osrtdom.h File Reference

DOM low-level C encode/decode functions. More...

#include "rtxsrc/rtxCommon.h"
#include "rtdomsrc/rtxDomDefs.h"
#include "rtxmlsrc/osrtxml.h"
#include "rtdomsrc/domAPI.h"
#include "rtxmlsrc/rtXmlNamespace.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


EXTERNDOM int rtDomAddAttr (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMDocPtr domDoc, OSRTDOMNodePtr node, const OSUTF8CHAR *attrName, OSXMLNamespace *pNS, OSRTDList *pNSAttrs)
 Adds attribute to the node.
EXTERNDOM int rtDomAddNode (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMDocPtr domDoc, OSRTDOMNodePtr parentNode, const OSUTF8CHAR *elemName, OSXMLNamespace *pNS, OSRTDList *pNSAttrs)
 Adds child node to the parent's node.
EXTERNDOM int rtDomAddNSAttrs (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMDocPtr domDoc, OSRTDOMNodePtr rootNode, OSRTDList *pNSAttrs)
 Adds namespace attributes to the root node.
EXTERNDOM int rtDomEncXSIAttrs (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMDocPtr domDoc, OSRTDOMNodePtr node, OSBOOL needXSI)
 Adds XSI attributes to the node.
EXTERNDOM int rtDomDecodeDoc (OSRTDOMDocPtr domDoc, struct OSSAXHandlerBase *pSaxBase)
 This function starts decoding of the DOM document.
EXTERNDOM int rtDomEncStringValue (OSCTXT *pctxt, const OSUTF8CHAR *pvalue)
 This function encodes a variable of the XSD string type.
EXTERNDOM int rtDomEncString (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSXMLSTRING *pvalue)
 This function encodes a variable of the XSD string type.
EXTERNDOM int rtDomEncAny (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMDocPtr domDoc, OSRTDOMNodePtr parentNode, const OSXMLSTRING *pXmlData, const OSUTF8CHAR *elemName, OSXMLNamespace *pNS, OSRTDList *pNSAttrs)
 This function encodes a variable of the XSD any type.
EXTERNDOM int rtDomEncAnyAttr (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMDocPtr domDoc, OSRTDOMNodePtr node, OSRTDList *pAnyAttrList)
 This function encodes a list of OSAnyAttr attributes in which the name and value are given as a UTF-8 string.
EXTERNDOM int rtDomSetNode (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMDocPtr domDoc, OSRTDOMNodePtr curNode)
 Adds content or CDATA section to the node.
EXTERNDOM int rtDomAddSubTree (OSCTXT *pctxt, OSRTDOMDocPtr xmlDoc, OSRTDOMNodePtr node, const OSUTF8CHAR *pXmlData, size_t dataLen)
 This function adds the subtree to the specified node.

Detailed Description

DOM low-level C encode/decode functions.

Definition in file osrtdom.h.