rtxErrCodes.h File Reference
List of numeric status codes that can be returned by common run-time functions and generated code. More...
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Defines | |
#define | RT_OK 0 |
Normal completion status. | |
#define | RT_OK_FRAG 2 |
Message fragment return status. | |
#define | RTERR_BUFOVFLW -1 |
Encode buffer overflow. | |
#define | RTERR_ENDOFBUF -2 |
Unexpected end-of-buffer. | |
#define | RTERR_IDNOTFOU -3 |
Expected identifier not found. | |
#define | RTERR_INVENUM -4 |
Invalid enumerated identifier. | |
#define | RTERR_SETDUPL -5 |
Duplicate element in set. | |
#define | RTERR_SETMISRQ -6 |
Missing required element in set. | |
#define | RTERR_NOTINSET -7 |
Element not in set. | |
#define | RTERR_SEQOVFLW -8 |
Sequence overflow. | |
#define | RTERR_INVOPT -9 |
Invalid option in choice. | |
#define | RTERR_NOMEM -10 |
No dynamic memory available. | |
#define | RTERR_INVHEXS -11 |
Invalid hexadecimal string. | |
#define | RTERR_INVREAL -12 |
Invalid real number value. | |
#define | RTERR_STROVFLW -13 |
String overflow. | |
#define | RTERR_BADVALUE -14 |
Bad value. | |
#define | RTERR_TOODEEP -15 |
Nesting level too deep. | |
#define | RTERR_CONSVIO -16 |
Constraint violation. | |
#define | RTERR_ENDOFFILE -17 |
Unexpected end-of-file error. | |
#define | RTERR_INVUTF8 -18 |
Invalid UTF-8 character encoding. | |
#define | RTERR_OUTOFBND -19 |
Array index out-of-bounds. | |
#define | RTERR_INVPARAM -20 |
Invalid parameter passed to a function of method. | |
#define | RTERR_INVFORMAT -21 |
Invalid value format. | |
#define | RTERR_NOTINIT -22 |
Context not initialized. | |
#define | RTERR_TOOBIG -23 |
Value will not fit in target variable. | |
#define | RTERR_INVCHAR -24 |
Invalid character. | |
#define | RTERR_XMLSTATE -25 |
XML state error. | |
#define | RTERR_XMLPARSE -26 |
XML parser error. | |
#define | RTERR_SEQORDER -27 |
Sequence order error. | |
#define | RTERR_FILNOTFOU -28 |
File not found. | |
#define | RTERR_READERR -29 |
Read error. | |
#define | RTERR_WRITEERR -30 |
Write error. | |
#define | RTERR_INVBASE64 -31 |
Invalid Base64 encoding. | |
#define | RTERR_INVSOCKET -32 |
Invalid socket. | |
#define | RTERR_INVATTR -33 |
Invalid attribute. | |
#define | RTERR_REGEXP -34 |
Invalid regular expression. | |
#define | RTERR_PATMATCH -35 |
Pattern match error. | |
#define | RTERR_ATTRMISRQ -36 |
Missing required attribute. | |
#define | RTERR_HOSTNOTFOU -37 |
Host name could not be resolved. | |
#define | RTERR_HTTPERR -38 |
HTTP protocol error. | |
#define | RTERR_SOAPERR -39 |
SOAP error. | |
#define | RTERR_EXPIRED -40 |
Evaluation license expired. | |
#define | RTERR_UNEXPELEM -41 |
Unexpected element encountered. | |
#define | RTERR_INVOCCUR -42 |
Invalid number of occurrences. | |
#define | RTERR_INVMSGBUF -43 |
Invalid message buffer has been passed to decode or validate method. | |
#define | RTERR_DECELEMFAIL -44 |
Element decode failed. | |
#define | RTERR_DECATTRFAIL -45 |
Attribute decode failed. | |
#define | RTERR_STRMINUSE -46 |
Stream in-use. | |
#define | RTERR_NULLPTR -47 |
Null pointer. | |
#define | RTERR_FAILED -48 |
General failure. | |
#define | RTERR_ATTRFIXEDVAL -49 |
Attribute fixed value mismatch. | |
#define | RTERR_MULTIPLE -50 |
Multiple errors occurred during an encode or decode operation. | |
#define | RTERR_NOTYPEINFO -51 |
This error is returned when decoding a derived type definition and no information exists as to what type of data is in the element content. | |
#define | RTERR_ADDRINUSE -52 |
Address already in use. | |
#define | RTERR_CONNRESET -53 |
Remote connection was reset. | |
#define | RTERR_UNREACHABLE -54 |
Network failure. | |
#define | RTERR_NOCONN -55 |
Not connected. | |
#define | RTERR_CONNREFUSED -56 |
Connection refused. | |
#define | RTERR_INVSOCKOPT -57 |
Invalid option. | |
#define | RTERR_SOAPFAULT -58 |
This error is returned when decoded SOAP envelope is fault message. | |
#define | RTERR_MARKNOTSUP -59 |
This error is returned when an attempt is made to mark a stream position on a stream type that does not support it. | |
#define | RTERR_NOTSUPP -60 |
Feature is not supported. | |
#define | RTERR_UNBAL -61 |
Unbalanced structure. | |
#define | RTERR_EXPNAME -62 |
Expected name. | |
#define | RTERR_UNICODE -63 |
Invalid Unicode sequence. | |
#define | RTERR_INVBOOL -64 |
Invalid boolean keyword. | |
#define | RTERR_INVNULL -65 |
Invalid null keyword. |
Detailed Description
List of numeric status codes that can be returned by common run-time functions and generated code.
Definition in file rtxErrCodes.h.