ASN2TXT Change Log
ASN2TXT 3.5.1 – March 19, 2025
- Added support for asking to save a project in the GUI if changes were made and not saved before requesting the GUI be closed (A2T-204).
- Modified CSV error file name to include corresponding message file name (A2T-219).
- Modified CSV batch processing to continue decoding messages after a message failure (A2T-218).
ASN2TXT 3.5.0 – July 10, 2024
- Fixed an issue where the obsolete SetLicenseKey() method was still exposed by the .NET interface (A2T-178).
- Added configuration file support for two new display format options. The "plmnid" option converts an OCTET STRING to the format of the PLMN Identity specified in 3GPP TS 25.413, section The “plmnid-pgw” option converts an OCTET STRING to the format of the PLMN Identity specified in 3GPP TS 29.060, section 7.7.3 (A2T-182).
- Fixed a CSV formatting issue where SEQUENCE-OF items were not set in the proper location in the CSV file. This led to these items being written to the wrong rows or with incorrect new rows added (A2T-183).
- Replaced the .NET v7 DLL in the Windows distribution with a .NET v8 DLL (A2T-201).
ASN2TXT 3.4.1 – August 30, 2023
- Added a SetHeaderType() method to the .NET DLL (A2T-178).
- Added a setTS32297Headers() method to the native DLL (A2T-178).
- Adding an a2tSetTS32297Headers() function to the native DLL (A2T-178).
- Added a SetTS32297Headers() method to the .NET DLL (A2T-178).
- Prior to 3.4.1, if the "-s" option was used to override the default comma separator character for CSV output, only the data output was updated to use this character. The header output still used the default comma separator. Beginning with 3.4.1, the header output also uses the specified separator.
- Added the capability to set an output directory when using XML batch processing (A2T-175).
- Fixed a "too many open files" error when using the -prefix option during CSV translation (A2T-181).
- Added the capability to use the C# interface to the ASN2TXT library on Linux.
- Added the capability to specify the DisplayFormat configuration option at an element level. Previously, this capability was only available at the production level. See the Configuration Files section in the User Guide (A2T-180).
ASN2TXT 3.4.0 – May 2, 2023
- Add ability to dump TS 32.297 CDR messages as hex data if the data format value in the CDR header is invalid (A2T-170).
- Added license check-in capability upon exit to the ASN2TXT GUI (A2T-151).
- Fixed an error caused by an ENUMERATED definition using a defined value.
ASN2TXT 3.3.1 – November 21, 2022
- Fixed a crash during JSON decoding if invalid CHOICE values were present in the message file (A2T-159).
- Fixed a bug in CSV decoding in which the "padfields" option was not properly filling in the repeating elements (A2T-155).
- Added a "lax" option that will suppress error messages such as for constraint violations (A2T-149).
- ASN2TXT will now continue decoding if a constraint violation is detected. Previously, this violation halted a decoding operation (A2T-149).
- Fixed a memory leak when calling the DLL's ToXMLString() method (A2T-147).
- A "deep PDU search" capability was added to ASN2TXT that more thoroughly attempts to determine the PDU from a message if not provided. This is similar to an existing capability already available in ASN1VE (A2T-128).
- Fixed an undefined function warning in the Visual Studio projects for the employee_Cpp and employee_C samples for the ASN2TXT DLL.
- The quiet option, "-q", is now automatically set when the STDOUT option is used, to prevent license display output and "Decoded X messages" output from being included in the translation (A2T-144).
- Fixed a bug in which an error was displayed when using the STDIN option with AVN input, even though the translation was successful (A2T-144).
ASN2TXT 3.3.0 – July 29, 2022
- The ASN2TXT GUI is now supported on Mac Monterey x86 systems.
- Modify UTF8String handling to allow mixed content characters such as control characters (A2T-110).
- Add ability to handle JER constrained data within an OCTET STRING (A2T-113).
- Added thread safety to the ASN2TXT DLL.
- Add script for handling batch processing of message/CDR files (A2T-120).
- Various memory leaks were fixed within the application (A2T-101).
- Fixed a crash when translating a base64 message file to JSON, and the base64 file is invalid (WEB-224).
ASN2TXT 3.2.1 – March 25, 2022
- Fixed a bug when encoding mixed content (i.e. printable characters and control characters) within a UTF8String (A2T-110).
- Enabled display of an OCTET STRING's CONTAINING contents. Prior to this version, all contents within an OCTET STRING were shown as their hexadecimal equivalents (A2T-113).
ASN2TXT 3.2.0 – January 19, 2022
- New ASN2TXT project (.atproj) files are now created as XML readable files rather than binary files. Older binary project files will be converted to XML upon saving as well.
- The ASN2TXT GUI application has been updated to use Qt version 5.14.
- Fixed a bug in the Python wrapper where the return types were not set for the wrapper methods. This led to the return types defaulting to 32-bit integers for Windows, which caused problems when a 64-bit integer was expected instead, and subsequently truncated (A2T-82).
- Fixed a bug in which ASN2TXT did not properly handle control characters between DER and CXER conversions (A2T-97).
ASN2TXT 3.1.1 – June 1, 2021
- Fixed some bugs in AVN decoding: empty BIT STRING and OIDs.
- Fixed a decoding error if extraneous data existed following the CDR data in a TS 32.297 file. A warning is now displayed after the operation if this extra data is present (A2T-73).
- Added a new -stdin option that reads text data from STDIN rather than a message file. Also allowed for binary data to be written to STDOUT (A2T-69).
- Added a new -strict-charval option that causes ASN2TXT to validate ASN.1 character string types. Prior to this change, this was done unconditionally, but now only NumericString types and string types with constraints will be checked, unless this option is specified. (A2T-78).
ASN2TXT 3.1.0 – January 22, 2021
- Added support for translating data in ASN.1 Value Notation textual format.
- Fixed bug in text to BER/DER conversion for ISO 8601 Date/Time types.
- Fixed bug in encoding of Universal String and BMP String.
- Fixed bug in BER decoding of SEQUENCE with extension elements.
- Fixed bugs in BER decoding of BIT STRING and OCTET STRING with contents constraint.
ASN2TXT 3.0.2 – August 31, 2020
- Fixed decoding error that could occur when decoding an indefinite-length OPEN type - the PDU discovered by ASN2TXT could be overwritten (AT-565).
- Improved ASN2TXT error checking when compiling ASN.1 specifications prior to coding operations (AT-552).
ASN2TXT 3.0.0 – January 23, 2020
- Added Python support for ASN2TXT DLL by including a Python wrapper file (and sample program), located in new python directory of installation.
- Added command-line license-related options to allow for installation of a license, deactivation of a current license, and the ability to list the current license file (AT-505).
- Added a new command-line option, named-number-ids, that will output named values for INTEGERs, if available, instead of their numerical equivalents (AT-511).
- Allow JSON decoding to proceed even if an invalid ENUMERATION value is discovered. In this case, the numerical value will instead be displayed. An error will still be logged but processing will be able to continue (AT-543).
ASN2TXT 2.9.2 – Released October 29, 2019
- Fixed a bug in which a size constraint was being applied to a PER/UPER UTF-8 string when it should not have been (AT-536).
- Fixed a bug related to decoding a UPER OCTET STRING where a single octet of the string was sometimes decoded twice, resulting in incorrect output (AT-536).
- Fixed a bug in BER tag parsing logic such that tag checking was sometimes incorrect [AT-538].
ASN2TXT 2.9.1 – Released July 19, 2019
- Fixed a bug in which translation of a CXER message to BER which contained a contents constraint (CONTAINING clause) would not provide the correct binary encoding in some cases. (AT-506)
- Fixed a bug in which the overall length of a file with TS 32.297 headers was not getting set when writing a file out stream. (AT-517)
ASN2TXT 2.9.0 – Released February 11, 2019
- Added ASN.1 Tag Path Filtering capability, allowing elements within a BER-encoded data file to be selected for output to an XML, JSON, or Brace Text file when ASN.1 schema information is not available.
- Added capability to translate to and from JSON format as described in the X.697 JSON Encoding Rules (JER) standard.
- Added support for translation of PER and UPER encoded data containing extension addition groups. These are common in 3GPP RRC encoded messages.
- Added ability to determine default input file type based on file extension (.ber, .per, etc) (AT-442).
- Added support for handling PEM files (AT-441).
ASN2TXT 2.8.2 – October 26, 2018
- Fixed errors in translating CDR records with 3GPP TS 32.297 headers to and from XML format.
- Fixed a bug in CSV processing with the "minlevel" option where if multiple files are created, re-opening one of them to add more data caused an error. [AT-475]
- Fixed a bug where CSV decoding could fail to find a PDU. [AT-475]
Fixed a bug with CSV decoding of CHOICE types. If this type was the
basis for the CSV file name, the string "
" was used instead of "CHOICE", which is an illegal file name in Windows. [AT-475]
ASN2TXT 2.8.1 – Released July 26, 2018
- Fixed false 'Extraneous data found at byte...' warning that would display at times even when this was not the case.
- Added capability to translate CDR files with 3GPP TS 32.297 headers to CSV.
- Fixed bug where ASN2TXT skips header offset bytes twice if decoding from PER to XML (AT-454).
- Fixed issue with missing libraries for Windows 7 installations that prevented the GUI from starting.
- Fixed bug where ASN2TXT failed to re-open CSV files for writing when decoding using the -minlevel option (AT-475).
- Fixed a bug in 3GPP TS 32.297 header processing in which the length of the CDR header was not being calculated properly if the header contained a release extension.
ASN2TXT 2.8.0 – Released March 06, 2018
- Fixed memory leaks within the tool (AT-419).
- Fixed an XER-to-DER conversion error due to invalid hex characters in bit string (AT-407).
- Fixed a DER encoding issue where trailing zeroes were not removed (AT-413).
- Added support for named bit strings when decoding from BER to XML (AT-413).
- Fixed an issue where missing escape sequences caused empty fields and errors when decoding to XER and CXER (AT-427).
- Fixed an issue where an empty field was displayed (and no error message provided) if an invalid character was found in a restricted character string (AT-427).
- Added RLM license capability.
ASN2TXT 2.7.0 – Released July 11, 2017
- Support for reverse translations from XML to binary formats (BER, DER, PER and U-PER). The command-line tool now requires "-in" and "-out" parameters to inform it of the source and output formats.
- Ability to translate to Canonical XER (CXER).
- Fixed a defect in which data in an open type constrained by a table constraint would not be fully expanded in some cases (AT-367).
- Fixed a potential security vulnerability that could occur if a message was maliciously long (AT-351).
- Fixed an issue where a compiler error was silently dropped during ASN2TXT execution (AT-344).
- Added ISO 8601 Date/Time PER support to JSON and DOM (AT-347).
- Fixed an issue where ASN2TXT did not check for any errors prior to starting decode, which resulted in formatting errors (AT-242).
- Fixed an issue where ASN2TXT did not properly check for a license file, which resulted in license failure even if a license was present in the installation bin directory (AT-350).
ASN2TXT 2.6.1 – Released November 10, 2016
- Fixed build errors with the new DOM sample_dll tests (AT-337, AT-339)
- Fixed a couple of errors with the existing BER sample tests (AT-334, AT-335).
- Fixed outdated file in Windows kits (AT-338).
ASN2TXT 2.6.0 – Released October 27, 2016
- Ability to create and modify a DOM tree from a BER data file and optional schema and output the result as XML.
- Capability to interface with .NET applications (e.g., C#, VB).
- Added support for selecting JSON output and associated parameters to GUI (AT-284).
- Improved XML and JSON output formatting for BIT_STRING values (AT-306).
- Fixed an error where in certain cases a 3GPP TS 32.297 CDR file or message header was not properly decoded. (ASNVE-2034).
- Fixed an error where CSV files were not decoded when using "-prefix" option due to incorrect header setup. (AT-314).
- Fixed an error where data files were not properly expanded in Windows when using the asterisk wildcard character. (AT-314).
- Fixed a "too many open files" error when writing CSV files using "-prefix" to generate separate files, and using "minLevel" (greater than 1) to further subdivide the number of files. (AT-314).
- Added PER support for ISO 8601 Date/Time types (AT-317).
ASN2TXT 2.5.0 - Released February 29, 2016
This is a new major release that adds the following new capabilities:
- Added capability to decode ASN.1 binary data to a JSON format. Most existing XML options are also valid for JSON output.
- Added capability for filtering CSV data. Using a configuration file, it is now possible to specify a selection path (and optional mapped column name) and only write records that match this path to the CSV file. See the User's Guide for more information regarding this capability.
- Support for decoding 3GPP TS 32.297 headers for XML and JSON. This is a standard header format now used in many LTE-related and other CDR formats.
The following bugs have also been fixed:
- A primitive data type present in the top-level constructed type caused incorrect CSV files to be generated (AT-240).
- Incorrect year value if during conversion of UTC offset time to Zulu time, the day value changes. For instance, if the time were 0100 with a +2 hour offset on 12/1, the date would back up to the previous day at 2300 on 11/30 (AT-261).
- A PDU specified at a level below the top-most level in a schema caused CSV decoding to fail (AT-273).
ASN2TXT 2.4.3 – Released December 2, 2015
- Fixed a bug in XML formatting of REAL values which caused some values to be multiplied by 10 (SUP-9312).
- Added the –addInputFn option to allow users to dump the input file name to the output CSV files (AT-211).
- Fixed a bug induced by adding –minLevel to the command line that could cause decoding errors in valid files (AT-210).
- Fixed a bug in writing output headers for simple data types (AT-210).
- Added support for decoding sequence extension elements for CSV conversion (AT-210).
- Fixed a bug in ASN2TXT that caused license checking failures to be improperly reported by the command-line tool (AT-155).
- Fixed a bug in Windows versions that prevented the command-line tool from properly globbing when using wildcards (AT-152).
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using poorly-formatted data
–inputFileType hextext
ASN2TXT 2.4.2 – Released July 17, 2014.
- Fixed a bug that could cause output to the console to crash under certain conditions in Windows (AT-121).
- Added the ability to change the output of integers to base 16 using a configuration file (AT-108).
- Changed the GUI so that users can now advance beyond the file selection page if they didn't provide an input specification. XML conversions do not require a specification (AT-108).
- Updated XML conversions to properly decode
types when they containUNIVERSAL
encodings (AT-108).
ASN2TXT 2.4.1 – Released March 5, 2014
- Adjusted error handling for cleaner responses (AT-90).
- Fixed root elements in XML conversions to ensure that they were properly escaped (AT-85).
- Relocated error reportage outside of the DLL so that it would be properly handled by calling applications.
- GUI improvements to prevent invalid state from being entered in PER decoding (AT-83).
- Adjusted documentation and usage text for the
command-line option (AT-68). - Adjusted packaging to ensure that user-land components could build and link properly against the ASN2TXT DLL.
ASN2TXT 2.4.0 – Released January 8, 2014
New features appearing in the 2.4.0 release of ASN2TXT include the following:
- Additional CSV functionality added to ASN2TXTDLL.
- Compact SEQUENCE OF processing (CSV only).
- More sophisticated record trimming (CSV only).
- Options for skipping bad records (XML only).
- Capability to configure the display format of certain items (for example, IP addresses).
- Substantial performance improvements.
ASN2TXT 2.3.2 - Released June 27,2013
- Fixed a bug in buffered stream read logic which would at times cause a reset to a wrong position in the stream. (ASNVE-1291)
- Fixed a bug in which ASN2TXT -csv would go into an infinite loop on some error conditions. (ASNVE-1300)
- Fixed a bug in which ASN2TXT -csv would not output information on ASN.1 compilation errors if the assigned shcema was invalid. (ASNVE-1300)
- Fixed bug in handling of the length encoding (in PER) of the bit-field associated with the extension additions of a sequence.
ASN2TXT 2.3.1 - February 12, 2013
- Modified error handling to provide a meaningful error message if the specified input file does not exist.
- Fixed a crash that would occur at times when closing a hex or base64 text stream.
- Fixed a bug in which an infinite recursion would occur in ASN.1 specs with circular references.
- Fixed a bug in which an infinite loop would occur when generating XML output and the input file contained padding bytes.
ASN2TXT 2.3.0
Initial release of ASN2TXT. Features in this release include:
- XML and CSV output
- Better support for batch processing input data
- Added support for prefixing output CSV files
- Added support for byte skipping and header offsets for XML output