Asn1MessageBufferBase Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for Asn1MessageBufferBase:
Asn1MessageBuffer Asn1DecodeBuffer Asn1EncodeBuffer Asn1BerDecodeBuffer Asn1DecodeBitBuffer Asn1MderDecodeBuffer Asn1BerInputStream Asn1DerDecodeBuffer Asn1OerDecodeBuffer Asn1PerDecodeBuffer Asn1CerInputStream Asn1DerInputStream Asn1PerInputStream

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void SetKey (byte[] rtkey)
void SetPermanentKey (byte[] rtkey)

Static Public Member Functions

static void HexDump (System.IO.Stream ins)
static void HexDump (System.IO.Stream ins, System.IO.StreamWriter outs)


Asn1Context Context [get]
virtual short TypeCode [set]

Detailed Description

Base class for encode and decode message buffers/streams.

Member Function Documentation

static void HexDump ( System.IO.Stream  ins  )  [static]

This method prints a formatted hex dump of the contents of the given input stream to the standard output stream.

ins System.IO.Stream containg data to be dumped
static void HexDump ( System.IO.Stream  ins,
System.IO.StreamWriter  outs 
) [static]

This method prints a formatted hex dump of the contents of the given input stream to the given output stream.

ins System.IO.Stream containg data to be dumped
outs StreamWriter to which formatted data is to be written
void SetKey ( byte[]  rtkey  ) 

This method is used with the limited run-time to set a run-time key value generated by the compiler to allow the run-time to operate on the licensed hosts. This is not used in the unlimited redistribution versions.

rtkey Run-time key generated by ASN1C
void SetPermanentKey ( byte[]  rtkey  ) 

This method is used to set a run-time key value such that subsequent calls to SetKey won't overwrite it.

rtkey The run-time key to set.

Property Documentation

Asn1Context Context [get]

The event dispatcher for this buffer.

virtual short TypeCode [set]

Sets the internal type code to the given value. This is a code describing the last type parsed by the decoder.

Value: Type code (codes are defined in Asn1Type.cs). The codes correspond to the UNIVERSAL tag ID values for the built-in types.