to make finding and fixing syntax errors easier.
- Improved Call Detail Record (CDR) file handling. Information on header offsets and block parameters is now part of the project file instead of in the global configuration area.
- Automatic schema assignment for files identified as PKIX (X.509) certificates is now supported. The built-in PKIX 2009 schemas are used instead of the older, X.509 version 3 schemas.
- Automatic schema assignment is done for PEM files with headers of BEGIN CERTIFICATE (PKIX - X.509) and BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST (PKCS10).
- Improved project creation and editing. Project information can now be edited directly within the project frame or by using the new 'Project -> Edit Project..' command.
- A Windows 64-bit version of the product is now available.
- Import of XML files translated into unaligned PER format has been fixed. This did not work in previous releases.
- Updated the Mac OSX version to support the X86-64 architecture only. The previous release support i386 and PPC architectures.
ASN1VE 2.3.6 - Released 24 November 2014
- Fixed a crash that would occur on some platforms during license validation caused by an attempt to write diagnostic information to a log file.
ASN1VE 2.3.5 - Released 30 September 2014
- Added a length sanity check in big integer decoding to prevent process from hanging if unreasonably large length passed in.
- Fixed a bug in PDU matching in which a false-positive would occur if schema contained primitive elements but corresponding elements in message were constructed (ASNVE-1603).
- Added configuration setting for OCTET STRINGs to be shown as uppercase or lowercase hexadecimal strings (ASNVE-1570).
- Fixed a bug in encode/decode of PER constrained integer value with a range of 64 bits (ASNVE-1576).
- Fixed a bug in which exporting a message to XML or text could result in an infinite loop when converting extension elements (ASNVE-1566).
- Fixed a bug in Text/XML file export where a file header is skipped (ASNVE-1486).
ASN1VE 2.3.4 - Released 2 April 2014
- Resolved errors produced by the X509 built-in schema. (ASNVE-1448)
- Corrected handling of extension ENUMERATED alternatives in PER. (ASNVE-1413)
- Fixed an issue with PER-encoding of certain length determinants. (ASNVE-1403)
- Fixed a bug that caused schema-less export to text/XML to not increment the message count properly. (ASNVE-1369)
- Fixed XML import to handle SEQUENCE OF CHOICE properly.
- Updated license checking library to RLM v10.
- Fixed some logic for disabling/enabling Project->Save menu item.
ASN1VE 2.3.3 - Released 10 September 2013
- Fixed a bug in which creating a new empty message using a built-in schema did not work.
- Fixed a crash that would occur at times if a choice value was edited and then the message being edited was closed.
- Fixed reporting of value resolution syntax errors which were not being displayed in the error log window.
- Fixed a bug in which the same error message on being unable to open an import file would be repeated each time an attempt was made to access an item in the file. The error message is now only displayed once. (ASNVE-1327)
- Made padding bytes and repeating headers mutually exclusive; if a repeating header is set, padding bytes will not be skipped. (ASNVE-1321)
- Made the error message that is displayed if the activation server can't be contacted clearer. (ASNVE-1302)
- Fixed a problem that caused the Check for Updates function to fail. (ASNVE-1307)
- Fixed bug in indefinite length encoding in which EOC was not being added to elements of type SEQUENCE OF embedded in a SEQUENCE. (ASNVE-1282)
- Fixed bug in handling of the length encoding (in PER) of the bit-field associated with the extension additions of a sequence.
ASN1VE 2.3.2 - Released 10 May 2013
- Fixed a bug in assigning TAP3 or RAP built-in schemas. An error box indicating that there was a compilation error would always be shown.
- Fixed a crash that would occer when a value in a large data file was edited. This would occur when only a subset of the total records were shown in tree view and a 'More..' node added to indicate more data was present. (ASNVE-1257)
- Fixed a bug in the bit view display of a PER message in which highlighted bits would at times be wrong. (ASNVE-1267)
- Fixed a bug in saved XML in which the content of bit strings with named bits was empty. (ASNVE-1267)
- Fixed a bug in BER decoding in which decode of an invalid enumerated value would leave the decoder in a bad state and unable to decode subsequent elements. (ASNVE-1135)
- Fixed a bug in decoding in which unknown elements encountered in a SEQUENCE were not being properly displayed in tree view.
- Added the capability to delete unknown elements in a SEQUENCE through the context-specific pulldown menu.
ASN1VE 2.3.1 - Released 30 October 2012
- Added PKCS to the set of built-in schemas.
- Fixed a bug in which the wrong field edit widget was being displayed for items of type SEQUENCE OF and CHOICE thus making it impossible to change the values. (ASNVE-1052)
- Rebuilt the underlying Qt GUI framework on Linux 64 to fix make it consistent with the look-and-feel of other versions. (ASNVE-1097)
- Added the 'rehostable' license capability which allows a user to reassign the computer(s) a per-user license is assigned to without the need to contact our help desk. (ASNVE-857)
ASN1VE 2.3.0 - Released 25 September 2012
- Added capability to assign built-in ASN.1 schemas which are commonly used schemas included in a common library. The built-in functionality allows finding import files and other details to be hidden from the user.
- Special processing has been added to the TAP3 and RAP built-in schemas which allows version numbers embedded in encoded data to be used to assign the correct version of the schema.
- Automatic schema assignment for Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format is now supported. It is also possible to save encoded data in this format.
- Performance of the XML and Text displays has been improved for large data sets.
- BER-encoded data can be transformed into either definite or indefinite length form.
- Support for PER extension addition groups has been added.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when hex bytes were inserted into the hex display via and then an attempt was made to assign schema information using the All Items Assign Wizard command (ASNVE-994).
- Support for license rehosting has been added which allows users to changed assigned hostnames on their own withouth having to contact us.
- Integration with a new, commercial license manager has been done to provide more flexibility in licensing the software. Activations are now done by copying-and-pasting a key value into the GUI rather then by having to copy a file.
ASN1VE 2.2.4 - Released 2 March 2012
- Created Linux 64-bit distribution.
- Fixed a bug that caused user-selected PDU types to be overwritten during decode, causing an unexpected PDU mismatch error (ASNVE-826).
- Fixed a bug in XML / text display that caused some enumerated types to go missing (ASNVE-803).
ASN1VE 2.2.3 - Released 22 July 2011
- Fixed a bug in OID value editing in which a crash would occur at times when display mode was changed.
- Fixed a bug in the ASN.1 HTML display when a null pointer exception would occur at times when display information object links.
- Added 3GPP CDR ASN.1 specifications to the package. The specifications were extracted from the 3GPP TS 32.298 document and all syntax errors were corrected.
- Fixed a packaging error on Windows in which the version number of the C RTL in the embedded manifests did not match the version of the DLL's provided in the package.
- Fixed a crash that was due to an infinite recursion when viewing an attribute type certificate. (ASNVE-765)
ASN1VE 2.2.2 - Released 17 June 2011
- Fixed a bug in which the error indicator on a node in the tree view was not reset after a valid data value was entered.
- Fixed a bug in handling big integer values over 250 digits in length. (ASNVE-724)
- Added a clear button to the error log display.
- Fixed a bug in searching large files in which the special 'More...' folder would not be properly expanded if results were found within the undecoded data.
ASN1VE 2.2.1 - Released 31 May 2011
- Fixed a bug in which an encode buffer overflow error would occur at times when using the Encode command.
- Fixed an issue with the help display on Windows and Mac platforms in which components were missing causing it not to run.
ASN1VE 2.2.0 - Released 4 May 2011
- An ASN.1 schema tree view and HTML-based browser view have been added for examining the ASN.1 files associated with the data.
- The capability to import XML data into the viewer has been added. Currently, only import to BER is supported; PER will be added soon. This provides an easier offline way to edit data. It can be exported to XML through the Save as XML command, edited with a regular text or XML editor, and then imported back into the viewer.
- Improved search capabilities have been added to find hidden records that may have been supressed from the display due to the size of the file that was loaded.
- Improved performance of large file handling. It is possible to configure the hex and XML/text tab display to only display the current selected record in a multi-record file instead of all records. Save to XML or Text also now uses streaming transfer to reduce the amount of memory consumed during the operation.
- BER-encoded data can be transformed into either definite or indefinite length form.
- Activation of ASN1VE on individual files through file associations has been enhanced. This can be done on either project files or data files. Support for drag-and-drop of files has also been added.
- The configuration option to specify byte offsets to work around non-ASN.1 data has been enhanced. It is now possible to specify both a one-time fixed header and/or a repeating header that is present before every record. It was determined that some CDR formats contain both types of headers.
- The capability to automatically check for more up-to-date versions of ASN1VE has been added.
- Integration with a new, commercial license manager has been done to provide more flexibility in licensing the software. Activations are now done by copying-and-pasting a key value into the GUI rather then by having to copy a file.
- Fixed a bug with the assistant.exe image that would cause it not to run on some Windows machines.
ASN1VE 2.1.3 - Released 7 February 2011
- Modified skip bytes configuration option to allow both a fixed and repeating offset to be specified instead of either/or. It was determined that some CDR formats contain both types of headers (one fixed record at the beginning and then a header before each CDR record).
- Fixed a bug in use of the refresh button when skip bytes offsets were changed. The refresh did not pick up the changed value.
- Fixed a bug in which the offset to an element was not calculated correctly if element was not preset in the schema.
- Fixed a bug in which an unknown element would disappear from the display if a different element value was edited.
- Fixed a bug in displaying messages in fixed-sized blocks in which only messages in the first block were displayed.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash if an ASN.1 specification was assigned before creating an empty message (ASNVE-559).
- Fixed a bug in editing GeneralizedTime type values in which only 2 digits were being shown for year instead or 4. (ASNVE-558)
ASN1VE 2.1.2 - Released 5 November 2010
- Added support for ASN.1 XER format in addition to standard XML.
- Fixed a bug in new message creation. If an existing project was loaded, a prompt is displayed asking if this project should be used for new message. If user selected 'No', it would use existing details anyway. This has now been fixed to clear existing details.
- Fixed a bug in which a node for an optional element in tree view was not properly expanded if the element was enabled.
- Modified to do a test encode of modified data to validate the data before attempting to do a full encode of entire message.
- Fixed several problems in the handling of extension elements with PER.
- Fixed a bug in PER message editing in which the number of elements in a SEQUENCE OF construct with a size constraint with an open extension (for example, (SIZE (2,...))) could not be altered.
- Fixed a bug in PER message editing in which node starting bit offsets would not be updated properly which would at times lead to a crash. (ASNVE-508)
- Fixed a bug in which edited information would not be displayed properly in tag view. (ASNVE-496)
- Fixed a bug in creating new PER messages from hex text in which the bit view was not created. This ultimately led to a crash when an item in the tree view was selected. (ASNVE-502)
- Fixed an infinite loop that would occur at times when decoding invalid PER messages.
ASN1VE 2.1.1 - Released 16 September 2010
- Fixed a crash that would occur at times when the "Decode As" submenu item was used to decode an open type value with a specific type decoder. (ASNVE-472)
- Fixed bugs in BER error handling in which errors would not be reported if decoding failed in certain cases.
- Fixed a bug in encoding edited CHOICE elements using PER.
- Fixed a crash that would occur after a not-supported type error occurred.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when a PER complex extension element was edited.
- Fixed a bug in which hex view highlight was not updated if user selected tree view nodes using up or down arrow key. (ASNVE-434)
ASN1VE 2.1.0 - Released 30 July 2010
- Improvements to hex editing including capability to insert and delete a range of bytes, cut/copy/paste, and undo/redo edits.
- Improved Object Identifier editing capability to allow OID's to be viewed/edited using defiend value fragments as well as names/numbers or numbers ony.
- XML and Text displays are now syncronized with the tree view so that if a node is selected in the tree, the XML or Text view will automatically scroll to the location of the node.
- Improved information on the actual ASN.1 type of an item is shown in the edit view. This includes information on constraints.
- Added capability to specify an offset via the configuration menu to allow a range of bytes to be skipped before ASN.1 encoded data is known to begin.
- Fixed a crash that would occur if invalid length errors existed within a CDR file containing multiple records.
- Fixed issues with Find Next and Find Previous operations in which items were missed.
ASN1VE 2.0.2 - Released 9 April 2010
- Fixed a bug in PER message decoding in which only the first message in a file was decoded even if the file contained multiple messages.
- Fixed a bug in the Help -> About display in which license information was not being shown.
- Limited the number of records decoded at one time when a large CDR file containing multiple records is loaded.
- Fixed a bug in message editing in which an encode error would occur if the symbolic name of a named number was used instead of the integer value itself.
ASN1VE 2.0.1 - Released 9 February 2010
- Fixed a bug in which no error information was logged if BER message encoding failed.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when adding child elements to a SEQUENCE OF type with no existing elements.
- Fixed help in Linux package. Mac OSX has a known issue with help which will be fixed in a future release.
ASN1VE 2.0.0 - Released 1 February 2010
This is the initial release of ASN1VE 2.0. New features in this release include:
- Capability to create and edit ASN.1 Packed Encoding Rules (PER) messages.
- Addition of a Project file capability to allow all message parameters to be saved for later recall.
- Improvements in handling large-size files by not fully decoding large sets of repeating fields when a tree node is initially expanded.
- Improved table constraint handling capabilities to provide more accurate resolution of the actual type required to decode an open type field.
- Improvements to the 'Find' command to make it simpler and more intuitive.