rtEXIAutomaton.h File Reference

EXI automaton structure and functions. More...

#include "rtexisrc/rtEXIEvent.h"
#include "rtexisrc/rtEXIEventCodeGroup.h"
#include "rtxmlsrc/osrtxml.h"
#include "rtxsrc/rtxArrayList.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  OSEXIStateEvent
 This structure holds state/event information. More...
struct  OSEXIAutomaton
 This structure defines a finite state automata for EXI grammars. More...
struct  OSEXIAtmState
 This structure defines state information from an automaton that must be preserved at each stack level. More...


typedef OSINT16 OSEXIState
typedef int(*) OSEXIAtmAddTransFunc (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton, OSEXIState fromState, OSEXIState toState, const OSEXIEvent *pEvent, const OSEXIEventCode *pEventCode)
 Add transition function definition.


enum  OSEXIAtmType


EXTERNEXI void rtEXIAutomatonInit (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton, const OSXMLFullQName *pElemName, OSEXIState numStates)
 This function initializes the automaton to its default state.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIAutomatonrtEXINewAutomaton (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSXMLFullQName *pElemName, OSEXIState numStates)
 This function allocates memory for a new automaton structure and initializes the structure.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIAutomatonrtEXIAutomatonCopy (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton)
 This function copies an automaton structure.
EXTERNEXI void rtEXIAutomatonFreeMem (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton, OSBOOL dynamic)
 This function frees all memory within an Automaton structure.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIAutomatonrtEXIAutomatonAddTransition (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton, OSEXIState fromState, OSEXIState toState, const OSEXIEventCode *pEventCode)
 This function adds a transition between two states.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIAtmAddUndeclaredItems (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton, OSEXIState fromState, OSEXIState toState, OSEXIEventCode *pEventCode, size_t numDeclAttrs, const OSXMLFullQName *declAttrs, OSEXIAtmAddTransFunc addTransFunc)
 This function adds all undeclared items (end element, start tag, and content) to an element automaton in schema-informed mode.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIAtmAddUndeclaredStartTagItems (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton, OSEXIState fromState, OSEXIState toState, OSEXIEventCode *pEventCode, size_t numDeclAttrs, const OSXMLFullQName *declAttrs, OSEXIAtmAddTransFunc addTransFunc)
 This function adds undeclared start tag items to an element automaton in schema-informed mode.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIAtmAddUndeclaredContentItems (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton, OSEXIState fromState, OSEXIState toState, OSEXIEventCode *pEventCode, OSEXIAtmAddTransFunc addTransFunc)
 This function adds undeclared content items to an element automaton in schema-informed mode.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIAutomatonrtEXIAutomatonInitCopy (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pDestAtm, OSEXIAutomaton *pSrcAtm)
 This function initializes an automaton structure using the data from an existing automaton.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIAutomatonPush (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton)
 This function pushes an automaton onto the context stack.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIAutomatonrtEXIAutomatonPop (OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function pops an automaton from the context stack.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodeGrouprtEXIAtmGetCurrentEventCodeGroup (OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton)
 This function returns a pointer to the event code group corresponding to the current state.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIAutomatonrtEXIGetDocAutomaton (OSCTXT *pctxt, size_t numGblElems, const OSXMLFullQName *gblElems, OSEXIAtmAddTransFunc addTransFunc)
 This functions returns an automaton that accepts the built-in document grammar.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIAutomatonrtEXIGetElemAutomaton (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSXMLFullQName *pqname, int(*addTransFunc)(OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIAutomaton *pAutomaton, OSEXIState fromState, OSEXIState toState, const OSEXIEvent *pEvent, const OSEXIEventCode *pEventCode))
 This function returns an automaton that accepts the built-in element grammar.

Detailed Description

EXI automaton structure and functions.

Definition in file rtEXIAutomaton.h.