DOM API functions.


typedef void * OSRTDOMDocPtr
typedef void * OSRTDOMNodePtr
typedef void * OSRTDOMAttrPtr
typedef void * OSRTDOMNsNodePtr
typedef void * OSRTDOMContCtxtPtr
typedef void * OSRTDOMAttrCtxtPtr
typedef int OSRTDOMError
 0 - OK <0 - Error code (see rtxsrc/rtxErrCodes.h) >0 - Supplementary code


EXTERNDOM void domParserInit ()
 Inits parser.
EXTERNDOM void domParserShutdown ()
 Shutdowns parser.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domParseFile (const char *fileSpec, OSRTDOMDocPtr *pXmlDoc)
 Parse the file into a DOM document.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetRootElement (OSRTDOMDocPtr xmlDoc, OSRTDOMNodePtr *pNode)
 Returns root node for the document.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetDoc (OSRTDOMNodePtr node, OSRTDOMDocPtr *pXmlDoc)
 Returns the document for the given element.
EXTERNDOM void domFreeDoc (OSRTDOMDocPtr xmlDoc)
 Frees document.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetNext (const OSRTDOMNodePtr curNode, OSRTDOMNodePtr *pNextNode)
 Returns next element node (down sibling).
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetChild (const OSRTDOMNodePtr curNode, OSRTDOMNodePtr *pChildNode)
 Returns first (top) child node.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetElementName (const OSRTDOMNodePtr curNode, const OSUTF8CHAR **ppName, const OSUTF8CHAR **ppNsPrefix, const OSUTF8CHAR **ppNsUri)
 Returns node's name and prefix (if any).
EXTERNDOM int domGetNodeContent (OSRTDOMContCtxtPtr *ppCtxt, const OSRTDOMNodePtr curNode, const OSUTF8CHAR **ppValue, size_t *pValueLen, OSBOOL *pCdataProcessed)
 Gets the node's content.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetNodeFirstAttribute (OSRTDOMAttrCtxtPtr *ppCtxt, const OSRTDOMNodePtr curNode, OSRTDOMAttrPtr *pTopAttrNode)
 Returns the pointer to the first (top) attribute of the node.
EXTERNDOM int domGetNodeAttributesNum (const OSRTDOMNodePtr curNode)
 Returns number of attributes in the node.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetNextAttr (OSRTDOMAttrCtxtPtr *ppCtxt, const OSRTDOMAttrPtr curAttrNode, OSRTDOMAttrPtr *pAttrNode)
 Returns the next attribute.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetAttrData (const OSRTDOMAttrPtr curAttrNode, const OSUTF8CHAR **ppAttrName, const OSUTF8CHAR **ppAttrValue, const OSUTF8CHAR **ppAttrPrefix, const OSUTF8CHAR **ppAttrUri)
 Returns the attribute's name and value.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domSaveDoc (OSRTDOMDocPtr xmlDoc, const char *filename)
 Saves DOM document to a file.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domCreateDocument (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMDocPtr *pXmlDoc, const OSUTF8CHAR *pNodeName, OSXMLNamespace *pNS, OSRTDList *pNSAttrs)
 Creates a new document and a root element.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domCreateChild (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMNodePtr parentNode, const OSUTF8CHAR *pNodeName, OSXMLNamespace *pNS, OSRTDList *pNSAttrs, OSRTDOMNodePtr *pNewNode)
 Creates new child node.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domAddAttribute (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMNodePtr node, const OSUTF8CHAR *pAttrName, const OSUTF8CHAR *pAttrValue, OSXMLNamespace *pNS, OSRTDList *pNSAttrs)
 Creates new attribute and adds it to the node.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domAddContent (OSRTDOMNodePtr node, const OSUTF8CHAR *pContent, size_t contentLen)
 Adds content (text) to the node.
EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domAddCdata (OSRTDOMNodePtr node, const OSUTF8CHAR *pContent, size_t contentLen)
 Adds CDATA section to the node.

Function Documentation

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domAddAttribute ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSRTDOMNodePtr  node,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  pAttrName,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  pAttrValue,
OSXMLNamespace pNS,
OSRTDList *  pNSAttrs 

Creates new attribute and adds it to the node.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
node Pointer to the node where attribute to be added.
pAttrName Pointer to the null-terminated string containing name of the attribute.
pAttrValue Pointer to the null-terminated string containing name of the value.
pNS XML namespace information (prefix and URI).
pNSAttrs List of namespace attributes to be added to element.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domAddCdata ( OSRTDOMNodePtr  node,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  pContent,
size_t  contentLen 

Adds CDATA section to the node.

node Pointer to the node where content to be added.
pContent Pointer to UTF-8 encoded content to be wrapped by CDATA section.
contentLen Length of the content
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domAddContent ( OSRTDOMNodePtr  node,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  pContent,
size_t  contentLen 

Adds content (text) to the node.

node Pointer to the node where content to be added.
pContent Pointer to UTF-8 encoded content.
contentLen Length of the content
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domCreateChild ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSRTDOMNodePtr  parentNode,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  pNodeName,
OSXMLNamespace pNS,
OSRTDList *  pNSAttrs,
OSRTDOMNodePtr pNewNode 

Creates new child node.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
parentNode Pointer to the parent node
pNodeName Name of the node
pNS XML namespace information (prefix and URI).
pNSAttrs List of namespace attributes to be added to element.
pNewNode Pointer to pointer to newly created node.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domCreateDocument ( OSCTXT *  pctxt,
OSRTDOMDocPtr pXmlDoc,
const OSUTF8CHAR *  pNodeName,
OSXMLNamespace pNS,
OSRTDList *  pNSAttrs 

Creates a new document and a root element.

pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
pXmlDoc Pointer to pointer to the newly created empty DOM document.
pNodeName Name of the node
pNS XML namespace information (prefix and URI).
pNSAttrs List of namespace attributes to be added to element.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM void domFreeDoc ( OSRTDOMDocPtr  xmlDoc  ) 

Frees document.

xmlDoc Pointer to the DOM document context

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetAttrData ( const OSRTDOMAttrPtr  curAttrNode,
const OSUTF8CHAR **  ppAttrName,
const OSUTF8CHAR **  ppAttrValue,
const OSUTF8CHAR **  ppAttrPrefix,
const OSUTF8CHAR **  ppAttrUri 

Returns the attribute's name and value.

curAttrNode Pointer to current attribute node,
ppAttrName Pointer to pointer to receive attribute's name.
ppAttrValue Pointer to pointer to receive attribute's value.
ppAttrPrefix Pointer to pointer to receive namespace's prefix.
ppAttrUri Pointer to pointer to receive namespace's uri.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetChild ( const OSRTDOMNodePtr  curNode,
OSRTDOMNodePtr pChildNode 

Returns first (top) child node.

curNode Pointer to current node,
pChildNode Pointer to pointer to receive the child node.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetDoc ( OSRTDOMNodePtr  node,
OSRTDOMDocPtr pXmlDoc 

Returns the document for the given element.

node Pointer to a node.
pXmlDoc Pointer to a pointer to the DOM document context
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetElementName ( const OSRTDOMNodePtr  curNode,
const OSUTF8CHAR **  ppName,
const OSUTF8CHAR **  ppNsPrefix,
const OSUTF8CHAR **  ppNsUri 

Returns node's name and prefix (if any).

curNode Pointer to current node,
ppName Pointer to pointer to receive the node's local name.
ppNsPrefix Pointer to pointer to receive the node's prefix. May be NULL, if prefix is not important.
ppNsUri Pointer to pointer to receive the namespace's Uri.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetNext ( const OSRTDOMNodePtr  curNode,
OSRTDOMNodePtr pNextNode 

Returns next element node (down sibling).

curNode Pointer to current node,
pNextNode Pointer to pointer to receive the next node.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetNextAttr ( OSRTDOMAttrCtxtPtr ppCtxt,
const OSRTDOMAttrPtr  curAttrNode,
OSRTDOMAttrPtr pAttrNode 

Returns the next attribute.

ppCtxt Pointer to an implementation-specific context pointer,
curAttrNode Pointer to current attribute node,
pAttrNode Pointer to pointer to receive the next attribute node.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM int domGetNodeAttributesNum ( const OSRTDOMNodePtr  curNode  ) 

Returns number of attributes in the node.

curNode Pointer to current node,
Number of attributes in the node.

EXTERNDOM int domGetNodeContent ( OSRTDOMContCtxtPtr ppCtxt,
const OSRTDOMNodePtr  curNode,
const OSUTF8CHAR **  ppValue,
size_t *  pValueLen,
OSBOOL *  pCdataProcessed 

Gets the node's content.

ppCtxt Pointer to an implementation-specific content context pointer;
curNode Pointer to the current node;
ppValue Pointer to pointer to receive value;
pValueLen Pointer to value length; may be NULL.
pCdataProcessed Pointer to boolean value; this value will be set to TRUE if CDATA section was proceeded; otherwise FALSE.
0 - if content retrieved successfully <0 - the error code;

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetNodeFirstAttribute ( OSRTDOMAttrCtxtPtr ppCtxt,
const OSRTDOMNodePtr  curNode,
OSRTDOMAttrPtr pTopAttrNode 

Returns the pointer to the first (top) attribute of the node.

The context pointer will be passed to subsequent calls to domGetNextAttr.

ppCtxt Pointer to an implementation-specific context pointer,
curNode Pointer to current node,
pTopAttrNode Pointer to pointer to receive the first attribute node. domGetNextAttr/domGetPrevAttr functions may be used to get next/previous attributes.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domGetRootElement ( OSRTDOMDocPtr  xmlDoc,
OSRTDOMNodePtr pNode 

Returns root node for the document.

xmlDoc Pointer to the DOM document context
pNode Pointer to pointer to receive the root node.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domParseFile ( const char *  fileSpec,
OSRTDOMDocPtr pXmlDoc 

Parse the file into a DOM document.

fileSpec File name
pXmlDoc Pointer to a pointer to newly created DOM document.
0 - success, otherwise error code.

EXTERNDOM OSRTDOMError domSaveDoc ( OSRTDOMDocPtr  xmlDoc,
const char *  filename 

Saves DOM document to a file.

This function is supplementary and it is not obligatory to implement it.

xmlDoc Pointer to the DOM document context.
filename Pointer to file name.
0 - success, otherwise error code.