Asn1PerMessageBuffer Interface Reference

Inheritance diagram for Asn1PerMessageBuffer:
Asn1PerDecodeBuffer Asn1PerEncodeBuffer Asn1PerInputStream

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void ByteAlign ()
System.IO.Stream GetInputStream ()
bool IsAligned ()


int MsgBitCnt [get]
Asn1PerTraceHandler TraceHandler [get]

Detailed Description

This interface defines constants and methods specific to encoding and decoding PER messages. All of the PER message buffer classes implement this interface.

Member Function Documentation

void ByteAlign (  ) 

This method handles byte-alignment for aligned PER encoding or decoding.

Implemented in Asn1PerDecodeBuffer, and Asn1PerEncodeBuffer.

System.IO.Stream GetInputStream (  ) 

This method returns an input stream object that represents the message being encoded or decoded.

Stream containing message
bool IsAligned (  ) 

This method returns a flag indicating if PER aligned encoding is currently enabled (if false, unaligned is in effect).

true is aligned; otherwise false

Implemented in Asn1PerDecodeBuffer, and Asn1PerEncodeBuffer.

Property Documentation

int MsgBitCnt [get]

Gets the number of bits in the PER message.

Value: Count of bits in message

Asn1PerTraceHandler TraceHandler [get]

Gets a reference to the internal trace handler object used to trace the bit fields within a PER message.

Value: Asn1PerTraceHandler object

Implemented in Asn1PerDecodeBuffer, and Asn1PerEncodeBuffer.