Run-time error status codes.

This is a list of status codes that can be returned by the common run-time functions and generated code. More...


#define RT_OK   0
 Normal completion status.
#define RT_OK_FRAG   2
 Message fragment return status.
#define RTERR_BUFOVFLW   -1
 Encode buffer overflow.
#define RTERR_ENDOFBUF   -2
 Unexpected end-of-buffer.
#define RTERR_IDNOTFOU   -3
 Expected identifier not found.
#define RTERR_INVENUM   -4
 Invalid enumerated identifier.
#define RTERR_SETDUPL   -5
 Duplicate element in set.
#define RTERR_SETMISRQ   -6
 Missing required element in set.
#define RTERR_NOTINSET   -7
 Element not in set.
#define RTERR_SEQOVFLW   -8
 Sequence overflow.
#define RTERR_INVOPT   -9
 Invalid option in choice.
#define RTERR_NOMEM   -10
 No dynamic memory available.
#define RTERR_INVHEXS   -11
 Invalid hexadecimal string.
#define RTERR_INVREAL   -12
 Invalid real number value.
#define RTERR_STROVFLW   -13
 String overflow.
#define RTERR_BADVALUE   -14
 Bad value.
#define RTERR_TOODEEP   -15
 Nesting level too deep.
#define RTERR_CONSVIO   -16
 Constraint violation.
#define RTERR_ENDOFFILE   -17
 Unexpected end-of-file error.
#define RTERR_INVUTF8   -18
 Invalid UTF-8 character encoding.
#define RTERR_OUTOFBND   -19
 Array index out-of-bounds.
#define RTERR_INVPARAM   -20
 Invalid parameter passed to a function of method.
#define RTERR_INVFORMAT   -21
 Invalid value format.
#define RTERR_NOTINIT   -22
 Context not initialized.
#define RTERR_TOOBIG   -23
 Value will not fit in target variable.
#define RTERR_INVCHAR   -24
 Invalid character.
#define RTERR_XMLSTATE   -25
 XML state error.
#define RTERR_XMLPARSE   -26
 XML parser error.
#define RTERR_SEQORDER   -27
 Sequence order error.
#define RTERR_FILNOTFOU   -28
 File not found.
#define RTERR_READERR   -29
 Read error.
#define RTERR_WRITEERR   -30
 Write error.
#define RTERR_INVBASE64   -31
 Invalid Base64 encoding.
#define RTERR_INVSOCKET   -32
 Invalid socket.
#define RTERR_INVATTR   -33
 Invalid attribute.
#define RTERR_REGEXP   -34
 Invalid regular expression.
#define RTERR_PATMATCH   -35
 Pattern match error.
#define RTERR_ATTRMISRQ   -36
 Missing required attribute.
#define RTERR_HOSTNOTFOU   -37
 Host name could not be resolved.
#define RTERR_HTTPERR   -38
 HTTP protocol error.
#define RTERR_SOAPERR   -39
 SOAP error.
#define RTERR_EXPIRED   -40
 Evaluation license expired.
#define RTERR_UNEXPELEM   -41
 Unexpected element encountered.
#define RTERR_INVOCCUR   -42
 Invalid number of occurrences.
#define RTERR_INVMSGBUF   -43
 Invalid message buffer has been passed to decode or validate method.
 Element decode failed.
 Attribute decode failed.
#define RTERR_STRMINUSE   -46
 Stream in-use.
#define RTERR_NULLPTR   -47
 Null pointer.
#define RTERR_FAILED   -48
 General failure.
 Attribute fixed value mismatch.
#define RTERR_MULTIPLE   -50
 Multiple errors occurred during an encode or decode operation.
#define RTERR_NOTYPEINFO   -51
 This error is returned when decoding a derived type definition and no information exists as to what type of data is in the element content.
#define RTERR_ADDRINUSE   -52
 Address already in use.
#define RTERR_CONNRESET   -53
 Remote connection was reset.
 Network failure.
#define RTERR_NOCONN   -55
 Not connected.
 Connection refused.
#define RTERR_INVSOCKOPT   -57
 Invalid option.
#define RTERR_SOAPFAULT   -58
 This error is returned when decoded SOAP envelope is fault message.
#define RTERR_MARKNOTSUP   -59
 This error is returned when an attempt is made to mark a stream position on a stream type that does not support it.
#define RTERR_NOTSUPP   -60
 Feature is not supported.

Detailed Description

This is a list of status codes that can be returned by the common run-time functions and generated code.

In many cases, additional information and parameters for the different errors are stored in the context structure at the time the error in raised. This additional information can be output using the rtxErrPrint or rtxErrLogUsingCB run-time functions.

Define Documentation

#define RT_OK_FRAG   2

Message fragment return status.

This is returned when a part of a message is successfully decoded. The application should continue to invoke the decode function until a zero status is returned.

Definition at line 53 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_ADDRINUSE   -52

Address already in use.

This status code is returned when an attempt is made to bind a socket to an address that is already in use.

Definition at line 471 of file rtxErrCodes.h.


Attribute fixed value mismatch.

The attribute contained a value that was different than the fixed value defined in the schema for the attribute.

Definition at line 444 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_ATTRMISRQ   -36

Missing required attribute.

This status code is returned by the decoder when an XML instance is missing a required attribute value as defined in the XML schema.

Definition at line 347 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_BADVALUE   -14

Bad value.

This status code is returned anywhere where an API is expecting a value to be within a certain range and it not within this range. An example is the encoding or decoding date values when the month or day value is not within the legal range (1-12 for month and 1 to whatever the max days is for a given month).

Definition at line 170 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_BUFOVFLW   -1

Encode buffer overflow.

This status code is returned when encoding into a static buffer and there is no space left for the item currently being encoded.

Definition at line 60 of file rtxErrCodes.h.


Connection refused.

This status code is returned when an attempt to communicate on an open socket is refused by the host.

Definition at line 495 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_CONNRESET   -53

Remote connection was reset.

This status code is returned when the connection is reset by the remote host (via explicit command or a crash.

Definition at line 477 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_CONSVIO   -16

Constraint violation.

This status code is returned when constraints defined the schema are violated. These include XSD facets such as min/maxOccurs, min/maxLength, patterns, etc.. Also ASN.1 value range, size, and permitted alphabet constraints.

Definition at line 185 of file rtxErrCodes.h.


Attribute decode failed.

This status code and parameters are added to the failure status by the decoder to allow the specific attribute on which a decode error was detected to be identified.

Definition at line 412 of file rtxErrCodes.h.


Element decode failed.

This status code and parameters are added to the failure status by the decoder to allow the specific element on which a decode error was detected to be identified.

Definition at line 405 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_ENDOFBUF   -2

Unexpected end-of-buffer.

This status code is returned when decoding and the decoder expects more data to be available but instead runs into the end of the decode buffer.

Definition at line 67 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_ENDOFFILE   -17

Unexpected end-of-file error.

This status code is returned when an unexpected end-of-file condition is detected on decode. It is similar to the ENDOFBUF error code described above except that in this case, decoding is being done from a file stream instead of from a memory buffer.

Definition at line 193 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_EXPIRED   -40

Evaluation license expired.

This error is returned from evaluation versions of the run-time library when the hard-coded evaluation period is expired.

Definition at line 375 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_FAILED   -48

General failure.

Low level call returned error.

Definition at line 433 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_FILNOTFOU   -28

File not found.

This status code is returned if an attempt is made to open a file input stream for decoding and the given file does not exist.

Definition at line 283 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_HOSTNOTFOU   -37

Host name could not be resolved.

This status code is returned from run-time socket functions when they are unable to connect to a given host computer.

Definition at line 354 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_HTTPERR   -38

HTTP protocol error.

This status code is returned by functions doing HTTP protocol operations such as SOAP functions. It is returned when a protocol error is detected. Details on the specific error can be obtained by calling rtxErrPrint.

Definition at line 362 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_IDNOTFOU   -3

Expected identifier not found.

This status is returned when the decoder is expecting a certain element to be present at the current position and instead something different is encountered. An example is decoding a sequence container type in which the declared elements are expected to be in the given order. If an element is encountered that is not the one expected, this error is raised.

Definition at line 77 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVATTR   -33

Invalid attribute.

This status code is returned by the decoder when an attribute is encountered in an XML instance that was not defined in the XML schema.

Definition at line 322 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVBASE64   -31

Invalid Base64 encoding.

This status code is returned when an error is detected in decoding base64 data.

Definition at line 303 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVCHAR   -24

Invalid character.

This status code is returned when a character is encountered that is not valid for a given data type. For example, if an integer value is being decoded and a non-numeric character is encountered, this error will be raised.

Definition at line 254 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVENUM   -4

Invalid enumerated identifier.

This status is returned when an enumerated value is being encoded or decoded and the given value is not in the set of values defined in the enumeration facet.

Definition at line 84 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVFORMAT   -21

Invalid value format.

This status code is returned when a value is received or passed into a function that is not in the expected format. For example, the time string parsing function expects a string in the form "nn:nn:nn" where n's are numbers. If not in this format, this error code is returned.

Definition at line 224 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVHEXS   -11

Invalid hexadecimal string.

This status code is returned when decoding a hexadecimal string value and a character is encountered in the string that is not in the valid hexadecimal character set ([0-9A-Fa-f] or whitespace).

Definition at line 143 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVMSGBUF   -43

Invalid message buffer has been passed to decode or validate method.

This status code is returned by decode or validate method when the used message buffer instance has type different from OSMessageBufferIF::XMLDecode.

Definition at line 398 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVOCCUR   -42

Invalid number of occurrences.

This status code is returned by the decoder when an XML instance contains a number of occurrences of a repeating element that is outside the bounds (minOccurs/maxOccurs) defined for the element in the XML schema.

Definition at line 390 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVOPT   -9

Invalid option in choice.

This status code is returned when encoding or decoding an ASN.1 CHOICE or XSD xsd:choice construct. When encoding, it occurs when a value in the generated 't' member variable is outside the range of indexes of items in the content model group. It occurs on the decode side when an element is received that is not defined in the content model group.

Definition at line 128 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVPARAM   -20

Invalid parameter passed to a function of method.

This status code is returned by a function or method when it does an initial check on the values of parameters passed in. If a parameter is found to not have a value in the expected range, this error code is returned.

Definition at line 215 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVREAL   -12

Invalid real number value.

This status code is returned when decoding a numeric floating-point value and an invalid character is received (i.e. not numeric, decimal point, plus or minus sign, or exponent character).

Definition at line 151 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVSOCKET   -32

Invalid socket.

This status code is returned when an attempt is made to read or write from a scoket and the given socket handle is invalid. This may be the result of not having established a proper connection before trying to use the socket handle variable.

Definition at line 311 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVSOCKOPT   -57

Invalid option.

This status code is returned when an invalid option is passed to socket.

Definition at line 501 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_INVUTF8   -18

Invalid UTF-8 character encoding.

This status code is returned by the decoder when an invalid sequence of bytes is detected in a UTF-8 character string.

Definition at line 200 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_MULTIPLE   -50

Multiple errors occurred during an encode or decode operation.

See the error list within the context structure for a full list of all errors.

Definition at line 454 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_NOCONN   -55

Not connected.

This status code is returned when an operation is issued on an unconnected socket.

Definition at line 489 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_NOMEM   -10

No dynamic memory available.

This status code is returned when a dynamic memory allocation request is made and an insufficient amount of memory is available to satisfy the request.

Definition at line 135 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_NOTINIT   -22

Context not initialized.

This status code is returned when the run-time context structure (OSCTXT) is attempted to be used without having been initialized. This can occur if rtxInitContext is not invoked to initialize a context variable before use in any other API call. It can also occur is there is a license violation (for example, evaluation license expired).

Definition at line 234 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_NOTINSET   -7

Element not in set.

This status code is returned when encoding or decoding an ASN.1 SET or XSD xsd:all construct. When encoding, it occurs when a value in the generated _order member variable is outside the range of indexes of items in the content model group. It occurs on the decode side when an element is received that is not defined in the content model group.

Definition at line 110 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_NOTSUPP   -60

Feature is not supported.

This status code is returned when a feature that is currently not supported is encountered. Support may be added in a future release.

Definition at line 528 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_NOTYPEINFO   -51

This error is returned when decoding a derived type definition and no information exists as to what type of data is in the element content.

When decoding XML, this normally means that an xsi:type attribute was not found identifying the type of content.

Definition at line 465 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_NULLPTR   -47

Null pointer.

This status code is returned when a null pointer is encountered in a place where it is expected that the pointer value is to be set.

Definition at line 428 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_OUTOFBND   -19

Array index out-of-bounds.

This status code is returned when an attempt is made to add something to an array and the given index is outside the defined bounds of the array.

Definition at line 207 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_PATMATCH   -35

Pattern match error.

This status code is returned by the decoder when a value in an XML instance does not match the pattern facet defined in the XML schema. It can also be returned by numeric encode functions that cannot format a numeric value to match the pattern specified for that value.

Definition at line 340 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_READERR   -29

Read error.

This status code if returned if a read I/O error is encountered when reading from an input stream associated with a physical device such as a file or socket.

Definition at line 290 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_REGEXP   -34

Invalid regular expression.

This status code is returned when a syntax error is detected in a regular expression value. Details of the syntax error can be obtained by invoking rtxErrPrint to print the details of the error contained within the context variable.

Definition at line 331 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_SEQORDER   -27

Sequence order error.

This status code is returned when decoding an ASN.1 SEQUENCE or XSD xsd:sequence construct. It is raised if the elements were received in an order different than that specified in the content model group definition.

Definition at line 276 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_SEQOVFLW   -8

Sequence overflow.

This status code is returned when decoding a repeating element (ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF or XSD element with min/maxOccurs > 1) and more instances of the element are received than were defined in the constraint.

Definition at line 118 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_SETDUPL   -5

Duplicate element in set.

This status code is returned when decoding an ASN.1 SET or XSD xsd:all construct. It is raised if a given element defined in the content model group occurs multiple times in the instance being decoded.

Definition at line 92 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_SETMISRQ   -6

Missing required element in set.

This status code is returned when decoding an ASN.1 SET or XSD xsd:all construct and all required elements in the content model group are not found to be present in the instance being decoded.

Definition at line 100 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_SOAPERR   -39

SOAP error.

This status code when an error is detected when trying to execute a SOAP operation.

Definition at line 368 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_STRMINUSE   -46

Stream in-use.

This status code is returned by stream functions when an attempt is made to initialize a stream or create a reader or writer when an existing stream is open in the context. The existing stream must first be closed before initializaing a stream for a new operation.

Definition at line 421 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_STROVFLW   -13

String overflow.

This status code is returned when a fixed-sized field is being decoded as specified by a size constraint and the item contains more characters or bytes then this amount. It can occur when a run-time function is called with a fixed-sixed static buffer and whatever operation is being done causes the bounds of this buffer to be exceeded.

Definition at line 161 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_TOOBIG   -23

Value will not fit in target variable.

This status is returned by the decoder when a target variable is not large enough to hold a a decoded value. A typical case is an integer value that is too large to fit in the standard C integer type (typically a 32-bit value) on a given platform. If this occurs, it is usually necessary to use a configuration file setting to force the compiler to use a different data type for the item. For example, for integer, the <isBigInteger/> setting can be used to force use of a big integer type.

Definition at line 246 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_TOODEEP   -15

Nesting level too deep.

This status code is returned when a preconfigured maximum nesting level for elements within a content model group is exceeded.

Definition at line 177 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_UNEXPELEM   -41

Unexpected element encountered.

This status code is returned when an element is encountered in a position where something else (for example, an attribute) was expected.

Definition at line 382 of file rtxErrCodes.h.


Network failure.

This status code is returned when the network or host is down or otherwise unreachable.

Definition at line 483 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_WRITEERR   -30

Write error.

This status code if returned if a write I/O error is encountered when attempting to output data to an output stream associated with a physical device such as a file or socket.

Definition at line 297 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_XMLPARSE   -26

XML parser error.

This status code in returned when the underlying XML parser application (by default, this is Expat) returns an error code. The parser error code or text is returned as a parameter in the errInfo structure within the context structure.

Definition at line 268 of file rtxErrCodes.h.

#define RTERR_XMLSTATE   -25

XML state error.

This status code is returned when the XML parser is not in the correct state to do a certain operation.

Definition at line 260 of file rtxErrCodes.h.