rtxSocket.h File Reference

#include "rtxsrc/osSysTypes.h"
#include "rtxsrc/rtxExternDefs.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define OSIPADDR_LOCAL   ((OSIPADDR)0x7f000001UL)


typedef int OSRTSOCKET
typedef unsigned long OSIPADDR


int rtxSocketAccept (OSRTSOCKET socket, OSRTSOCKET *pNewSocket, OSIPADDR *destAddr, int *destPort)
int rtxSocketAddrToStr (OSIPADDR ipAddr, char *pbuf, size_t bufsize)
int rtxSocketBind (OSRTSOCKET socket, OSIPADDR addr, int port)
int rtxSocketClose (OSRTSOCKET socket)
int rtxSocketConnect (OSRTSOCKET socket, const char *host, int port)
int rtxSocketCreate (OSRTSOCKET *psocket)
int rtxSocketCreateUDP (OSRTSOCKET *psocket)
int rtxSocketGetHost (const char *host, struct in_addr *inaddr)
int rtxSocketsInit ()
int rtxSocketListen (OSRTSOCKET socket, int maxConnection)
int rtxSocketParseURL (char *url, char **protocol, char **address, int *port)
int rtxSocketRecv (OSRTSOCKET socket, OSOCTET *pbuf, int bufsize)
int rtxSocketSend (OSRTSOCKET socket, const OSOCTET *pdata, int size)
int rtxSocketStrToAddr (const char *pIPAddrStr, OSIPADDR *pIPAddr)

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

typedef int OSRTSOCKET

socket handle