rtxCppException.h File Reference

C++ run-time deprecated definition. More...

#include "rtxsrc/rtxCommon.h"
#include "rtxsrc/OSRTContext.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  OSRTLException
 The base exception class for the C++ run-time. More...
class  OSStreamException
 Exception class for streams. More...
class  OSSAXException


#define OSTRY   try
#define OSRTLTHROW1(stat)   throw OSRTLException(stat)
#define OSRTLTHROW2(ctxt, stat)   throw OSRTLException(ctxt,stat)
#define OSTHROW(ex)   throw (ex)
#define OSCATCH(exType, ex, body)   catch (exType ex) { body; }
#define OSSAXTHROW   throw OSSAXException ()
#define OSSAXTHROWSTR(ctxt, str)   throw OSSAXException (ctxt,str,RTERR_XMLPARSE,(const OSUTF8CHAR*)__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define OSSAXTHROWSTATUS(ctxt, stat)   throw OSSAXException (ctxt,LOG_RTERR(ctxt->getPtr(),stat),(const OSUTF8CHAR*)__FILE__, __LINE__)

Detailed Description

C++ run-time deprecated definition.

Definition in file rtxCppException.h.