rtxError.h File Reference

Error handling function and macro definitions. More...

#include "rtxsrc/rtxContext.h"
#include "rtxsrc/rtxErrCodes.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define LOG_RTERR(pctxt, stat)   rtxErrSetData(pctxt,stat,__FILE__,__LINE__)
 This macro is used to log a run-time error in the context.
#define OSRTASSERT(condition)   if (!(condition)) { rtxErrAssertionFailed(#condition,__LINE__,__FILE__); }
 This macro is used to check an assertion.
#define OSRTCHECKPARAM(condition)   if (condition) { /* do nothing */ }
 This macro check a condition but takes no action.


EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddCtxtBufParm (OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function adds the contents of the context buffer to the error information structure in the context.
EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddDoubleParm (OSCTXT *pctxt, double errParm)
 This function adds a double parameter to an error information structure.
EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddErrorTableEntry (const char *const *ppStatusText, OSINT32 minErrCode, OSINT32 maxErrCode)
 This function adds a set of error codes to the global error table.
EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddElemNameParm (OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function adds an element name parameter to the context error information structure.
EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddIntParm (OSCTXT *pctxt, int errParm)
 This function adds an integer parameter to an error information structure.
EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddInt64Parm (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSINT64 errParm)
 This function adds a 64-bit integer parameter to an error information structure.
EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddStrParm (OSCTXT *pctxt, const char *pErrParm)
 This function adds a character string parameter to an error information structure.
EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddStrnParm (OSCTXT *pctxt, const char *pErrParm, size_t nchars)
 This function adds a given number of characters from a character string parameter to an error information structure.
EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddUniStrParm (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSUNICHAR *pErrParm)
 This function adds a Unicode string parameter to an error information structure.
EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddUIntParm (OSCTXT *pctxt, unsigned int errParm)
 This function adds an unsigned integer parameter to an error information structure.
EXTERNRT OSBOOL rtxErrAddUInt64Parm (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSUINT64 errParm)
 This function adds an unsigned 64-bit integer parameter to an error information structure.
EXTERNRT void rtxErrAssertionFailed (const char *conditionText, int lineNo, const char *fileName)
 This function is used to record an assertion failure.
EXTERNRT const char * rtxErrFmtMsg (OSRTErrInfo *pErrInfo, char *bufp, size_t bufsiz)
 This function formats a given error structure from the context into a finished status message including substituted parameters.
EXTERNRT void rtxErrFreeParms (OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function is used to free dynamic memory that was used in the recording of error parameters.
EXTERNRT char * rtxErrGetText (OSCTXT *pctxt, char *pBuf, size_t *pBufSize)
 This function returns error text in a memory buffer.
EXTERNRT char * rtxErrGetTextBuf (OSCTXT *pctxt, char *pbuf, size_t bufsiz)
 This function returns error text in the given fixed-size memory buffer.
EXTERNRT OSRTErrInfortxErrNewNode (OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function creates a new empty error record for the passed context.
EXTERNRT void rtxErrInit ()
 This function is a one-time initialization function that must be called before any other error processing functions can be called.
EXTERNRT int rtxErrReset (OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function is used to reset the error state recorded in the context to successful.
EXTERNRT void rtxErrLogUsingCB (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSErrCbFunc cb, void *cbArg_p)
 This function allows error information to be logged using a user-defined callback routine.
EXTERNRT void rtxErrPrint (OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function is used to print the error information stored in the context to the standard output device.
EXTERNRT void rtxErrPrintElement (OSRTErrInfo *pErrInfo)
 This function is used to print the error information stored in the error information element to the standard output device.
EXTERNRT int rtxErrSetData (OSCTXT *pctxt, int status, const char *module, int lineno)
 This function is used to record an error in the context structure.
EXTERNRT int rtxErrSetNewData (OSCTXT *pctxt, int status, const char *module, int lineno)
 This function is used to record an error in the context structure.
EXTERNRT int rtxErrGetFirstError (const OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function returns the error code, stored in the first error record.
EXTERNRT int rtxErrGetLastError (const OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function returns the error code, stored in the last error record.
EXTERNRT OSUINT32 rtxErrGetErrorCnt (const OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function returns the total number of error records.
EXTERNRT int rtxErrGetStatus (const OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function returns the status value from the context.
EXTERNRT int rtxErrResetLastErrors (OSCTXT *pctxt, int errorsToReset)
 This function resets last 'errorsToReset` errors in the context.

Detailed Description

Error handling function and macro definitions.

Definition in file rtxError.h.