rtEXIEventCodeGroup.h File Reference

EXI event code definitions and functions. More...

#include "rtexisrc/rtEXIEventCode.h"
#include "rtxsrc/rtxDynBitSet.h"
#include "rtxsrc/rtxSList.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  OSEXIEventCodeGroup
 An EventCodeGroup is a group of related event codes. More...


#define rtEXIEventCodeGroupHasPart1(pecgrp, part1)   rtxDynBitSetTestBit(&pecgrp->part1Set,part1)
 This macro returns true if there is an event code in this group whose length is 1 and whose first part is equal to part1.
#define rtEXIEventCodeGroupHasPart2(pecgrp, part2)   rtxDynBitSetTestBit(&pecgrp->part2Set,part2)
 This macro returns true if there is an event code in this group whose length is 2 and whose first part is equal to part2.


EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodeGroupInit (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function initializes an event code group structure.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodeGrouprtEXINewEventCodeGroup (OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function allocates and initializes a new event code group structure.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupAdd (OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp, const OSEXIEventCode *pec)
 This function adds an event code to an event code group and updates the maximum part variables.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodeGrouprtEXIEventCodeGroupCopy (const OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function performs a deep copy of the given event group.
EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodeGroupFreeMem (OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function frees all memory associated with an event group.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupGetBitsPart1 (OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function returns the number of bits necessary to encode the max part1 value in this group.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupGetBitsPart2 (OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function returns the number of bits necessary to encode the max part2 value in this group.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupGetBitsPart3 (OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function returns the number of bits necessary to encode the max part3 value in this group.
EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodeGroupIncrPart1 (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function increments part1 in all event codes in this group, as well as the max part1 value.

Detailed Description

EXI event code definitions and functions.

Definition in file rtEXIEventCodeGroup.h.