EXI event code definitions and functions.


struct  OSEXIEventCode
 A structure representing a production's event code. More...
struct  OSEXIEventCodeGroup
 An EventCodeGroup is a group of related event codes. More...


#define rtEXISetEventCode1(pEventCode, part1)   rtEXISetEventCode3(pEventCode, part1, OSINT32_MIN, OSINT32_MIN)
 This macro sets a one-part event code.
#define rtEXISetEventCode2(pEventCode, part1, part2)   rtEXISetEventCode3(pEventCode, part1, part2, OSINT32_MIN)
 This macro sets a two-part event code.
#define rtEXIEventCodeGroupHasPart1(pecgrp, part1)   rtxDynBitSetTestBit(&pecgrp->part1Set,part1)
 This macro returns true if there is an event code in this group whose length is 1 and whose first part is equal to part1.
#define rtEXIEventCodeGroupHasPart2(pecgrp, part2)   rtxDynBitSetTestBit(&pecgrp->part2Set,part2)
 This macro returns true if there is an event code in this group whose length is 2 and whose first part is equal to part2.


EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeCompare (const OSEXIEventCode *pec1, const OSEXIEventCode *pec2)
 This function compares two event codes.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodertEXIEventCodeCopy (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSEXIEventCode *pec)
 This function does a deep-copy of an event code structure.
EXTERNEXI OSBOOL rtEXIEventCodesEqual (const OSEXIEventCode *pec1, const OSEXIEventCode *pec2)
 This function compares two event codes for equality.
EXTERNEXI char * rtEXIEventCodeToString (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSEXIEventCode *pec)
 This function returns a string representation of the given event code in dot notation (part1.part2.part3).
EXTERNEXI OSUINT32 rtEXIEventCodeLength (const OSEXIEventCode *pec)
 This function returns the length of the given event code.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodertEXINewEventCode1 (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSINT32 part1)
 This function allocates and initializes a one-part event code.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodertEXINewEventCode2 (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSINT32 part1, OSINT32 part2)
 This function allocates and initializes a two-part event code.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodertEXINewEventCode3 (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSINT32 part1, OSINT32 part2, OSINT32 part3)
 This function allocates and initializes a three-part event code.
EXTERNEXI void rtEXISetEventCode3 (OSEXIEventCode *pEventCode, OSINT32 part1, OSINT32 part2, OSINT32 part3)
 This function sets a three-part event code.
EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodePrint (const OSEXIEventCode *pEventCode)
 This function prints information on the given event code to stdout.
EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodeGroupInit (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function initializes an event code group structure.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodeGrouprtEXINewEventCodeGroup (OSCTXT *pctxt)
 This function allocates and initializes a new event code group structure.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupAdd (OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp, const OSEXIEventCode *pec)
 This function adds an event code to an event code group and updates the maximum part variables.
EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodeGrouprtEXIEventCodeGroupCopy (const OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function performs a deep copy of the given event group.
EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodeGroupFreeMem (OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function frees all memory associated with an event group.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupGetBitsPart1 (OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function returns the number of bits necessary to encode the max part1 value in this group.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupGetBitsPart2 (OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function returns the number of bits necessary to encode the max part2 value in this group.
EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupGetBitsPart3 (OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function returns the number of bits necessary to encode the max part3 value in this group.
EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodeGroupIncrPart1 (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSEXIEventCodeGroup *pecgrp)
 This function increments part1 in all event codes in this group, as well as the max part1 value.

Define Documentation

#define rtEXISetEventCode1 ( pEventCode,
part1   )     rtEXISetEventCode3(pEventCode, part1, OSINT32_MIN, OSINT32_MIN)

This macro sets a one-part event code.

pEventCode Pointer to event code structure.
part1 Part 1 of the event code.

Definition at line 172 of file rtEXIEventCode.h.

#define rtEXISetEventCode2 ( pEventCode,
part2   )     rtEXISetEventCode3(pEventCode, part1, part2, OSINT32_MIN)

This macro sets a two-part event code.

pEventCode Pointer to event code structure.
part1 Part 1 of the event code.
part2 Part 2 of the event code.

Definition at line 182 of file rtEXIEventCode.h.

Function Documentation

EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeCompare ( const OSEXIEventCode pec1,
const OSEXIEventCode pec2 

This function compares two event codes.

Event codes are first compared based on length and then partwise.

pec1 Pointer to event code to compare.
pec2 Pointer to event code to compare.
Comparison result: < 0 = (ec1 < ec2), 0 = (ec1 == ec2), > 0 = (ec1 > ec2)

EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCode* rtEXIEventCodeCopy ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const OSEXIEventCode pec 

This function does a deep-copy of an event code structure.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
pec Pointer to event code to copy.
Copied structure. Memory for the new structure is allocated with the rtxMemAlloc run-time functions and thus must be freed with an rtxMemFree* function. If memory allocation fails, NULL is returned.

EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupAdd ( OSEXIEventCodeGroup pecgrp,
const OSEXIEventCode pec 

This function adds an event code to an event code group and updates the maximum part variables.

pecgrp Pointer to event code group structure.
pec Pointer to event code to add.
Status of operation: 0 if success, negative status code if failure.

EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodeGroup* rtEXIEventCodeGroupCopy ( const OSEXIEventCodeGroup pecgrp  ) 

This function performs a deep copy of the given event group.

This includes copying the group list as well as all its members.

pecgrp Pointer to event code group structure.
Copied group structure. Memory for the new structure is allocated with the rtxMemAlloc run-time functions and thus must be freed with an rtxMemFree* function. If memory allocation fails, NULL is returned.

EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodeGroupFreeMem ( OSEXIEventCodeGroup pecgrp  ) 

This function frees all memory associated with an event group.

pecgrp Pointer to event code group structure.

EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupGetBitsPart1 ( OSEXIEventCodeGroup pecgrp  ) 

This function returns the number of bits necessary to encode the max part1 value in this group.

pecgrp Pointer to event code group structure.
Number of bits.

EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupGetBitsPart2 ( OSEXIEventCodeGroup pecgrp  ) 

This function returns the number of bits necessary to encode the max part2 value in this group.

pecgrp Pointer to event code group structure.
Number of bits.

EXTERNEXI int rtEXIEventCodeGroupGetBitsPart3 ( OSEXIEventCodeGroup pecgrp  ) 

This function returns the number of bits necessary to encode the max part3 value in this group.

pecgrp Pointer to event code group structure.
Number of bits.

EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodeGroupIncrPart1 ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSEXIEventCodeGroup pecgrp 

This function increments part1 in all event codes in this group, as well as the max part1 value.

pctxt Pointer to a context block structure.
pecgrp Pointer to event code group structure.

EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodeGroupInit ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSEXIEventCodeGroup pecgrp 

This function initializes an event code group structure.

pctxt Pointer to a context block structure.
pecgrp Pointer to event code group structure.

EXTERNEXI OSUINT32 rtEXIEventCodeLength ( const OSEXIEventCode pec  ) 

This function returns the length of the given event code.

pec Pointer to event code.
Length of event code (0 - 3)

EXTERNEXI void rtEXIEventCodePrint ( const OSEXIEventCode pEventCode  ) 

This function prints information on the given event code to stdout.

pEventCode Pointer to event code structure.

EXTERNEXI OSBOOL rtEXIEventCodesEqual ( const OSEXIEventCode pec1,
const OSEXIEventCode pec2 

This function compares two event codes for equality.

A deep compare is done (i.e. will return TRUE if either the pointers are equal or all parts inside are equal).

pec1 Pointer to event code to compare.
pec2 Pointer to event code to compare.
Boolean comparison result.

EXTERNEXI char* rtEXIEventCodeToString ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
const OSEXIEventCode pec 

This function returns a string representation of the given event code in dot notation (part1.part2.part3).

Memory is allocated for the string using the rtxMemAlloc run-time function and must be freed using one the rtxMemFree functions.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
pec Pointer to event code.
Pointer to string version of code or NULL if no dynamic memory is available.

EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCode* rtEXINewEventCode1 ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSINT32  part1 

This function allocates and initializes a one-part event code.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
part1 Part 1 of the event code.
Pointer to allocated event code structure. NULL if no dynamic memory available.

EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCode* rtEXINewEventCode2 ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSINT32  part1,
OSINT32  part2 

This function allocates and initializes a two-part event code.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
part1 Part 1 of the event code.
part2 Part 2 of the event code.
Pointer to allocated event code structure. NULL if no dynamic memory available.

EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCode* rtEXINewEventCode3 ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSINT32  part1,
OSINT32  part2,
OSINT32  part3 

This function allocates and initializes a three-part event code.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
part1 Part 1 of the event code.
part2 Part 2 of the event code.
part3 Part 3 of the event code.
Pointer to allocated event code structure. NULL if no dynamic memory available.

EXTERNEXI OSEXIEventCodeGroup* rtEXINewEventCodeGroup ( OSCTXT *  pctxt  ) 

This function allocates and initializes a new event code group structure.

pctxt Pointer to a context block structure.
Pointer to new event code group structure or NULL if no dynamic memory available.

EXTERNEXI void rtEXISetEventCode3 ( OSEXIEventCode pEventCode,
OSINT32  part1,
OSINT32  part2,
OSINT32  part3 

This function sets a three-part event code.

pEventCode Pointer to event code structure.
part1 Part 1 of the event code.
part2 Part 2 of the event code.
part3 Part 3 of the event code.