Asn1Exception Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Asn1Exception:
Asn1CanonicalException Asn1ConsVioException Asn1EndOfBufferException Asn1InvalidArgException Asn1InvalidChoiceOptionException Asn1InvalidElemException Asn1InvalidEnumException Asn1InvalidLengthException Asn1InvalidObjectIDException Asn1MderUnsupported Asn1MissingRequiredException Asn1NotInSetException Asn1NotWellFormedXMLException Asn1SeqOrderException Asn1SetDuplicateException Asn1TagMatchFailedException Asn1UnexpectedElementException Asn1ValueParseException Asn1XmlMisReqElemExc Asn1XmlUnexpElemExc

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Asn1Exception (Asn1DecodeBuffer buffer, System.String message)
 Asn1Exception (System.String message, System.Exception innerException)
 Asn1Exception (System.String message)

Detailed Description

This class defines a generic ASN.1 exception for use as a base class for exceptions common to all encode/decode operations. Specific exceptions for BER, DER, and PER encoding and decoding are subclassed from this base class..

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Asn1Exception ( System.String  message  ) 

This constructor passes the given message text to the superclass.

message Error message text
Asn1Exception ( System.String  message,
System.Exception  innerException 

This constructor passes the given message text to the superclass.

message Error message text
innerException The exception that is the cause of the current exception.
Asn1Exception ( Asn1DecodeBuffer  buffer,
System.String  message 

This constructor creates the base exception object and captures the current buffer offset from the Decode buffer..

buffer ASN.1 Decode buffer object reference
message Error message text