Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- m -
- mark() : OSRTInputStream
- markSupported() : OSRTInputStream
- mbAttached : OSRTStream
- mbInitialized : OSRTContext
- mBufferType : OSRTMessageBuffer
- mCount : OSRTContext
- mCtxt : OSRTContext
- mElemList : OSXMLStringList
- memAlloc() : OSRTContext
- memFreeAll() : OSRTContext
- memFreePtr() : OSRTContext
- memRealloc() : OSRTContext
- memReset() : OSRTContext
- mInitStatus : OSRTStream
- mOwner : OSRTSocket
- mpContext : OSRTCtxtHolder
- mPointer : OSRTCtxtPtr
- mSocket : OSRTSocketOutputStream , OSRTSocket , OSRTSocketInputStream
- mStatus : OSRTStream , OSRTLException , OSRTContext